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MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 12:03 PMThis is a continuation of ideas expressed in this [url=]thread[/url].
In the scene where Dr. Holloway presses some buttons on the cube which resembles Rubik's cube and the graphics begin to show up, is the whole meaning of the movie. When we listen to the word "cube", we all think of things that have to do with playing, for example the small Lego chips that we used to play as children, electronic consoles (for those brought up in the 80's), TV sets, Hellraiser's cube which is metaphor of TV sets, PCs, modern children think of X-box or PS, Rubik's cube etc, so this scene implies that what will follow is like a game of riddles, like Rubik's cube for example. What if the cube has the whole program inside it, the whole dream I referred to in a previous thread, it is the matrix itself, a virtual reality universe to test emotional responses in an extreme world. But what is its purpose, to test what? In the "Blade Runner" universe, the Tyrell Co. created humanoids (or androids) out of nothing, programmed to be "more human than human", but they developed an unstable emotional world, which created some complications and many of them turned against their creators like Roy Batty. What if David8 is the next Tyrrel Co. step to perfection? A model that would be like its creators, know that it is a robot, but with infinite life-span, contrary to the fail safe point (4-5years) that the previous models had? But before this ambitious project was completed and this model was to be delivered to mass production, a final test of faithfulness to its creators should be taken. Tyrell's engineers created this cube with this virtual world inside it, the matrix, where "Weyland Co." ruled Earth and a tyrannic leader (like Tyrell in the real world) Weyland created a son (like Batty) who was a robot. David8 was to play the role of the prodigal son this time!
Taking a closer look at the symbols on Dr. Holloway's cube I noticed a strange symbol under the one with the triangles. It resembles a lot wings over an egg-like shape, a butterfly perhaps? We know that butterflies are the only creatures that are born twice through transformation, is this a game of transformation, but not from the DNA-biological view, a spiritual transformation. Is the Xeno actually a metaphor of how a caterpillar is transformed to a butterfly? A born again creature from the old organism or more simple a regeneration.
In some religions the cube is a symbol of saturn, what if the LV moons are just levels (LV=level) of virtual realities which spin around the "cube" (a metaphor for the Saturn like planet), the actual matrix, the gateway from the dream world to reality.
So the main question is "is the "Prometheus" world, a virtual world created by Tyrell Co.?" and if it is so, did David8 pass the test?
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.
13 Replies

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2012 2:31 PMInteresting, but I am afraid only Paradise/Prometheus 2 can answer that one?

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 4:12 PMDon't worry! Shaw is flying off to find your answers!
Isn't that so [b][i]mysterious[/i][/b] and [b][i]satisfying[/i][/b]?
By the way, if you noticed the symbols on the cube, you are one crazy, crazy fan.
Expecting the sequel to answer this is silly.

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 4:18 PM@Xenotron
"Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc. "
yes questions!
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 4:41 PM"Morphology, longevity, incept dates..."
"I- I don't know such stuff!"

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 5:07 PMHere is a [url=]post[/url] that makes my [i]thesis[/i] more valid.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 5:17 PMYour thesis is tantamount to the old, frustrating "it was all a dream" conclusion.
Your link makes your thesis more valid, but only in the way that 2% is higher than 1%. You've still got to account for 98% that isn't there.

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 5:21 PMWait, I have something stronger for you, something which inspired me a lot to come up with these conclusions!
Who knows, maybe you are this 2% and I am the 98%. (just kidding) This is a forum anyway, we just exchange views and ideas.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.
MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2012 6:34 PMI just noticed that in the poster above they used david wearing his dream helmet. Hmmm interesting and then the head sculpture. This opens the possibility that we are in davids potrayal of prometheus and he is god like....
Want some candy?

