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Fire of the Gods.

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MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 6:15 PM
Hello, I'm new to the forum but not the franchise. This seems to be the only active place where thoughts on Prometheus seem to be flourishing besides the cess pool of hate that is IMDB. As a long time fan of the Alien franchise I found Prometheus to be an intriguing if flawed story to enter into the mythos of the series. Here are some theories on several scenes in the movie that I found interesting. 1) The black goo at the beginning drunk by the Engineer is not the same black goo in the amphoras in the SJ ship. This black goo is the 'Seed of Life' wherein ALL life on any planet will arise from. This makes the Engineers Incalculably old given that the earth is 3.4 Billion years old... 2) Given all of the intrepid fans here and their screenshots it is obvious that the Engineers not only worshipped the Xenomorph, but have encountered it in its full and purest form as introduced in the movie Alien. They have also encountered the Alien's stages of development from egg, to face hugger, chestburster, and finally adult phase. 3) The black goo in the SJ ship is in fact XENOMORPH distilled at its most molecular level by the Engineers. The Engineers did not in fact engineer the Xeno but rather ENCOUNTERED it, became fascinated with it and created a substance from them that has only one purpose: to tear down and make the life forms in an earthlike environment as similar to themselves, the Xenos, as possible. Hence, the infected sperm/proto face hugger inside Shaw. The Xenomorph is a creature described as being supremely hostile with no concerns beyond killing or propagating its species. The Xeno's behavior resembles that of a virus. Using the host to create more of itself. The black goo in the Amphoras are the essence of the Xenomorph. Now how does this mesh with the dual role that the Engineers have being creators and destroyers? It doesn't, look at the title of the film. PROMETHEUS: a titan who stole fire from his fellow gods and gave it to mankind. What if the Engineers we seed Seeding the planet are a rogue operation like the titular Prometheus? And the other Engineers who made the Xenomorph Essence the (black goo) are the 'gods' who have come to punish mankind via the most destructive bioagent they have in their arsenal? Of course this doesn't happen as the Engineers underestimated the virulence of what they had and as Yanek said in a deleted scene, "someone spilt something". This would work twofold to explain the engineer on LV-426 who was carrying a payload of raw material: ex, Xenomorph eggs, and what the black goo (Xeno Essense) was exactly. It would also make Ripley crusade against WY very credible because let's face if our Gods couldn't control this stuff what makes anyone think a bunch of profit driven corporate aholes would be able to?
8 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 10:38 PM
Dear sir, your understanding of the movies Alien and Prometheus are horribly flawed, not to start an argument but, if you can keep an open mind i will try to break it down for you. 1. The movie Alien takes place after the movie Prometheus. 2 RIDLEY SCOTT has no interest in the alien sequels and effectively eliminatinates them from continuity in prometheus ( which i will explain later) 3. The explanation of the original myth that ridley has made: An alien race from a different planet comes to earth, One Engineer ingests the very same black goo found in the ampules on the planet in the prometheus film. This engineers body is then infected with a biogenetic parasitic virus designed to break down the d.n.a strands of its host, then it takes the best available genetic material from its host and merges to create a new better strand which then begines mitosis on a cellular level. Each new foreign genetic material the infected cells come into contact with becomes a host to the virus. Essentially when we see the opening sequence to Prometheus the end result will be that the original virus keeps mutating throughout the available genetic pool of that specific ecosystem. Resulting in the creation of our and every species on earth. The black goo in the cargo hold on the planet in Prometheus does the same thing. When the characters enter the storage room you see worms on the ground, which later become infected. The infected worm then suffers side effects similar to that of Holloway, even though they dont show it. Reasoning can be found in the fact that the engineer at the end of the film also slightly morphs while infected before the alien rips out its cheast. The alien and the worm creature are produced by mitosis on a a grand cellular scale. The hosts suffer from a semi metomorphic condition brought on by inner mitosis of a foreign object. The engineers do not worship xenomorphs. They created the metomorphic virus that became them. Xenomorphs are part engineer. Eggs, facehuggers and such are adaptive traits gained from previous hosts. The ship from ALIEN came from the planet in Prometheus, only it left 2,000 years prior to the one seen in prometheus. As that Engineer was infected at the same time his co-workers were infected at the genetics base. Wherever he was headed he did not make it hence Riply finding the derelict and the nostromo suffering the fate it did. Finally Peter Weyland in Prometheus says of david that he is the closest thing to a son he will ever have and then Vickers Peter Weyland's daughter gets killed in the movie leaving weyland without progeny. Meaning no charles bishop Weyland, and no weaponising the xenomorphs. No weyland yutani led by a Weyland No 3 sequels after Alien. Just Prometheus and alien;) son he will ever have


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 10:43 PM
Ignore last 5 words in previous comment


MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 1:16 AM
I agree @Winterallthings that the Avp films are not canon to the Ridley Scott Alien universe. But the film Aliens is. Not that I agree with the Queen concept in Aliens. Also the worshiping of the Xenomorphs by the Engineers could be questionable. While I agree with you that I do not think that Engineers worship the Xenomorphs. But I do think that they have some form of respect and admiration for them. Remember what Ash (the cyborg) said in Alien that he admired its purity. It is a survivor which is uncloaded by conscience, remorse or delusions of morality. If Ash said these words who is an intelligent construct. Imagine what the Engineers think about the Xenomorphs themselves. Also the original Juggernaut in Alien has been on that planetoid (LV-426) longer then 2000 years, hence about hundreds of thousands of years.. Mr. Scott has stated this fact in many interviews. In fact the original Space Jockey in my opinion is what it is. It is a totaly different race of alien lifeform. They are the creatiors of the Engineers themselves. They are half humanoid and half the macbre. There heads are right out of a Lovecraftian story. It is what the original film was all about, the strange, the weird and the macbre. I do agree with what I have already read that something huge happened on earth 2000 years ago. Which sounds like religious inclinations. But that does not mean that the downed Juggernaut on Alien was headed to earth to bomb it. He was on a different mission in my opinion, which was much older. The only thing that I can say to both of you @Winterallthings and @Xxxaltiel is to check out some of the older threads that have been posted on this site since the film premiered. Everything has been talked about concerning the film. I am speaking about die-hard fans who have seen Alien dozens of times ( in some cases thousands of times ) and Prometheous many times also. These conversations, and those who partake in them are bright, creative and intelligent. In my opinion both of you should check them out. I do hope that I did not offend any of you. But that is why we are on this site to express our opinions about the Alien universe. Take care!


MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 8:51 AM
@ XXX- Nice post!! @Winter-Your take is flawed. "Building better worlds"-Aliens, and Yutani Corp. info is all over the Prometheus bluray and official site. Not to mention, the corporation in Alien was "Weylan-Yutani" (easily seen on monitors) Cameron made it "Weyland-Yutani" in Aliens.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.


MemberDeaconOct-16-2012 9:40 AM
@XXXaltiel Yes thats how i saw things, as you can check out many of my posts..... Sadly the truth is well maybe way off than that and a pile of Lindeloff Poop.... End of the day who knows where Ridley is going, i dont think Prometheus was the best way to handle the franchise prequel but then Sphaits draft was also flawed. I like the ideas Lindeloff proposed but wish he gave more thought to them. i dont think Ridley wants to make a franchise that damages the ones after Alien, he did say also that he intends on going away from the Xeno... but then would that mean not finding out about the Deacon or indeed other Goo creations. We have some sets of fans who are not happy at the Alien franchise after Alien and hope this new franchise will dispelled them as well non Canon and Myth. We also have some who well think the Space Jockey in Alien is still not closely related to the Engineers and is not no suit. Well both sets will be a tad disappointed as it seems Ridley is going with the Space Suit Engineers and also is not going to destroy the way the Xeno Evolved from Alien onwards. I really dont know what to make of the movie anymore and i think that the way they are trying to answer the questions from Alien and Prometheus is flawed and well contradictory to what we see in the movies. This has been due to the new light that some of the new stuff Fox has released that well leaves some mighty plot holes that i dont know how Paradise can answer... Unless indeed.......... They intend to wipe out the franchise after Alien and thus make it that well Aliens onwards never happened and thus trying a reboot.... But i hope not and i cant see why because well love or hate the Alien its one of Foxes biggest money makers, they make a lot from merchandise, figures toys, comics and games etc... Are they going to piss all over that and declare... oh that Xeno we been franchising out to every from of media, games and toys is just a big pile of BS we spoon fed you all? I cant see Fox doing that.....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 12:09 PM
I sincerely hope that is not the case. The reboot I mean. As bad the AVP sequels have been, I do love the original trilogy. Red letter Media said something really interesting about the Trilogy in their Prometheus review. That Alien, ALiens, and Alien3 were all the same film as related to the audience by different directors with different interpretations. I can see that considering that the hallmarks of Scott, Cameron, and Fincher are very obvious in each film to anyone who is familiar with their style. I understand the concerns about Prometheus and that Lindeloff probably did just go ahead and poop about a bunch of questions that he had no intention of answering or worse doesn't know how to answer. I feel that a truly gifted scripwriter could turn this into something that while may not be viscerally horrifying it can be.. spiritually terrible? The idea of our creators enthralled to something so horrible is a pretty cool theme for an alien story. I wish and hope that any of the writers will stop by the forums and get an idea about what the fans are speculating. Alot of time fans are better at piecing together things and drawing implications than the writers themselves.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 12:52 AM
I Dont really mind which way it goes, i honestly feel that Ridley and Crew has rewritten sooo much, and the Prometheus sequel will add even more information to the point that you will have to be like Either Alien 1-4 or Alien and the Prometheus movies. Unless paradise is like a masterpiece Weaving it all together... But hey, this is the man that Declares Deckard a definate Nexus 6, so my money is on bye bye Alien sequels...

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 11:12 AM
Winterallthings.. I want to thank you for the explanation it was understandable to me...just don't ask me to repeat it! During the opening scenes it is hard to believe that there was no life forms on the planet shown.. Does the water not indicate that there has been some life somewhere...on this planet,,just before the Engineer's seeding?
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