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MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 1:19 PM[url=][/url]
edit wow, we can't embed video here? haha
13 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 1:55 PMI love these images, it's like human and machines combining together along with the engineered organisms. Just a constant flux of evolution.
It's strange that the engineers seem so offended by our artificial humans when they are masters of creating artificial life even if it is biological. Perhaps the reason is that our creations are just an imitation of life.
MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 2:10 PM You, myself, and others, don't know anything about this.

MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 2:24 PMDidn't they already confirm that Final Engineer was offended by David?

MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 10:35 PM^Read the description :P
Yes the images are old. But they used them in Prometheus.
Prometheus has more Giger conceptual than any other film.
The pen sketches are the new works he did, while the airbrushed older ones ones he had done previously that were used in the film.
Watch the behind the scenes on the bonus disk "Gigeresque", and they show these images flashing by. As well as having them talk about incorporating his different designs and aesthetics into Prometheus.
Also his concepts looked wonderful if you have the ability to look at a conceptual and render it in your head. Which is why the vid shows the other artists renderings of them.
It is completely dishonest of you to claim they "didn't use him" when they did. Both old and new. He was on set, at the premier, and credited for the design elements. Yes he sketched a wolfish one that wasn't used, but he also sketched newer things like The Deacon, Babyhead, worms. And his old designs were used for the Final Engineer, hammerpeed, eyesperm, tentecled facehugger, pyramid, walkways, orrey, pilot chair, seated enginner, urns, primordial waterfall, and pyramid.

MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 8:25 PMMost of that stuff is not from Prometheus. Those images are decades old. Yes, the image of Giger's original facehugger design with the face hugger on what was always considered a human(but may be considered an engineer now) is used in the bottom right corners of the "Ultramorph"(as Spaihts and the crew called it) mural but they were done in pre-production for Alien.
TBH, I've always loved Giger and everything but I always rolled my eyes when I heard people complaining about Scott not using him on Prometheus. Then, when I saw how bad of shape he's in on the documentary I kind of figured out why. The, when they showed a few of the pics he had done for the film with "Prometheus" written above them, I REALLY found out EXACTLY why they didn't use him. The pictures were either very, very familiar(as with one that I could have sworn was done for Spieces) or just plain horrible. One looked to be hairy and looked like something that would be called a WOLFENMORPH.
I have respect for Giger and what he did as far as making Alien what it was. I am sad that he's in the condition that he is. But truth be told, he just doesn't have it any more. And there are a million artists doing what he did back then and a few taking it that one step beyond.
People should understand why they didn't use him and come to terms with the facts of life.
I'm going to retrieve my bulletproof vest and retreat to the corner now lol.

MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 11:51 PMI know they used his old stuff. I've watched everything on the blu ray at least twice. I didn't see one new thing of Giger's that they used in the film.
When I said they didn't "use" him, I think what I meant was pretty obvious. They didn't hire him. They didn't use any new designs by him. If, by any chance they paid him it was either legal issues with his art(which I'm pretty sure Fox owns all the old art) or simply because they felt they owed him.
So, in review, Giger wasn't hired by Fox or Scott and they didn't use any new designs by him, regardless of what he sketched.
Oh, by the way...I have the ability to imagine in 3 dimensions. Which is why I could tell that what Giger contributed was either pretty bad or something we've seen from him a million times before.
You can hear it in Scott's voice when he's explaining why he didn't use anything of his. Hell, in fact, Scott says that they had everything pretty much designed by the time Giger gave his new contributions.

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 1:08 AMNot true! as shown in the vid and his sketches :P
He did designs for Deacon, which was used
as well as Babyhead Fifield which they did the poor CGI of
should have used a suit
Also the Hammerpeeds looked like his designs while in the water, but opened up when the arose.
I think his designs were excellent and looked great when rendered out
especially his Babyhead
that Babyhead would have been amazing if they had gotten it right.
I'm happy with what we got, but it would have been superior.

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 4:44 AMMan, I wish people would get the facts straight before spouting off with,"not true". Please go and watch all the special features. You will see that Scott brought Giger in to show him everything after everything was already designed. Giger Then I did a few sketches based on what he had seen And I guess a few original ones. Scott also explains that everything was finished by the time They brought Giger in to look at what they had done.

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 4:53 AMJust want to let you know the Legendary Prog Rock Artist Roger Dean is releasing a Flying Dragon game on iTunes App store. It will be available towards the end of next week. Keep an eye out for it, I work with the developers ( Moshen ltd ) who created it and its very cool and all fans of Prog Rock and Roger’s art work will love it. I will let you know when its live.

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 4:14 PM@Engineering
I have seen Gigeresque, and these pictures are shown.
Also a few = 3
Giger did many more than that.
Including designs for The Deacon as you saw
yet ignore

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 10:30 PM@Carrot As I said before, I really wish you would watch Furious Gods, instead of simply watching Gigeresque and ASSUMING that the drawings Giger did were [b][i]100% original[/i][/b] because they were not. It's very clear. It was FILMED. The video shows it. Ridley brings Giger in AFTER they have pretty much wrapped up the entire design of the film. He shows Giger EVERYTHING. He shows him the "baby". He shows him the deacon. Hell, Ridley sits there and does a Ridleygram sketch of the baby himself, RIGHT IN FRONT of Giger to show him what it looks like. What's funny is that Ridley's sketch is about 100 times better than the one Giger does after Ridley shows him. Scott explains things to him. Giger looked at everyone elses work THEN did some sketches. Nothing he did was used. Yes, old works were used. New artists redid them. The pyramid, the facehugger, the Jockey and chair. All these were old works. NOTHING HE DID was used in Prometheus except past works. This is a FACT!
Watch it, then come back and tell me why Ridley said that Giger did some interesting sketches but "didn't have time" to use him. By "him" Ridley meant his NEW work. He was obviously not talking about old work as some of his old work was used. If you can tell me what the hell Scott meant besides what I deduced then I would really like to hear it.
They brought Giger in out of respect for what he did on Alien. They wanted him to like what they had done but he had no say in it. The video clearly shows this.
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