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Black goo reveal

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MemberOvomorphOct-17-2012 9:33 PM
(This is an alternate theory of the black goo )The black substance is a biogenetic parasitic virus designed to be used for different purposes depending on how you use it. If you ingest the black substance it will bond to you d.n.a. strip it of usefull traits to use in it's gene pool and then violently shread itself down to a molecular level at which point it travels through air and water encountering other hosts and increasing it gene pool. Throughout the many cycles or generations the process over time creates a series of different species. I also think the virus can be used on inhabited planets to violently replace a planets exsisting populace. The acidic blood is a defense and the ability to swiftly mass reproduce by mitosis is lost within the genecode which becomes massive. I also think the black substance it in the urns is the same, the worms become infected by it, and turn into super worms, while Holloway ingests a smaller amount than the engineer which results in a slower but similar change as the sacrificial engineer, but because he has intercourse with Shaw, her egg is infected and not her. The end result is a octipi like fat multi tailed sperm like thing that impregnates the engineer at the end of the film which gives rise to the decon. The decon being different than the original xenomorph. If the black substance's end result was always a xenomorph then it would look the same. I believe the virus to be metamorphic and and varied in its manifestations. The algorithms used to program the original virus is like a which way outcome depending on the desire to seed, destroy, or replace. Any thoughts on this alternate theory to the black substance?
5 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 7:19 AM
One has to be careful with definitions here, because it's alien technology. The word "virus", as used in a biological sense, is not appropriate because - apart from anything else - it does not function in the same way as a virus, i.e. use a cell's inbuilt machinery for the purpose of replicating itself. Also, if the introductory scene is to believed, the black stuff is working at a subatomic level (it's much smaller than the chemical bonds that hold DNA together). DNA is little more than a code, a series of instructions. I'd like to think that the black stuff is similar, a coding mechanism, working at a level of physics that we don't yet understand. The implications are that the Engineers designed the code, but that's by no means certain. Is it the same code that we saw by the waterfall 500 million years ago? I doubt it. If they are able to engineer, that's what they will do. Did the Engineers come up with the original code, or did they find it? Unknown.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberDeaconOct-18-2012 8:34 AM
Well yes thats about right, Fox have released clues about the Goo that now well make my theories as well obsolete yet my theory is more plausible and has little or no plot holes. The new clues seem to conclude with Snorkys post and to me, well now makes things add up even less. My theory in a nutshell was the Goo breaks down DNA and strips parts out and then dissolves other useless matter, the DNA then reforms and comes into contact with other Organisms and mutates it so that it carries traits from the seeded/broken down DNA from the Goo. Basically Engineer broke down into DNA containing substance that mutated basic bacteria etc to then cause them to evolve into more complex life that then lead to us and why we share and have Engineer DNA. The stuff in the Urns was simply broken down Xeno DNA material, and where the Engineers diluted into the Water, the Xenos was collected into the Urns and thus that temple complex with the Xeno Mural was a Factory/Vat that was used to store and break down Xeno DNA and store it in the Urns. Why well because the Xeno Weapon was difficult to handle and store and transport as evident in Alien-Alien R and the Derelict on LV 426. Thus they attempted to re-weaponize the Xeno via the same process that they used to seed life with the Sacrifice of the Engineer. But thats not the case, Fox are laying clues that the substance is the same, and that ingesting results in DNA breakdown, depending on the amount consumed determines the time this process takes. The other method is inhale, in which the end result is recoding of the DNA to lead to a hybrid. Well that leaves so many plot holes... 1) Why does life on Earth not have Xeno DNA and Traits? 2) Why does Holloway infect Shaw with Xeno DNA? 3) How does that worm get into his Eye if all the process is, is to break down his DNA? 4) How come no one else was infected if inhaled? 5) Fifield and the Worms clearly came into contact with their skin with the Black Goo thus it infected them my coming into contact genetically and not inhaled? Not forgetting that Fifield had his mask on so would not inhale the substance, he slipped over into it after the Acid off the Hammerpede got onto his mask and thus some on his face. There is a whole host of other plot holes the new Fox Virals unravel as well.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 1:38 PM
Actually, i don't feel it is airbourn, as the whole crew would have been infected.


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 2:46 PM
It's ultimate resemblance is poetically oil. What is oil? other than a by product of death like Wine is rotting Oh here's another clue [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 5:24 PM
@LV-420 this changes my whole theory, it wasn't a sacrifice, the engineer was actually testing out some Brown Betty ( a recipie he got from watching fringe, in an earlier time displacement test ) he then suffered a mishap by taking the xenovirus instead of the cannabis!!! What a mistake
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