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MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 5:23 PMWhat's the new countdown for? I know I might sound foolish but I couldn't imagine what it's for.?
17 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 5:58 PMOh thank engineer, someone else is wondering the same thing.

Don't touch it!
MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 6:17 PM10/11/12, it's in the end credits no? Not sure what's happening on that date....

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 6:58 PMwhat in the world?! I know some had speculated that the 10/11/12 countdown actually refers to November 10th (because weyland corp. is a british company etc), but really? Does chris know something we dont know, or is this new countdown just wishful thinking? chris? can you confirm or deny that at least something is happening on nov. 10'th?

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 7:26 PMCould this be it??? Justin Bieber Boston Tickets -11/10/2012

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 12:50 AMin a Spock-like fashion, "Fascinating."
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 1:44 AMOkay, 10 11 12, was October 11th, 2012, the day Weyland Corporation was founded. It's on the website Even says October. I agree that the countdown leads to Nov 10th but think it's just a second piece to a puzzle. Again, the only thing I can see happening is a teaser trailer to the Bladerunner sequel. Seriously, he's not filming the sequel to Prometheus yet but has already described the opening scene to the next Bladerunner movie. So, I see 2 things happening: possibly a trailer or an official new website to the next Bladerunner with a tie-in to Weyland Corporation, especially with the replicants.

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 2:15 AMi dont see how the fact that weyland corp. was founded on october 11'th 2012 necessitates that the "10.11.12." campaign be in reference to said event in the timeline. I cant imagine what nov. 10th might be, but the fact that its 10/11/12 in england seems like a crazy coincidence. Who knows? My big question is...why on earth did chris decide to put up a countdown? This is not an official prometheus site. Are you (chris) in contact with Fox et al.? I dunno about the blade runner possibility. could be, but it seems like a bit of a stretch. Advertising the blade runner film within prometheus? I know we have that little tidbit in the blu ray that vaguely links the two franchises, but the aforementioned tidbit (along with the other VERY vague aesthetic references over the years) could easily be chalked up to "easter eggs". I mean, if ridley really wanted to link the franchises, he could have just explicitly stated a name. Instead, ridley and co. left the "old friend and mentor" nameless. We all got the intended reference, but still...the two franchises have not been EXPLICITLY linked at this point. Im inclined to believe that november 10'th will pertain to the prometheus/alien franchise (if anything happens at all).
Chris? where are you on this? lol! can you give us some guidance? even if its just to say that you cant say anything more about it? or maybe you could just confirm that nov. 10th will bring some vague reference to the prometheus/alien franchise (however big or small). Did you put this countdown up on your own or did you put it up because you have been given info by fox (or whoever else)? This is all very odd.

AdminEngineerOct-18-2012 9:34 AMNot saying anything yet. ;)
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 10:29 AMChris ...........
you have insider information as to what this COUNTDOWN means, right? Like you've BEEN TOLD, hence the countdown is counting down? It's....
a) Prometheus 2 related?
b) extended Xmas theatrical release of Prometheus related?
c) fake Prometheus was all a David 8 wet dream?
Either/neither/all three?
[b]Beans[/b]; if you have 'em, spill 'em.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 2:05 PMBowman, 2010:
"Something is going to happen"
"Something wonderful"
Or maybe not.
In Space, no one can hear you fart.

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 10:00 AMWell the 10/11/12 date happened to be the d.v.d. blu ray release date. ( the 4 disc set )

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 1:08 PMnope. the 4 disc blu ray set (along with other variations of the homevideo) was released on 10.9.12. Homevideos are always released on a tuesday. The creators of prometheus knew this and they knew (or should have known) that 10.11.12 would be a thursday. FYI...from the very beginning, the blu ray was set for a 10.9.12 release date. It wasnt until about a month or so prior to release that some outlets started presenting 10.11.12 (incorrectly) as the release date for the homevideo. As the release date neared, the stated street date of the film went back to (and ultimately stayed at) 10.9.12. Either 10.11.12 refers to nov. 10th 2012 or "10.11.12" doesnt mean anything at all (imo).

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 1:10 PM@custodian: agreed.
@chris: i see no beans on the floor?? where are the beans? hehe.

Indy John
MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 2:23 PMCountdown to Extinction ..Megadeth...
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 2:04 PMsurely an annoucement must follow a countdown?
Oh, but that didn't prevent from not announcing PROMETHEUS HAS LANDED in the relevant part of the theatrical cut.
Yeah, I'm still bitter about that DEAD SPACE in the film.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
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