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engineer's chasing immortality?

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richard wadham

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 1:24 PM
Eggs on derelict cocooned engineers?
36 Replies


AdminPraetorianOct-18-2012 5:20 PM
That is a very good question. Yes Ridley cut the "cocoon" scene out but still, it may be the answer were are looking for, of how the eggs got there and where the all the Engineers went. The original, deleted scene from Alien:[url=]Alien deleted scene: The Cocoon Sequence [/url]


MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 5:21 PM
funky idea. i dont think so. but still a funky idea.



MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 5:23 PM
Actually, you might be right! There is a scene in alien where the creature morphs one of the crewmembers in to an egg. funky, and delicius.


richard wadham

MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 6:55 PM
I mean.. if there is a war going between a vary of engineers.. Who is to say some engineers wouldn't sacrifice themselves for the war? Regardless ... I couldn't help but think how those leathery eggs look reminiscent of the engineer skin .. Its just an idea that's been swimming around my head... thanks for the positive feedback


MemberOvomorphOct-18-2012 7:19 PM


MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 6:48 AM
I tought it was silly at first, but then i realized that original alien script with the eggmorphing scene. and actually, ridley said once that he always saw the derelict in alien as a bomber of sorts. your idea of engineers sacrificing themselfs for a higher cuase gooes hand in hand with the opening scene in prometheus for example. the war idea is good aswell(hence the so called "bomber" derelict). Their entire culture seems to circle around sacrifice and death, and life, on a scientific level. control of the universe and all living things within it.



MemberDeaconOct-19-2012 7:03 AM
There are so many possibilities that we may never find out. I would assume the Engineers are near immortal, by that they have long life spans, but can be killed. Was they once more mortal but through advances they managed to prolong their lives or have they always been beings who have long life spans, who knows. As far as the Xeno and that Scene, we dont know yet what the purpose and link of the Xeno and Engineers and their Tech are. It could be.... 1) That Xenos and Engineers Bio Tech and Bio Ships are created by the Engineers via a advancement in their Technology. 2) That the Engineers stole that Tech above from some other Race. 3) That the Engineers Tech comes from the Xeno, and its experiments with the Xeno that lead to all their Bio Tech. 4) That the Xeno was a produce of their Bio Tech. So does the Xeno come from Engineers, or Engineers Tech from the Xeno, or do both come from the same kind of tech that they either invented or stolen? We just dont have the answers right now and their is so many possibilities.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 7:10 AM
@BigDave whatever the case may be, its hard to think that the so called xeno was some kind of mistake. it was engineered or harvest. In alien all the eggs lays in perfect lines underneath a layer of laser and mist. Im voting for Richard wadhams idea, morphed engineers, i think its cool. But like you say, there is a million possibileties. Lets hope for something great.


Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 8:15 AM
Try this on for size [url=]What happened to the SJ[/url]

richard wadham

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 9:15 AM
I agree ... A million possibilities!! I'm just trying to keep the fire going.. no pun intended ;) Until we get the finished product we won't know...but that's apart of the excitement I suppose..

richard wadham

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 9:19 AM
@major noob.. thanks for pointing me I'm that direction


MemberPraetorianOct-19-2012 12:10 PM
I love this idea!!! So cocooned engineer/facehugger + human = our good ole Giger Alien! Magic! :-) I was thinking that there could be eggs rather than urns in some of the other temples on LV223?


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 1:04 PM
SJ create Engineers to manage infernal bio labs. Engineers capture fauna from across universe for study, including creature in mural, template for Xeno. Use SJ tech Black Goo to Weaponize DNA. Produce sizable litter of humans ( on LV223 ) to create eggs. Eggs virtually uncontrollable, they begin to refine process into chemical bombs. Other Engineers galavant around galaxy in a stolen vehicle seeding planets in their own image.  SJ get hip, locate the giant vessel, say to guys on LV223: " hey we have a use for those unstable eggs, we'll take them off your hands." secretly intending to deliver them to the saucer. Engineers on LV223 get hip, execute diabolical interstellar double cross. Trap the SJ pilots, load the eggs, reprogram Juggernauts for SJ Homeworld. Impregnate the SJ pilots, the Xenos will fertilize the eggs aboard the Juggernauts to produce SJ adapted facehuggers, the Trilobites. But it all goes wrong. 

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 1:07 PM
It ALWAYS goes wrong.


MemberPraetorianOct-19-2012 1:52 PM
@Major Noob~ sounds totally logical, nice post! Yeah ALWAYS, & especially when you add humanz into the equation!!! LOL


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 2:22 PM
The Zeno's are the direction of the Space Jockey.. SJ's are at the direction of the Engineers....something that went terribly wrong in 'Alien' Too many eggs in 'Alien' to be Engineers...or even Space Jockeys.. That's what I choose to believe...
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

richard wadham

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 3:09 PM
I'm not sure if I agree with SJ creating engineers... It sort of takes away the power of the engineers.. I just feel engineers and jockeys are one and the same.. fundamental question though.. What is the possibility of their being some other monstrous creature{s} on the home planet? Reason for war? They were obviously prepping for something big... in which probably were headed back to earth to gather some humans for impregnating .. but yea.. the nature of the beast... virtually impossible to cage.. Hopefully we can atleast agree that there is an organic xenomorph that the engineers worship


MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 3:35 PM
I sure would not want to be immortal. Imagine having to pay taxes from here to eternity. I dont think so.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 3:44 PM
RW- I like the SJ idea because then we still get to have the huge bizarre being in Alien as is, terrible, incomprehensible, sinister. No dilution of power for the Engineers, much like David they are superior and for the SJ ultimately willful and unpredictable. They want to reproduce, and so they develop and nurture humans. Their intent was to give us another upgrade, but they were interrupted by the disaster on LV223. We were not meant to ever actually reach the planet ourselves, hence the last Engineer's reaction. This is just me having fun with the mysteries of Alien and Prometheus, trying to piece together a storyline for the SJ on LV426. And yes, I envision the Homeworld as a sort of bio disaster ground zero, as only one of the many Juggernauts the Engineers sabotaged was disabled. There, not only was there an outbreak of Xenos, but many other biological atrocities as well, because the Engineers also sent a load of ampules. Sort of a test run, on their makers. There are survivors, of course, to greet Shaw and David, and show them around.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 3:50 PM
Rubirosa- there are a series of novels by deceased author Kage Baker that explore fully the horrors of immortality, the story spanning 60,000 years. The beings are engineered agents for a huge corporation which has a 900 year old facility called Options Research soley devoted to figuring out how to destroy them, which proves to be impossible.

richard wadham

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 4:12 PM
Thanks for broadening my vision man! I see things on a small scale.. I might catch something that makes me think hmmm and I go through that thought. I'm not like you in seeing the big picture. I hope their are friendly engineers ... if their are any left on their home.. I still envision paradise being dark and desolate..


MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 4:24 PM
Hey thanks @Major Noob for that info. I will try to pick it up. But coming back to the film. Imagine if the Engineers are not only close to us in DNA, but also close to us in the galaxy. What if the Emgineers originated from Mars, but after a huge war, or biological outbreak fled Mars and began to terraform earth. Its just a crazy idea. But we are talking about science-fiction here. Maybe when Shaw and David get to the Engineers home planet they will be told that there was also human life on Mars but it had to be destroyed because of the way the humans treated the planet. But there were a few humas who were allowed to survive, so they were resettled on earth which was pure paradise, and had only wild life on it. Im just throwing ideas around.

richard wadham

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 4:36 PM
@ major noob... do you think lv426 engineer was part of crew of lv223 or from their home planet? Not sure if that's been established ...


MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 4:43 PM
That assesment of the Space Jockey from LV-426 having any connection with the Engineers on LV-223 has not been given. Nobody knows what happened to the original Space Jockey on LV-426. We dont know were he was coming from. Or were he was going.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 4:44 PM
RW- I've just spent WAY too much time thinking about this. To you and Rubirosa, here is the beauty of Prometheus! A truly great science fiction film, and, as one time member Spartacus said, a gift to us. One almost doesn't want the answers, it's so much fun coming up with our own! On topic, yes, those could be cocooned Engineers, Lambert did ask what happened to the rest of the crew, but to my mind that ship was a one SJ operation. That, of course, doesn't mean they aren't Engineers. I just imagine an Engineer spore to be bigger, and an SJ spore to be bigger yet. The last Engineer wants to know why Weyland wants immortality, which in context could be sarcastic, if they WERE chasing it, look where it got them! That said, my vote still goes to them wanting to reproduce. We are them. 

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 4:51 PM
RW- my take is that the thing on LV426 is not an Engineer, but one if the Space Jockeys, creators of the Engineers. Like us to David. Just my thing, nothing's been officially said one way or another. But when Shaw said she wants to find out who made THEM, a light bulb ( oddly pork chop shaped ) went on over my head. The guy behind me asked me to turn it off.


MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 5:27 PM
I agree with you @Major Noob. I enjoyed Prometheous alot because all the questions were not answered. But we are here on this site to give our opinions and speculate on the movie. In my opinion thats a lot of fun. I do agree with you on the original Space Jockey. It is not an Engineer in the suit in Alien. But an elephantine humanoid being right out of a Lovecraftian story. It is the macbre which made Alien a great movie.

richard wadham

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 5:37 PM
Agreed man... I've followed this site for a while man... I just recently signed up.. im really glad I posted what I did and to have constructive build up is rad... The more I think... the more I realize I like what you brought to the table... with that said.. doesn't everyone want their parents dead?

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 6:06 PM
Ok I'm gonna go off topic again. That line... just one of so many f***ed up lines in that movie, mostly spoken by David. I'm sorry, but Lindelof did a GREAT job. People have gone on and on about the terrible dialog, I disagree. You just don't forget lines like that, do you? I'm only marginally aware of Lindelof's work but he's clearly maturing, I'm going to be watching him now.

richard wadham

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 6:19 PM
I honestly appreciated the film for it was... especially the dialogue... I feel like some parts were almost a foreshadowing or for the sake of being a veil.. it left some parts to draw our conclusion while some made us ask more questions.. which I feel like that's what a good movie does.. it makes you dig.. I have to ask .. in the happy birthday video.. was that Davids finger twitching?
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