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What the heck is the engineer transporting in that cargo area?

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MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 11:38 AM
One will immediately assume that those urns/containers are the same ones found in the ampule room, right? But I was watching the movie yesterday and notice something i did not notice before... so this is my question: Why the urns in the cargo bay of the Juggernaut are not leaking? They are as old as the ones found in the ampule room and It took only few minutes of exposition to the atmosphere to ruin them. ...maybe those urns the Juggernaut are transporting are not what we think?
19 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 11:53 AM
The might be more "mature" than the ones in the temple area.

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MemberXenomorphOct-15-2012 1:07 PM
To Koujilovesdrhell Hi there 1 Did you notice when the David opened the door to the ampule room that gas/air came out of it ? (it caused Shaw and ford to cough) My point is the atmosphere in the room was at a higher pressure than the atmosphere where the were before the door opened ? Otherwise why would gas be escaping out of it ? 2 Did you notice a white cloud wisp running into the ampule room just after the pressure is equalised ? Was it oxygen reacting with (possibly hydrogen) to form moisture ? So what ever caused the reaction with the ampules (moisture/oxygen/co2) was atmosphere based. SO To prevent the ampules in the cargo hold from reacting they would have to be sealed airtight ? That why I believe they didn't react. ALSO (off topic) I believe the reason why they weren't sealed was so that xenomorph DNA virus could be placed in the ampule in a non reactive environment where it would be safe to do as the xemo DNA virus would remain inactive when the vials (I believe) are filled at the green crystal (which I believe is a tap) with the xenomorph DNA virus and the green liquid surrounding it . That's my theory at this stage . BUT If you look very closely at the ampules when David enters the cargo hold it seems that some those ampules lying horizontally have some of the xenomorph dna virus at the top of the ampules almost as if they were leaking a little at some stage although it might just be a trick the light is playing with my eyes . Dunno ....maybe you could help me out there ? One last wild thought : Might it be that the green crystal be a lazer gun some type "Firing" the xenomorph DNA virus into the ampules ? I don't think so Just a thought ......


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 1:11 PM
An interesting point. Didn't actually come to think of that. But on the other hand the fact that the "info picture" about the goo, that they gave us a couple of weeks ago, indicated was that the urns should be placed about one meter apart so that the goo wouldn't be harmed in any way. This of course means the cargo urns couldn't possibly be filled with the goo.


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 1:16 PM
Im guessing the urns in the cargo hold were empty. There is just no way they had goo in them after that image fox released explaining the storage precautions.


MemberXenomorphOct-15-2012 1:18 PM
Throcken You make a good point . But then why leave for earth with empty ampules ? Also May is ask what "info picture" are you referring to ?


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 1:21 PM
Well we really don't know how and what the Engineers were planning do to on Earth. You have to remember this planet was some sort of military installation where they were creating / experimenting with this black goo. All the ships probably had empty urns on them. And that's probably how they were stored, empty, in the cargo area, horizontal, until they were ready for loading and transporting. here is the link to the goo info image on, another thread on this site [url=]Black Goo Info Image[/url]


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 1:37 PM
So they were headed to Earth to infect us, to "weaponize" us. After all, we meant no more to the Engineers than our Androids meant to us. Tools- nothing more.


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 1:40 PM
The "info picture" or image, is of course the one Comacoz linked above. It depicts the specifications of the goo. Fox released this picture on the Prometheus site about a week before the release of the bluray and dvd. I have absolutely no idea why they would transport a bunch of empty ampules to earth, it really messes with my head too. Maybe earth is where the black goo actually comes from?


MemberXenomorphOct-15-2012 1:46 PM
Well that will teach me !!! I never bother with the media part of the forum because I work from a black berry !! To slow to watch pictures and videos !!! Thanks for enlightening me !! So then what was those ampules in the cargo hold for anyway ? So filled ampules are kept somewhere alse on the ship . Interesting So where did the engineer/s get infected ? If infection occurred outside of the juggernaut it must have been in the ampule room without the knowledge of the engineer/s ? So an engineer morphs and cocoons another .... Nah Doesn't make sense !! How does three engineers het facehugged without there knowing about it ?


MemberXenomorphOct-15-2012 1:50 PM
Don't bother with Weyland site either ....BB to slow !!! oh yes maybe the empty urns are indeed for filling up on other planets. maybe they are a complete replacement for the eggs ? maybe no longer needs eggs to get that genetic material for genetic di versity ??