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 6:41 PM@Apex_Predator
This is what I am suggesting, that "Prometheus" is David's dream and further that he is Tyrell's creation! And this explains all the plot holes including how the baby of Dr. Shaw got so big, we are in a dream remember? Everything can happen.. By the way "Do Androids Dream?", of course they do, "Prometheus" is the living proof! Maybe that's why David8 replied in the end, "why they want Earth destroyed is irrelevant", the engineers were his imaginary creations and he manipulated the actions of the last one. Remember that R.Scott in an interview told that there might be 2 robots? Maybe he meant David8 and the last engineer.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 11:42 PMI think this subject is a lot more complicated and causes way too many headaches. Worth looking into as a possibility, there are definitely some clues there.
When David disconnects from the dream viewer after viewing shaw's dream we briefly see David projected and flashed across the screen before he takes the helmet off and everything.
It's like he's in between dream worlds, or awake and dreaming at the same time.
It all happened but some of it may not have happened the way David portrayed it...
Which means it might not me a dream, however there could be subconscious projections at play because David has been made "too real".
It's more like a movie within a movie or a recording I think. If there's even anything to this line of investigation.
David's obsessed with a movie. He lives out some of Lawrence of Arabia's beginnings. The helmet cams record much of the adventure. The way the dream is viewed/portrayed is like David is watching a film or a recording of Shaw's memory.
Weyland's dream-world was to be portrayed as a subconscious projection that David can enter and communicate with Weyland through on the dream yacht with a younger version Weyland... the dream self or ideal self (Weyland subconsciously projects that he wants to stay young)... and it's Weyland's subconscious mind that's creating the dream world... There's a few more I'm leaving out and how it ties into the themes in general.
Do androids dream?
Can David sleep?
If David 8 has an emotional understanding could he be finding ways to alter the data with that. Like when science is affected by emotion and the results are skewed... choosing what to believe.
I really think it happened and didn't happen at the same time...
More like a recording David edited and portrayed a certain way because he was recording the whole thing...
David didn't need the helmet to breathe, but what if he also didn't need the helmet-cam on his helmet... ?
The helmet just made him look like one of the humans.
A lot of the others took their helmets off when they learned they could breathe.
When the crew took off their helmets the helmet cams weren't really documenting the mission.
What if David's mind was still documenting everything?
Painting it and himself a certain way.

MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 5:30 AMYes in there is more in this dream sequence I guess you are right. By the way, I expressed in the previous thread that the first scene might be a dream of David8 too, what if the sacrificial engineer is David8 in his dream and is drinking the blood and flesh of his creators to become like them, but his subconscious warns him that those things he searches will lead to his disintegration? What do you say?
Some people express the idea that behind the head there was a doorway, actually I think that if the Xeno is a metaphor of butterfly transformation then this is what David8 had at the back of his head, to be transformed into a creature higher in the level of evolution than his creators. It is clear that in the beginning he hated us and wanted his parents dead, in the middle of the movie he wanted to become something greater than us (he made up the engineer theory of a more advanced species) and in the end he loved us or maybe admired us and that's why the dream ends up like this, the creation of a Xeno, the spiritual transformation is complete, David8 got what he wanted and proved to himself that he indeed had a human side.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 9:57 PMIf the first scene is almost like a waking dream then it would make sense why David's subconscious chose not to project the Elders into the dream/recording. It allows too many questions to form that lead to possible answers.
It's all about perspective.
David has a human side because he knew big things have small beginnings and that he and Shaw had to work together to get out of there.
If David hadn't made the deal with Shaw at the end, Shaw might have been a goner...
The Deacon might have just ignored David's head.
Of course he wanted to save himself too, but did David choose to include Shaw in his plans for a few reasons?
If he didn't contact her soon, and at least warn her about the engineer she might have died or would become Deacon fodder later.
In a way David saves Shaw's life at the same time as saving himself (because he needs her to carry his head).

MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 11:11 PM@Mala'kak
[quote]If he didn't contact her soon, and at least warn her about the engineer she might have died or would become Deacon fodder later.[/quote]
Or he wanted her dead (is it possible that the engineer survived the crash? or are we again in a dream?), sent there the engineer who I think is his imaginary creation or his projection captured in the negative colors of a film (dream=film here, that's why the engineer is blue like,) and then he decided to save her. David8 makes the opposite thing of "they created us and then they wanted us dead", he saved Dr. Shaw in the end for a reason (you point there, to carry his head?). What he said about the engineers, that it is irrelevant why they wanted to destroy humanity, makes the dreaming argument stronger. There are no answers to such questions, engineers and the whole plot were in his dream and he tested the other characters of the crew.
I still wonder whether the device which connected the brains of the crew with David8's is the cube that Dr. Holloway is holding in his hands, the "Ridlik" cube.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.
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