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MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 12:42 PMI know I know if Prometheus had external weapons, lasers/missiles etc then we wouldn't of had that amazing collision. Plus I know it is really/probably nitpicking but I thought it was worth bringing up as it is the only one of these so called plot holes I cannot plausibly explain.
With all the technology and sophistication, I sure with a little forethought that the prometheus would have at least been kitted out with some rudimentary device that shot projectiles just as a counter attack/defence of anything hostile saving the lives of some otherwise brilliant characters i.e. Idris Alba (whatever his name is). Well at least Liz Shaw is still going Hurrah!!!
What do you think, it's probably the only thing that keeps pinching at me in the movie. Ease my mind will you/can you/would you????? then the movie will be perfect!!!
10 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 1:00 PMWhat is a miracle is that the alien vessel was so easily destroyed by impact.
If it was anything like reality, they would have been totally dumb to arm the ship. If you're going to bother your makers, 500 million years in advance of you, with puny weapons, you're going to get swatted like a fly. Not that they expected that particular outcome in a million years.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 3:16 PMPlus I love that the Juggernaut is knocked to the ground with no visible damage. The thing is probably indestructible. Short of a nuclear device, which is basically what the Prometheus became, nothing would have stopped it anyway.

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 5:09 PMIt isn't called Juggernaut for nothing, I don't think they would have brought it down with anything short of an atom bomb

MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 9:43 AMCheers guys for replying. I don't know really it's an oddity, I can't quite explain it away, but then again if other classics have their own issues/continuity errors/plot holes etc , I just have to ask myself is the movie of sufficient value to forgive such flaws and not to distract from my enjoyment of the movie too much, in which the answer is in this case with prometheus is an absolute, unequivocal yes!

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-15-2012 12:32 PMPeter Weyland is a Narcissist!
This venture was only about saving him, no one else.
He expected to be recieved with open arms for his brilliance!
Why arm the ship?
He was sure to recieve accolades from the 'creators' for his wisdoms of invention?
Weyland thought we was on the same level as the Engineers as far as creation & intelligence.

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 8:22 AMCerulean Blue that is honestly very good, such an individual would be arrogant enough to do away with such (probably Weylands words) trivialities....nice!

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 11:16 AMJudging by the movie I don't believe the engineers are all that advanced technologically.
They are maybe two or three thousand years ahead of us but no more.
Definitely they haven't been traveling through space for 500 million or one billion years. They would have had warp capability by now, multiple time the speed of light. Their ship would have been equipped with automated defence systems that would have blown Prometheus out of the sky, they would have had some kind of energy shield around their ship as well. Their ship is a war ship as we all agree because they are obviously fighting some kind of a war.
To me they travel pretty slow for they have to go to sleep during space travel.
That's not a billion year old technology if you ask me.

Indy John
MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 2:46 PMTheir ship would have been equipped with automated defence systems that would have blown Prometheus out of the sky....
I think this is an important plot point...something I believe in on another thread..somewhere..
When were the Engineers..alerted to the Prometheus approach /landing? Was this all just a trap to lure in the our story charactors?.. Somethng must have went wrong,,if the Engineer / cargo and ship are the ramming..
Jst saying that if there is any importaqnce to the Engineer's base,,then there would be more security/.warning systems in place..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 10:35 PMDoes Prometheus travel faster than the speed of light?
The information made available to us is as follows:
Prometheus had traveled 3.27x10 to the 14th power (km)
by the time it reached its destination.
According to David, they traveled for
2 years, 4 months, 18 days, 36 hours and 15 minutes.
That means Prometheus had traveled approx. 35 light years in 2.3 years or it traveled at an average speed of 15 times the speed of light.
I would like to see Scott and his scientific screenwriters explain this a bit.
I am no NASA engineer but from what I’ve heard the ion drive cannot travel faster than the speed of light.
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