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Engineer vs Deacon

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 9:46 AM
Hi, guys I am new to the Prometheus community, but I am a big fan of the Alien series and I have read a lot of threads about this movie, but I see a problem with one of the most popular theories here on the forum - the holographic Engineers were chased by Deacons. I don't think thats very likely given the enormous size and physical strength of 1 Engineer. I know the Deacon is probably sneaky and cunning, but unless there were 20 or more of them a more likely scenario would be the Deacons running from the Engineers. Please state your opinion on this. Thanks!
21 Replies


MemberFacehuggerOct-20-2012 10:53 AM
You got to keep in mind that the Deacon we saw was a newborn. It might be possible that it's going to continue to grow and besides it was born through an Engineer. Who is to say that it doesn't have superior strength? I for one believe the Deacon is far superior to the original Xeno in terms of intelligence and possibly strength.

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MemberFacehuggerOct-20-2012 10:55 AM
Also we don't know if they are being chased by a Deacon/s.

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 11:23 AM
it looks like they were running away from the last Engineer who fell and lost his head. i speculate that something went wrong with the black goo and instead of breaking down the DNA it turned him batshit like ffield. i cant eplain why all the Engineers died with holes in their chests unles 1) a facehugger burst out (2 they were killed with gunshot wounds or (3 black goo makes them explode like the head the prometheus crew messed with.


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 11:58 AM
I'm not sure did they run away from the slippery friend because if you look closely he was at the middle of the group until he slipped once, twice and BOOM lost his head. It has to do with him and maybe another crew member getting infected with the goo. But my problem is why run to the ampule room? Did they have anti-goo medicine there? And warm welcome Bob to our site :D

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 12:21 PM
The last Engineer died before getting decapitated. He looked like he died from a gunshot or whatever the Engineer counterpart is. Maybe the Engineers inside shot him and then he fell and they closed the door decapitating him. Or he got killed by possibly another alien with a ranged weapon. And then the supposed "aliens" dragged the surviving Engineers to that door where the huge pile of bodies are and then they impregnated them with facehuggers.


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 12:28 PM
There was no bullet hole when they opened the helmet. He was "clean" from that but he had that black stuff coming out of his head when they did the berve thing to him.

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 12:46 PM
Well for all we know Engineers/the other hypothetical Aliens don't use kinetic projectiles like bullets. Maybe some sort of directed energy weapon that doesn't leave a mark. And if he was shot it clearly wasn't in the head because when he dies it looks like he got shot in the back or chest.


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 1:09 PM
But if it had a gun with no bullet in it, it would still leave a mark wouldn't it? Plus he wore an armor/suit.

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 1:31 PM
I can see your point, but he definitely died before being decapitated. But we see no visible body wound to suggest he was killed by a Deacon unless it has some sort of ranged weapon, but thats not very likely, so that means : Either he got killed by a directed energy weapon or he died because of the black goo - maybe it destroyed some of the Engineer's leg muscles so he fell and then got decapitated? So many possibilities!


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 1:34 PM
Indeed, hella many possibilities but I think it's the black goo and maybe another Deacon because his back arches like he is being held behind.

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 2:47 PM
Ineteresting topic, another mystery to solve, I have other, what does the engineer sleeping 2.000 years? Does the others Engineers know about him? What does he expecting? Waiting for?


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 3:20 PM
Well when David activates the hologram in the hypersleep room we see several Engineers talking and 4 of them enter stasis pods, but one of them is the pilot and he sets a course for Earth. I guess he gets killed and dragged away by an unidentified entity preventing the ship from taking off.


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 3:24 PM
4 places 4 engineers there was. 2 of them were going to the stasis, 1 had a chat with the pilot before he went to stasis. The pilot had a place there but maybe he was like David taking care of everyone there.

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MemberChestbursterOct-20-2012 3:42 PM
if he was shot then it must have been a predator xD. but seriously i think there were running from a deacon or traditional xenomorph or whatever because the last engineer(in the recording) looked back to check to see if anyhting was right behind them, then the black goo seems to have affected him then and he died because the door decapitated him

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 4:22 PM
He was looking back while he was running ( not a good idea for any species ) . But the captain of the ship also said that the hologram didnt pick up what was chasing him, which is a very interesting point. But also noomi rapace said that he looked like he was infected with something and died from with in.....MY theory is that he was being chased but something, maybe a mutated/infected crew member.
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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 4:27 PM
Well I just got a crazy idea - What if the hologram didn't pick it up because it had some sort of cloaking device - A PREDATOR.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 8:10 AM
@ Bob4o - Ok, I'l be honest with that. [b]NO[/b].

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MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 8:31 AM
Yeah, everything is possible, but that theory is a little far-fetched. The hologram picks up only [b]moving[/b] objects so that means there was no Deacon/another Alien - they were running from that scream at the start without actually seeing it's source. And the last guy fell because the black goo began destroying him on cellular level.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 8:56 AM
Yeah, but ten who made that scream? Maybe one of them fell like Fifield on the goo and screamed 'cause the pain and infected other one. While running he noticed it and started to lose his "control" and BOOM lost his head >:). Kinda sad....:(

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MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 10:39 AM
What caused that particular scene to playback? Surely there would have been more recordings made,,,,but the running Engineers, ws dis[played in the pathways. Also the Oreey's holograms were displayed in the orrey.. It would be kinda surprising that other areas on the beehive,didn't start showing various otheer scenes,,as the crew....and the pups..moved through the corridors... ,,If the Big Head xchamber was as asacred as we suspect,,,there should have been holographs recoed of events there,,, Hmm As Shaw and David are traevelling somewhere,, perhaps a holograph library will be discovered..and prepare the Prometheus reamining crew members for their landing in the next film..
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MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 9:55 PM
The engineers didn't die from things bursting out of their chests. The holes were in their helmets (and heads), which exploded like the one the humans took to the Prometheus. Being decaptitated stopped that one's head from exploding, so it was a contagion or other agent in their bodies that would explode their heads after inflicting agonizing pain that would bring them to their knees. That was what the one decapitated was doing. He wasn't shot, and Shaw comments that he seemed to be trying to figure out what went wrong. One engineer who was probably seen going through this told the others to RUN!, only it was too late. The lethal agent could have been airborne, though gone by the time the Prometheus came, or maybe their food was poisoned. Clearly, there was a lot of conflict here, which I wish the movie explained more.
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