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MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 5:59 PMNow I haven't spent much time searching through the different discussions, but has anyone else noticed the squid thing that turns into a giant face hugger looks like a sperm? Obviously it is mutated, very similar to what happened to the tiny little worms that became killer worms.
Also, I am not sure how this ties in, but a normal sized face hugger that we see in Alien and the rest of those movies wouldn't be able to overpower an Engineer. Obviously if they were sleeping or in stasis, perhaps... but the sheer size makes it difficult to wrap its tentacle around the Engineer's neck and it might not be able to force its way down the Engineer's throat.
Another thing, when David sets the replay so you can see the Engineer's running all over and past them, why are they running into the room full of the black goo? The room where one Engineer is beheaded? That really makes no sense as to why he would be running into the area where you would think all the bad stuff on the ship is.
I really liked Ellen's idea about the black goo because it agrees with what I think..... so I will repost it here.
k, here it goes..the meaning of the BL.
1. It's only purposes is too enhance a given organisme into it's evoltionary full potential.
Scene--> worms crawl out of the ground, and becomes big white snakes that are capable of breaking arms.
Scene--> The classical ubermensch look of the engineer, whom are very white indeed.
Scene--> Transformation of the infected crewmember into a giant human (engineer?).
Scene--> Holloway isn't pregnant, an infected spermcel however has infiltrated her womb and reaches it's full potential (ugly squid facehugger).
2. Bl gives evolution but destroys independent reproduction
Scene(s) --> Engineers are indeed unisex.
Aliens can't reproduce on their own and needs another organisme as a host womb. The notion of birth is very important in all the Alien series. We made David and he can ask: why did you make me? "because we can". A similar conversation is that with Holloway and her infected boyfriend, she is upset because she can't reproduce. Being able to reproduce should not be taken for granted is the overall message. Why do engineers created us? Because they can BUT they also must inorder to sustain their species. This kinda of a loophole, unless we assume that not just anybody can become an engineer or that the human population was really small back in the day.
The chamber with Engineer Head = production room
I think this theory ties alot of knots together, it explains why the engineer created us, and why they hate us. After all they are dependent of us, and most of all we are the ones who caused the xenomorph epidemic (like in Prometheus). It also gives depth to the Nietzschean qoute's..
Btw, nobody controls the xenomorphs, period. It would the dumbest and most unpractical bio-weapon you could think of.
So in sum, yeah it's all about the benefits and side-effects of the black stuff.
Oh and If you're already an engineer, don't use will kill ya!
11 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 7:03 PMI was also thinking... suppose the alien that we see is a queen. We know that there are many Engineer ships still left on the planet. Now suppose the queen alien finds her way onto one of those ships that we assume has more sleeping Engineers. She lays some face huggers of some sort. That awakens the Engineer, launches the ships and he crashes onto LV-426. Perhaps the queen interacts with the Black Goo more and becomes the alien we have come to recognize in the rest of the films. Might also affect the face huggers. What do you guys think?
MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 7:35 PMI have one question. How does this explain the 2 murals in the hall where the head is. One mural is of a alien with many other images drawn on the mural including what looks like face huggers on engineers. There also is a green crystal at it's base that Holloway has a long look at. The second mural is of a engineer, and a creature he is touching, or petting. How does all this relate to the black goo

MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 7:41 PM@ hamrock. The bluray special features reveal that Weyland was aware of the signal from LV 426 before they left for LV 223. The ship and eggs have been there for a long time. :)
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.

MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 8:38 PMActually you are correct.
The female carrier that impregnates the Engineer is actually a deformed male sperm cell.
I haven't been able to find the site, but I remember reading about....ah found it.
Do a Google Search using these keywords [b]deformed male sperm[/b]
Select images and look at the similarity between the female carrier and deformed male sperm images.
Makes you kinda wonder if the Deacon is a result of some type of extremely aggressive deformed male sperm from a male Deacon that has evolved into using any type of reproductive system to create the Deacon.
It seems to me that the Deacon is missing a few strands of DNA that it takes from its hosts either male or female and then creates its own birth sack inside of the host to live on.
All of these worlds abound with freedom...and death.

MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 8:40 PMI have one question. How does this explain the 2 murals in the hall where the head is. One mural is of a alien with many other images drawn on the mural including what looks like face huggers on engineers. There also is a green crystal at it's base that Holloway has a long look at. The second mural is of a engineer, and a creature he is touching, or petting. How does all this relate to the black goo
Why didn't either one of the geologists get excited about seeing the size of the crystal in the table?
If it was me I would have gone after it right away trying my best to remove it and leaving behind a sack full of dirt for the Engineers.
All of these worlds abound with freedom...and death.

Kast Iron
MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 5:13 AMThose murals describe how Xenomorphs (Queens maybe?) are created, as shown in this image by Giger
The other one shows Engineer's dominance over their creations.
The table with the crystal is a sacrifice table. No freaking clue about the crystal though.
All I can think of is that this sacrifice procedure produces a proper Xenomorph, probably a Queen. Every other alteration of a facehugger infecting an Engineer results in some major DNA fuckups, such as the Deacon.

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerOct-14-2012 7:28 AMI'm not getting the sperm comparison. How does it look like sperm?

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 10:04 AMWhen the creature was cut out of her it was in a placenta and had an umbilical cord. She was pregnant with it.

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 2:46 AM
Audio recording enabled.
Prometheus Main Chamber video recording playback enabled.
"I think the murals and black fluid depicts a duality of the Engineers existence or belief system.
On one mural we have the Engineer engaging in an act of solstice with its creation which has come from the very fiber of their being.
The black fluid represents a rebirth of sometype where the new life created by the Engineers that like the Engineers theirselves were at one time part of the chaos of the swirling Universe that when water formed seperated life from the chaos of Creation into new life such as the Engineer.
The second mural depicts a dim and grim reality for the Engineer that because of their thoughts of creation they know that change must occur. A struggle must ensue for life to continue to progress and evolve just as life struggled to exist during the first few hundred billion of years after the Universe first came to be.
The engineers view their lives as duality. During their first few hundred thousand years of existence they were as we see them now. They created. But they came to a point where they had created so much that they needed a fall of their empire to test theirselves in order for new processes to be achieved to further continue their evolutionary process. They could not however destroy a world such as Earth with reason for being an Engineer is not about wanton destruction. If so the lone Engineer would have been easily able to shoot down the Prometheus as it rammed into the carrier ship. The evolutionary process thus continued through struggle and conflict.
The Engineer thus created the Xenomorph which incorporates the DNA of its victims into its own being - Alien Vs Predator. Could the reason be so that something of the host would not be lost when the xeno makes the body into a new host? Did the Engineers hope that their thoughts would be contained in the new life so that they could continue to explore the Universe on a deeper scale without the need for food or water but instead being able to remain dormant for long periods of time to awake a new? Or is the xeno the dark side of the Engineer who might be playing Creator where they feel so superior in their creations that they must destroy such creations without regard just so a new life form will be born that could then be spread into the Universe to spread disaster to planets with life on it so that other life forms will be forced to adapt and overcome and survive where the survivors create a new world after defeating the xeno that would make them more universally strong while those who were defeated were merely pawns not in the Universe game of life but more so in the game of the Engineers playing....God and the Devil?
So many questions yet little time with the simplest of answers right before us.
From life the Engineers created Death for the purpose of satisfying the ego of the Engineers of being looked upon as being as powerful as Creation herself. Could the Xeno be the hate of Engineer towards females of their own kind as all Xeno's are like bees from Earth, from one queen comes the sterile female workers and drones and other queens that she would be master over. Are there male Xeno's who are never seen because of the hate towards females by the Engineers that found its way into the Xeno's DNA where male Xeno's are used to breed the queen and then die or killed.
So many questions.
The Green Crystal still remains a mystery as the Xeno's would not have any need for such minerals as the Xeno does not worship nor create, except in the case of lairs for raising new Xeno's, and would not need or understand the Green Crystal.
The Xeno knows only one thing. It is a perfect machine of creation.
End Audio recording.
All of these worlds abound with freedom...and death.

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 2:48 AMAudio recording enabled:
The real question remains: Do the Engineers know of the Predator Species and vice versa? Both species know of humanity.
End audio recording.
All of these worlds abound with freedom...and death.
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