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MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 5:28 PMJust finished watching all the Blu Ray deleted scenes. And I have to say that I loved all of them. They should of been kept in the movie. It's like a whole new flick!
12 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 7:13 PMI agree that the inclusion of the deleted scenes would have dramatically altered the film. However, imo, the vast majority of the scenes would have had a detrimental impact on prometheus. Many feature subpar dialogue or events that would have messed with established characterizations (paradise and the final ax fight between shaw/engineer etc.). The one exception for me would be the full conversation between weyland and vickers; that scene should have been in the film (im on the fence about "janek fills vickers in" and the scene where milburn finds the little baby wiggler... can see both points of view concerning these scenes). IMO, aside from the aforementioned 3 scenes (really just 1), the deleted/alternate scenes were really poor/unnecessary and im glad they were excised from the final cut.

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 12:52 AMjoeyjoe,
I'm with you on most of what you said, Ridley probably had the right cut.
The deleted scenes contained NO MAGIC POTION, just filler.
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MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 6:10 AMMy favourite deleted scene is the alternate ending, "Maybe that's because I'm a human, and you're just a f*cking robot". :D
I think, this attitude from Shaw towards David is more realistic than the, 'Oh, sorry' when she put his head into the bag.
The CGI Fifield is a whole different thing than the live action Fifield. I really liked both, the CGI's movement is very fast, it's incredible.

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 7:35 AMIMO the editing decisions made were for the better. Apart from CGI Fifield. All that work was dropped because it looked a little too much like Alien. Well, so what? It was more interesting than a zombie.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 10:17 AMYeah I agree i prefer CGI Fifield. But also liked some of the other deleted scenes such as shaw's and holloway "intercorse", found it to be much more realistic and shocking, and Janek's and Vickers deleted scene. On the other hand I hate the talking engineer one, find it to be too obvious, its much more powerful to leave us thinking "Did the engineer understand David or did he not", from a cinematic point of view its much more intense. And the beginning with all the engineer elders is just absurd, the greatness of the movie itself is to show just the right quantity of information and let us guess the other...

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-18-2012 12:41 PMI do enjoy all the deleted scenes, but mainly just as a way to see more about the characters, and their behaviors.
I am still of the opinion the final cut left me wanting more & gives one room to think about what you think you saw.
If the Mona Lisa had a sign below it saying, "Feel sorry for her", or "She is hiding something", then why even paint it?
I am thrilled with the possibilities Prometheus presents!

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 2:50 PMI love deleted scenes, and I'll just pass over the Blu-Ray and wait for the ExEdit., because had expected more deeper from story, but it didnt happen, so
maintaine, as I said in other topic, you can check out:, may to find some extra fan editons of the movie.

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 9:45 PM[u]Nick[/u]: I bought the Blu-Ray disc and I've watched the deleted/alternate scenes twice. The first time I was done watching them I was frustrated that they did not contain what I felt was truly new information about the film. However, after the second viewing of the footage I felt a sadness about what some of the footage could have brought to the film, in particular the battle between the Engineer and Shaw. I say that because in that scene, pre-battle, there is a great sadness to be found in the Engineer's actions and facial expressions. So many of us have wondered about the nature of the Engineers. Do they have something akin to a caste system? Are some of them strictly part of a religious order? Are some of them strictly soldiers? Are they gentically engineered beings? The inclusion of the final battle scene would have not detracted from the mystery of the Engineers but added greater depth to their mysterious nature. Clearly the Engineer was experiencing an emotional connection with the images and objects he found in the "life boat" before he comes across Shaw and even when he sees her he has a puzzled and sad look on his face. It's not until Shaw stabs him with the battle axe that he goes after her.
I personally think that there is even more footage out there that has been held back. The scene in which Vickers talks to Weyland includes her talking about the thing squirming (squealing?) next door. Was there a scene in which David or Vickers watched Shaw's abortion? That would explain why no one was surprised when a bloody Shaw entered Weyland's bedroom. And what was it that David may have done in or near the Juggernaut that led to there being seismic activity 1 click out from the Prometheus?
My gut tells me that there was footage shot that presented David in an even more scheming light than what we have seen in the film and in the deleted/alternate scenes.
lastly, I still want to know about whether or not the crew did filming in Spain and what may have been shot there.
Argh! Damn you, "Prometheus"! I love you but your many mysteries continue to vex me!

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 4:35 AMSynthetic, I agree absolutely with what you said, It would be great to see the original script before the top brass decided to change some of its story. And would also like to know what parts were filmed in Spain..

Indy John
MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 6:25 AMI thought Shaw's slapping scene,,was the most more interesting...added Halloway's relationship and her view of the this voyage..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 3:32 PM[u]order[/u]: Over the past week I've come to suspect that what happened with the theatrical version of the film was that Scott came up with a version of the film that was 2 1/2 hours long and that someone(s) at Fox freaked. I also have to wonder if Scott was getting too cute with the presence or lack of connection between the content of "Prometheus" and "Alien". The bottom line is that the film is basically perfect until just before the scene in which the Helmet is examined in the lab. It's only in that scene and at that point that plot holes/gaps in logic begin to appear in the film. Although I f*cking love this film I have to admit that after watching the deleted scenes it's clear that the plot holes/logic gaps were not in Lindelof's script but in the theatrical edit of the film. The deleted scenes explain in part or full or give credence/context to Millburn's behavior with the Hammerpede, Janek's remark about the pyramid being a chemical weapons lab, the Engineer's post-wake up, pre-head ripping behavior and other scenes or pieces of dialog that bugged so many people who watched this film. I've come to look at the second half/last third of "Prometheus" as being a spiritual cousin to the first of Singer's "X-Men" films. That film was also produced by Fox and during production the studio freaked and reigned in production costs, which is why the civilization threatening mence/machine that Magneto had was perhaps the most laughable threat presented on screen since Dr' Evil's "1 million dollars" remark in the first "Austin Powers" film.
At the time that "X-Men" was being filmed comic book based movies were not the cash cows that they have become since the first "X-Men" film blew up. I think that with "Prometheus" Scott got his budget, his R-rating, his summer release date and someone(s) at Fox freaked at a 2 1/2 hour edit of the film that included, amongst other things, David and Vickers idly sitting bye while Shaw gives herself an abortion. I'm not saying that Fox said no to that hypothetica scene as much as the length of the film and perhaps also how dark some of the footage/scenes got during the last half of the flm. If one was to add to the film all or most of the alternate/deleted scnes and also the footage I believe was shot but is sitting somwhere at Fox you end up with a film whose second half is both richer in how it develops its characters and their inter-peronsal relationships and darker and sadder than the version we saw in theaters.
Again, my gut/eyes tell me that (a) there's more "Prometheus" footage in the (digital) vaults at Fox and (b) something was shot at the studios in Spain and we still do not know what it was because nothing in the theatical version of the film or in the alternate/deleted scenes suggest that that footage required it to be shot in a gargantuan water tank.
Have a good one.
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