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MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 12:49 PMhi. if the warning sent out by shaw at the end of prometheus was recieved by the company is it not possible that it was recieved by the company but was classified as top secret. since then they have been secretly searching for a similar transmission knowing that ,somwhere out there, there is a bio weapon of huge power. maybe mother on nostromo was programmed to tell the crew that it could not decipher the warning but sending the translated message to the company. only then was the nostromo redirected and ash given his orders to obtain the zeno at the expense of the crew if neccesary.
9 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 4:06 PMBased on the Blu Ray extras, there is a memo by Weyland that in it tells us that his company had already detected a transmission from LV426. I would imagine if his company was the largest on the planet it would most likely be in its interests to gather data from every crevass and crack that humans had explored or were yet to.
So I'd say that "the company" would have gotten Shaw's transmission for sure. As for if they could decipher the LV426 transmission...well if you think about david being able to figure out the Engineer language within that 2yr trip, then further in the future....was it about 30 yrs later that Alien happened? I think it would have been solved.
What I don't get though is why Weyland waited for Shaw to come to him to set up a mission to LV223 when he could have gotten together people for a mission to LV426 knowing fine well that there was a signal coming from there.
Also why did the company wait so many years after the events of Prometheus to go and take a look at LV426? Or LV223 for that matter.... or perhaps they did, the sequel is yet to happen!

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 3:30 AMthe other problem is if the company were hunting for a bio weapon why did they wait 57 years from the events of alien before sending the sulaco and the marines to lv426 . i am kind of defeating my own theory here. the sequals will have a lot of complex plots to sort out.

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 5:51 AMmaybe from the cave drawing of the engineers and humans from the start , he thought thats where the gods orginated from and it was the best place to look first. Maybe the only reason he took the rest of the crew was they maybe needed to help weyland out , not to look into th orgins of our beginings like they thought . Weyland may have intented to go to LV426 at a later date.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

MemberDeaconOct-19-2012 7:09 AMYep thats the problem with these bonus virals, they simply confuse things even more.
That Weyland Memo states that they knew about the beacon, and that David knows and i guess they realized that as that moon was baron and had a warning and that the near by moon had some level of habitability that they would investigate LV223 first as surely Weyland wants more life rather than go to a place that contains Bio Weapons.
I am sure the company at a latter date would also get Shaws transmission, that then leads a plot hole as surely they would send a ship down back to LV 223 rather than go to LV 426.
something has to happen between Prometheus and Alien to explain why they never or so it seemed, went back to LV 223.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 7:37 AMis it possible that weyland knew about the zenos on lv426 then sent the terraforming colonists there just to see what the bio weapon was capable of. he would then know that if the whole colony was wiped out he would need to send in some fire power to protect his agent (burke) to complete his mission under ripley and the marines noses. this still does not answer the questionof why no follow up mission was sent to lv223. maybe that is answered in the next films.

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 4:08 PMI Think that Weyland corp knew about the beacon that was coming from LV-426 for a very long time. Probably years before the Prometheous set its course unto LV-223. They probably were even able to decipher it. Maybe the beacon was being directly sent to LV-223. So instead of Weyland going to LV-426 they decided to concentrate themselves on a mission to LV-223. Why would they choose LV-223 over LV-426? In my opinion its because if they did decipher the beacon that was being broadcast to LV-223. They probably thought that LV-223 would be the home planet. So if you are going to set up a trillion dollar mission you would logicly go to the home planet.
In my opinion the reason that no follow up mission was sent to LV-223 was because Weyland was never able to communicate with the Prometheous crew after the events on LV-223. So they decided that taking a chance on another mission would be risky and costly. So that is why they then decided to tell the Nostromo crew to investigate the beacon on LV-426. Like I stated earlier Weyland corp deciphered the original distress call and sent there ship to what they thought would be the home planet of the alien beings. After not recieving any kind of info from the Prometheous crew. They then decided to tell the Nostromo crew to investigate LV-426. I hope that I made some sense explaining my theory. Its a little jumbled but just read it a few times and you will get it.

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 4:27 AMyour mention of cost does make sense. why send another expensive mission to lv223 when you can redirect a ship you already have in the area. would be quicker too.although nostromo could have been sent in while they were still preparing for a follow up mission t lv223 and the beacon on lv426 was too tempting to ignore. ash does point out that all signals of unknown origin must be investigated and failure to do so would mean a loss of all shares of profit for the crew. meaning the nostromo crew had no choice. what i dont get is why was no distress call sent out from the nostromo once they knew they had a hostile being on board.

MemberXenomorphOct-20-2012 10:10 AMTo all
I all ways thought that Weyland would have sent a ship maybe the size of the narcasiss or maybe a little bigger with an android or two on board. An android doesn't nEed to breath or eat or sleep . So a ship would have to be small to sustain them and only energy would be needed. No loss of life if something goes wrong and it would therefore be much cheaper .
The speed of accumulation and sending of data would be much faster and efficient .
I also theorise that they needed the xenomorph because they were struggling to back engineer the virus that were found in the ampules .
It is interesting to me that the xenomorph lifespan and time from being killed from ingesting the virus is very much the same .
So if I was able to get the xenomorph back to earth and completely analyse its DNA structure and then compare that from the virus found in the ampules would I not be able to reverse engineer to basic liquid that just beaks down any life form as I believe the virus in the ampules is what results from a xenomorph ingesting the liquid that the sacrificial drank at the start of the movie .
That is why l believe they wanted a live xenomorph back on earth.
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