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Prometheus theory.

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MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 5:39 PM
I'm new to this site, and I have not seen many posts or discussions. So, what I have to post here might be similar to other posts. I believe that the White/Blue Engineer we see in the beginning is part of a "good engineer" side. And the Engineer we see get woken up at the end of the movie is on the "bad engineer" side. The engineers discovered earth and decided to create a hybrid engineer aka human, and let us have the earth. This pissed the other engineers off. They wanted the planet for their race. So, they split sides. The good engineer seeded the earth and the human race began. The bad engineers watched the humans closely. They wanted to destroy the human race but just didn't know how. So, they came across the Xenos, and they needed hosts to further their species. So, the Xenos and bad engineers became allies. What I'm really thinking here is, the Xenos want to further their species, not by simply impregnating humans, but to create a Xeno/Human hybrid. This way, they don't need humans or animals or hosts. They can simply impregnate each other. I think I'm kinda on to something here. Any thoughts? That black goo was changing people into Xeno/human hybrids. Just look at some of the pics of the mutation that wasn't in the film. I think you will be convinced.
8 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 6:32 PM
It's not as clear cut as 'good Engineers' and 'bad Engineers'. They all wanted to create humans in the beginning, but as humans progressed and became more intelligent and started to create life of their own, David, they became jealous as they wanted to keep the power of life and death for themselves, rather than share it. This is all links back to the story of Prometheus as when he gave fire to humans the Olympian Gods became jealous of the power humans had, the only key difference is that Zeus only punished Prometheus, the creator, rather than the whole human race. Which is what the Engineers planned on doing. the Jealousy of the engineers is all symbolised when the Engineer rips off Davids head and slaps Peter Weyland around the face with it. As for the Xeno, they are like a living, breathing biological weapon, created by the Engineers to destroy humans. The black goo is like a housing unit for them and the cells living inside it are only activated with a change in the atmosphere, which is what happens in the film.


MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 2:54 PM
but why havent they tried to continue the mission to destroy the human race its been 2000 years wouldnt another group of Engineers took over from the group that died on LV223. unless that incident shocked them into thinking twice about using bio weapons. it looked like alot of them died when the black stuff leaked out. the Engineer we encounter in the film on LV223 doesnt seem to be right in the head why would a member of an advanced civilisation act like a savage? what effect would being in cryro sasis for 2000 yrs have on someones brain? its a pity the crew didnt think about this before rushing to open the cryro pod.


MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 12:56 AM
I am going to watch it again more carefully. I saw the engineer in the beginning as someone being forced to kill himself by completely destroying his own DNA. My guess is that he had "engineered humans" using engineer DNA and that may have been a "no no". The engineer at the end of the movie was woken up by humans and was disgusted by the android and was even more mad at the humans. To me this suggests the stereotypical superior man who just realized he was transfused with blood from inferior beings. So, the first engineer was our Prometheus who gave us fire in the form of DNA. The other engineers developed another species to destroy the abomination which is us. The part I cannot reconcile is the engineer ship at the beginning was different from the engineer ship at the end. A full saucer and then a crescent ship. This suggests another group.


MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 1:41 AM
Dian, isn't it just possible they have different kind of ships? I mean when you go on a vacation, your'e not flying a balloon are you? :D


