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MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 9:23 PMJust saw the movie.Liked it. If planet in opening scene is Earth, how does that square with Darwinism and notions that we evolved from more simple primates?
4 Replies

MemberFacehuggerOct-14-2012 9:38 PMDarwin never said we evolved from simple primates, what he did say is that we may share a common ancestry which is a different proposal altogether. A common ancestry could mean many things, possibly right back to single cell organisms, so for me Prometheus carries quite a lot of validity if we are to believe the idea of introducing something into the ancestral mix, that affects things on a cellular level.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 11:00 PMConsider this as well. Insofar as I know, there has been no definitive date given to the opening scene. We can imagine that might have been fresh water the Engineer dissolved into, and that there were already primates nearby.

MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 12:03 AMIf you look closely at the film you will notice life was already on the planet that the engineers made the "sacrifice". It looked to me as if the engineers just altered things maybe 10 mill years ago as per the b-ray commentary.

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 1:31 AMOn the subject of evolution, i understand the need for a foundation of some kind, but ive read darwinian evolution and it is crack sniffing looney. Im game for any theory, i'll try out anything you have as a possible explanation to existence in general, but... man read the entire theory of evolution. We go from a big ball of molten rock to a cooled off rock that gets rained on for millions of years and then suddenly life springs from this newly formed sea? Kinda crap is that it? Wet rocks? If rocks get worn down by continuous rain fall they break apart and become sand or dirt...and if i originated from dirt how is that any different than God forming me outta dirt?
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