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MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 1:57 PMok well i was wondering how did everybody die? the crew was made up of 17 people (i am not sure david was counted in that number, but i am going to assume he was) so there were only 2 survivors that means 15 people died, but when? ok so milburn died first so thats 14, then Holloway thats 13, the cargo bay scene is the tricky part so i will talk about that later, weyland was hiding so he was not part of the 17, the other lady and the security guy are killed by the enginere so thats 11, fifeld gets run over and burned thats 10, the captan and his 2 pilots die so thats 7, and then vickers gets crushed that's 6. now in the cargo bay fifeld was killing a lot of people, but it couldn't have been 6 because there was the guy driving the car and running him over, and 2 guys standing outside of weylands room when he was getting ready. i am not sure how many people fifeld killed, but that's still 3 people still alive at the least, so wtf happened to them? were they on the ship when it crashed? why didn't they get off with vickers? what happened to them? WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!? if they did just die in the crash then the captain is an asshole for not warning them lol
13 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 2:11 PMalso i am sorry if this was talked about before lol

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 2:41 PMI lost in count ^^;; But probably most of them died during the Fifield attack.
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MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 3:13 PMyeah but the scene with weyland was after the attack, so what gives? lol

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 3:25 PMMaybe the big squid thing ate them. After all, it grew in size quite phenomenally and that mass had to come from somewhere.

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 3:36 PMyeah but the squid was in the med pod room the whole time wasn't it?

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 4:51 PMYa that's totally true just before they went to see the engineer with Weyland he had a couple guards with him...they were probably still in the ship when they crashed it into the juggernaut. LOL they were probably playing cards when they realized the ship was taking off! Oh well whoops guess captain Janek forgot after drinking all that rum since morning.

Lee Harram
MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 4:52 PMThe 2 guys at Weylands door were not part of the 16 or 17. The 2 Weyland boys were in an undisclosed part of the ship. Weyland had picked up these 2 young boys while on an expedition in Thailand....and we will leave it at that.

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 5:03 PMGuys didn't even have name tags for christ sake lol Janek didn't find them relevant in his scheme

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 5:46 PM17 ,,or is it 18 ,,if you count old man Weyland,,, before we knew he was on board

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 7:27 PMI counted at least 2 or 3 taking off in the vehicle when Fifield is crushed by it, they must have just waited on the planet till they ran out of food and oxygen, or both. No one knows what ended up happening to those guys......................
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 6:02 AMDied:
1.Millburn (by Hammerpade)
2.Holloway (by Vickers)
3.Guy #1 before the ramp, who got a clinker (by Fifield)
4.Guy #2 on the ramp, Fifield jump on him and after hit his head (by Fifield)
5.Guy #3 on board, Fifield jump on and killed him (by Fifield)
6.Guy #4 on board, Fifield killed with a small axe thing (by Fifield)
7. Fifield (by the crew)
8. Weyland's bodyguard (Engineer)
9.Ford (Engineer)
10.Janek (sacrificed himself)
11. Chance (sacrificed himself)
12. Ravel (sacrificed himself)
13. Vickers (by the Juggernaut)
Well, Weyland not in the crew, as well as David, because, he is android. So there 3 other men, whos death is unknown. I think they died, when Fifield attacked, just not show his death. I think, you all know from the first trailers that, Fifield attacked when Weyland and his bodyguards want to go to the Engineer, there are two guys, who is shoot Fifield, and they stand right before Weyland.
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