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David Xeno

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MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 1:20 PM
Think its possible??? Wouldn't that be nuts if he got facehugged or drank the goo and out pops a cybermorph!?
11 Replies


AdminPraetorianOct-17-2012 2:19 PM
A lot of people initially thought that David would get infected and birth the first Xeno, because of it's biomechanic nature. Couple old posts, (there are tons more if you look) really fun theories: [url=]DAVIDS INFECTION[/url] [url=]black goo and david[/url]


AdminEngineerOct-17-2012 2:21 PM
It's an interesting idea, but the only problem with that theory is the Alien and 'Black Goo' - or "Bio-Former" as I call it, need an organic organism to alter or use as a host. David has no organic material and could not sustain life within him - so the ALIEN could not impregnate him and the Bio-Former would probably do nothing to him. That's why no Aliens attacked or tried to impregnate any of the androids in any of the Alien films.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 3:41 PM
What if this is all tied into Bladerunner and what we have is Emotional androids who have been given partially real brains that are tricked into almost being real, or being alive. What if Holloway was right and Weyland corp made them too real? What if they're a mixture of Weyland's android design and the Replicant design. What if parts of them are grown and they are too real. Parts that would be placed in the artificial brain in David. With a mechanical body that cannot be infected that keeps his bio-mechanical brain safe and can even be detached from the body and kept alive. What if David had been made into a "real boy" and Holloway was wrong? I think David is checked by the rorschach like test to make sure he's not too real in the viral. That his emotions stay separate and that he only sees certain patterns in the ambiguous states, what he believes he sees... More human than most androids, and eventually becoming more human than the humans of the story (except Shaw and Janek). "A bridge and not an end"-- combining the Replicants with androids to make a new type of prototype man. Breaking down each to create something new. "A bridge between Bladerunner and Alien that is its own hybrid series connected to each on both side, but not a mixture with either directly. Not an AVP. A series of movies that will act as a bridge between Blade-runner and Alien to combine the universe in a more balanced and logical way... Weyland wanted a real son, he planned to name his real son David but never had him. He may have been a little obsessed with making David more real. He was premature to say David has no soul because his emotions that are very real have combined with his logical side like Shaw's mixture of Science and faith, as well as David's mix of logic and emotion. Weyland took his mentors design and combined that with the earlier android designs he was working on that were purely mechanical. He still favours the mechanical side but to make David more real he attempted to give him part of the replicant design. David's was a puppet who was made real, although no one knows how real. Holloway had his suspicions early on-- this "robot" was being a dick to him. Vickers would then be a prototype replicant-android hyrbrid, a bio-mechanical being who still has too much of the Replicant design. When Weyland made David 8 he tried to give him a better balance of bio to mechanical parts. We have many other hybrid concepts going on and possibly going on in this movie. What if the answer to Janek's question to Vickers is not an easy one? The answer is yes and no, and her and David are secretly more like prototype bio-mechanical beings. Weyland broke his own advice and he didn't make David purely mechanical, he went back to Tyrell's design and David and Vickers are both real and not real at the same time. Replicant and Android (in interviews Ridley always calls David a "robot" or even a replicant a few times... is this a mistake or a subtle clue?). Bio and Mechanical. However, Weylands prototype bio-mechanical beings have the same problem Tyrell had. Even with all Weyland's programming and trying to keep the emotions separate the android-replicant hybrids will eventually turn on him and humanity... "Doesn't everyone wanna kill their parents". This is exactly what happened in Bladerunner and exactly what David and Vickers wanted to see happen... All the king themes however imply the throne and the kingdom are in play... These creations don't want to destroy their creator-- they want to usurp him. Weyland wants to live forever and extend his expiry date because neither of them are his real children and he doesn't really want the company in either of their hands after he dies.. Weyland feels he's best suited to continue leading Weyland corp, but David may have had other plans in mind "big things have small beginnings". David may not be able to be infected on his mechanical exterior but it's what's inside (his head) that really counts.. Like the big head in the early posters, David may develop a cracked head.


MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 4:16 PM
Hey @Mala'kak did you not post the same material you just put up on another thread? Replicants, Androids, Robots and humans. I think that linking Blade Runner with the Alien universe would make things more complicated then they already are. We already have to deal with the dicsussion of AvP films being cannon to Alien. Which is enough trouble already.


AdminPraetorianOct-17-2012 4:59 PM
@Rubirosa; I agree with you, totally. This linking films is getting totally out of control. Next thing you know, people will start saying Predator is canon to Blade Runner. :(


MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 7:02 PM
I wonder if the engineers have something on their planet that could turn David human in some way? I know its crazy thinking... also what if that's David or Shaw sitting in the chair on lv426?


MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 10:11 AM
As a sci-fi film it would be well within their right to make David a Bio-mechanical entity and therefore a suitable host for the black goo. I always think of Ash and his line, in reference to the Xeno, "I admire its purity".....this admiration may stem from the fact that androids were part of the xeno evolution.


MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 12:02 PM
If you read the interview with Jon Spaihts [url=]here[/url], you'll find in his original draft for Prometheus he had a scene where David "plays" with a facehugger. "...David ties her (Shaw) up and deliberately exposes her to a facehugger. He caresses an egg open and out comes a facehugger. David doesn't smell like a person - his breath isn't moist - so he can handle the thing like a kitten. It doesn't want him; it's not interested. But then he exposes it to her and it goes for her like a shot. He toys with her for a bit and then lets it take her. That, in my draft, was how Shaw was implanted with the parasite that she had to remove with the medpod sequence."


MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 7:09 PM
I am sorry to dissapoint you @thegoodtimesguru but the Space Jockey that is on LV-426 is thousands and thousands of years old. So Shaw and Davis are out of the question especially when you consider that Prometheous takes places about 35 years before Alien.


MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 11:21 PM
@rubirosa Are we sure? I know they say in the film Alien that the space jockey looked fossilized. But they didn't know how the exoskeleton reacts with time and that its part of the chair.


MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 9:55 AM
We will have to wait for the sequel to find out @thegoodtimesguru. Maybe even then we will still not know the answer to the origin of the original Space Jockey. Who in my opinion is another alien being entirely from the Engineers. In my opion the original Space Jockey is of an Elephantine race of beings. I have posted that opinion on other threads in the past. But I just have the feeling that we are in for a huge surprise when the sequel comes out. I can picture a scene were Shaw and David enter a large hall that has dozens of Elephantie Space Jockeys sitting in chairs, and some standing guard next to the seated ones. Shaw and David are amazed at these 15 foot statues. But after looking around and playing with a few buttons all of a sudden one of the seated statues comes to life and stands. At the same time you would have the same sound track playing which was used in the original Space Jockey scene which was macbre and unforgetable. But the secret to the Space Jockeys would be that there movements are very slow. Almost like the Celestials who are from the Marvel Universe. They themselves are Space Giants who experiment on life forms across the universe. Check out the Celestials in Marvel Comics and you will be shocked at the similarities they have with the Engineers and the original Space Jockey.
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