MemberDeaconOct-16-2012 8:54 AM
There are so many possibilities the worrying thing is, and especially with Lindelofs involvement is they just come up with ideas but then dont but much thought into the back ground or logical possibilities. I think its good he wont be part of Paradise as well we dont want a lazy assed.. oh it was all a dream scenario. Anyway reason for rant is well i had some ideas that made some logical sense to many things in the movie, but in a attempt to answer things Fox has gone and given us more clues that now set certain events to well not conclude or make even less sense and then potentially open a Mega Worm Hole of Plot Holes compared the logical ideas that i had made from the clues.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-16-2012 9:15 AM
Anyway here was my two cents that well now we got more clues, well could be way off.... I dont think the Engineers should be classed as cruel, i mean if we go about building new buildings do we care much about the fate of any Vermin that may be killed or homeless? When we test products on Guinea Pigs does that make us evil? In their minds we was a experiment, or maybe a accident, either way to the Engineers we would be just as say if we tampered with Monkeys and made them far more intelligent so we ended up creating a Rise of the Planet of the Apes scenario... Would we feel bad for having to wipe out that hybrid creation for the sakes of saving our own skin.... i dont think we would in general. Looking at the Beginning scene we have to assume this was set many millions or even 3/4 Billion years ago at a time when basic life had started to evolve into complex organisms. This movie would hint that it was the Engineers influence in that Sacrificial Scene that led to the creation of life in this way. But does that mean that this scene was the creation of mankind? Nope, your see Ridley said that the Engineers had visited us and upgraded us many times to get us to what we are today. Surely a advanced race could have cloned themselves or created a race in their likeness a far more faster way that the process of Millions of years? I believe that the Engineers seeded life like the start of the movie for some purpose or because they simply could, but maybe the intention was not to create mankind. In doing this kind of experiment what we have is the World is merely a patch of land of which the Engineers are maybe Gardeners and some was granted the task to watch over their Garden. Maybe these Gardeners/Watchers got lonely, maybe they was under the orders and control of a higher cast and that these Engineers wanted to create something that they can have dominion over that would worship them as Gods. Thus these Watchers used the Fire of their Gods or Elders to create Mankind at a much latter date and this was the stealing of the Fire to create Mankind. Eventually just as these Engineer cast got less subservient of their higher hierarchy, so did their creation mankind and mankind revolted against them, mankind began to act in away that the Engineers never intended, Mankind started to disobey them and to not worship them. The Engineers tried to change our minds, but we just made them more angry and thus they concluded that we needed to be wiped out... and to do that they came across a Organism that they attempted to re-weaponize only it backfired, the trying to further use the Fire to create a Weapon against us was playing with the Fire to much and they got burnt. I dont think the Last Engineer was Evil, i would indeed think he may had sabotaged the mission to wipe us out. Looking at the extended and deleted scenes this Engineer did not seem like he hated mankind, to me it seemed like he thought the Engineers plans to eradicate us was well a bit of a over reaction. I think he may had prevented that mission, as he saw that their was hope for mankind. He did however not believe that without the Engineers help that we would ever advance to such a level to be able to find LV 223 or even get amongst the Stars. Thats why he was intrigued, the Lifeboat scene and especially the image of him reading the Bible (or so appears) adds to him being even further intriged at mankind. What made him upset was that he saw a old frail Human who came across as the King, the leader of the mission the Engineer would see that this man put his Agenda before that of his fellow Humans, when he ordered Shaw to be silenced the Engineer would tell that this old man only say what he wanted as being important. And once he found out that this man wanted to live forever and saw himself as a God, he knew that mankind was wicked and cruel and had not changed and that under no circumstances can mankind be allowed to thrive and get amongst the stars and especially get their hands on the Fire. Thats kind of my thinking that would answer a lot of holes, such as why the Engineers from Paradise never came back.... maybe they was unaware of our creation? who knows. The Urns i thought was simply a broken down Xeno DNA using the same process that broke down the Sacrificial Engineer at the start of the movie...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-16-2012 9:21 AM
But alas... Now more clues have come to light thats not the case.... It would now appear that the whole Engineer race knew of our creation, because we was created so that eventually we would be infected with the Goo. The Goo at the start of the movie and the one in the Urns is the same, if drank it breaks you down how fast depends on amount ingested and when inhaled (lol plot hole) it will eventually mutated the lifeforms into monsters and it would appear that the outcome depends on how much is inhaled... should that be how much comes into skin contact? And the Species itself. Thus the Xeno is created by the Goo via mutation of some other life form, and then how that evolves? Oh Paradise is not a nice place and all that awaits is far worse horrors... So Engineers use Goo seed the world, wait Millions of years to then use the goo on created life to then well create Xenos... If thats the way they are going well it makes no sense and will open even more plot holes, but then again Lindeloff got his hand on the script so that dont surprise me.. And if we was involved in all movies we would by Prometheus 3 find out that well it was all Ripleys Dream where a Woman in her 60's has a bizarre series of Dreams about her when she was younger.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 11:17 AM
[quote] What made him upset was that he saw a old frail Human who came across as the King, the leader of the mission the Engineer would see that this man put his Agenda before that of his fellow Humans, when he ordered Shaw to be silenced the Engineer would tell that this old man only say what he wanted as being important./quote] i think you nailed it i watched the deleted scene again and The Engineer was interested in the humans until Wayland ordered his crew to shut Shaw up, at this point The Engineer looked distressed and got angry and ripped Davids head off and beat Wayland with it as if to say your no god just a man who's as weak as his creation. The Engineer didnt try to kill Shaw he let her go, i think he wanted to learn something from her but she hit him with the axe which pissed him off so he tryed to kill her. so i believe that he wasnt evil but had a lot of anger management issues.
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