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 2:07 PM
The debate continues. We are led to believe that it is bio weapons created by the engineers. But the vials do not exhibit the same characteristics of the vials in the big head room. So what are in the vials? In my opinion it is a weapon but its nature is unknown. We are have to assume because the vials are the same looking at the ones in the big head room that they contain some sort of DNA altering material. This is my best guess.
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MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 2:51 PM
Very interesting answers. The engineer was not covered in black goo after the crash with the Prometheus and Ellie was not covered by this substance after she rescues David the robot... So, could this be proof the urns were empty?


MemberXenomorphOct-15-2012 3:08 PM
Koujilovesdrhell› i suspect they keep the filled ampules in airtight chambers where it can be directley dropped out of the ship like a bomb into the waters source of the planet they want to infect. maybe thats why the engineer wasnt infected thats what i am guessing at this stage thank you fox for finally some answers !!!!


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 6:11 PM
Perhaps the ampules/bombs, much like our bombs, must be triggered or "armed" before it is necessary to handle them with such care as was seen in the big head shrine room. That would imply that the ampules in that room were armed, or that the room was booby-trapped.


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 6:28 PM
Here is an explanation of the black goo: The black substance is a biogenetic parasitic virus designed to be used on planets with a primeval environment as well as fully inhabited planets. In primeval environments the virus infects the subject who ingests it. ( as in the engineer at beginning of movie. ) the virus then breaks down every piece of dna and merges it with exsisting available strands of d.n.a. within a water source. The virus d.n.a. is also designed with a selective traits algorithm which picks and chooses the best available host material to add to its gene pool. Each amalgamation evolves into more and more species as it replicates, eventually the morphing ceases leaving thousands of species. The acidic blood also ceases and is a temporary defense mechanism so the virus is harder to kill.


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 6:38 PM
In inhabited planets the virus infects several available hosts within an ecosystem, systematically destroying existing species as a food source and hosts for gaining material to add to its gene pool, ultimately doing the same thing it does when infecting a primeval planet. The alien offspring will look different when it comes out of a human, than it will an engineer because of what it took from it's host genetically. Which is why the decon looks different than the classic Alien.


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 6:57 PM
As for eggs and face huggers, they were not in prometheus because the viruses original state went like this: alien snake originates from black goo infecting the worms you see when they first step into storage room. Alien virus then adds worm's superior d.n.a. traits to its own turning in to alien snake thing then makes its way down humans throat. Holloway infects shaw with semen infected by virus which impregnats shaw who removes baby fetal alien. Sooo: virus, Holloway,shaw= octopi-alien that later infects engineer. This Decon alien now has ability to self impregnate because it had been in a male and will lay eggs which in turn bringforth face huggers. Face huggers are a more efficient way of infecting a host. As aliens running around sexually assulting people to impregnate them would be theatrically retarded.;)


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 7:20 PM
On the subject of the ship, space jockey, and alien seen in "Alien the film" It is not in Prometheus. The ship seen in Alien originated from the same planet seen in prometheus, however it departed 2,000 years prior to the prometheus film. The space jocky in Alien was infected by a form of facehugger which came from another jocky who was infected by the black goo during the evacuation 2,000 years ago. A xenomorph then comes out of his cheast, eats the rest of the crew and lays eggs throughout the room. 2,000 plus years later the derelict is found by the nostromo:)

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-08-2012 10:14 AM
When Janek first discovers that there is a Juggernaut and removes the Bee Hive mapping,,,,I didn't see any indicators of the crew's locations. When walking through the cargo hold filled with ampules stacked,,organized,,indicated to me the crew was allready in the Juggernaut and the locators should have been activated and displayed on the holographic image Janek was looking at. I don't think this was an error because David would want to delay any knowledge of discovering the Juggernaut,,especially from Janek..for as long as possible,,or at least until Weyland is dead. I missed this thread earlier..but the poster that commented about the stored ampules showed no leaking signs,,even after David openned the room the first time several hours before ..till the time Weyland and other were walking through on the way to the Orrery. The cargo hold ampules should have reacted the same way as the Big Head Room ampules,, So there is a question od what was actually in..if anything,, the candlepin styled urns?
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