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10/11/12 confirmed

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 2:41 PM
So its obvious now that 10/11/12 is actually the tenth of november, 2012. It adds up. I also talked to Chris all he would say is that, "Prometheus fans should be happy" So with this new info in mind, its obvious that it has nothing to do with the DVD.. So in that case what could it be?
37 Replies


MemberFacehuggerNov-09-2012 5:44 PM
Yer does scare me just how messy it's been so far - is no one running the show at fox? Anyway fingers crossed...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 2:09 PM
While I'm very thankful for the existance of this site I have to ask why Chris ever put up on the site a countdown clock for November 10, 2012. I've logged in today only to find that while the clock is gone there's no new information or posts from Chris about the nature of the supposedly exciting new "Prometheus" related information that the most recent clock was counting down to. The owners of this site have now lost credibility with those who who use the site. What the hell went wrong here?


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 2:47 PM
the countdown is gone and in its place is a clickable link ("discover more"). basically, chris created an opportunity for fans to win some fun stuff. there isnt any information per se, its a giveaway etc.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 2:59 PM
On the next givaway let's have a general info drawing so us interested but as detailed minded fans can have a chance to win something,'' I spend too much time on the site now,,and have interest in the Prometheus Alien and original Predator movies. I have seen and Alien 2,,and one later Predator movie,,but they did not spark a particular interest to learn additional details. ' Now if you want to discuss 'Usual Suspects',,then I am down with that, I am glad for the givaways and a chance for true fans to win worthwhile stuff.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 3:04 PM
[u]joeyjoe[/u]: Thanks for your post. After my last post I logged off the site but then later came back to see if any new info had been posted about the November 10, 2012 situation. It was then that I came across the a mention of/link to the recent thread that Chris started about the giveaway. It's great that Chris put together that giveaway but for many reasons I'm totally burnt when it comes to "Prometheus". The 4 disc Blu Ray set of the film proves that the second half of the theatrical version of the film is a butchered/hack version/edit compiled from a larger pool of footage. Additionally, Fox has mishandled the post-theatrical release portion of the viral campaign, including and especially the 10/11/12 non-event. I have no reason to place any more faith in Fox when it comes to anything "Prometheus"/"Aliens" related.


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 3:19 PM
How exactly does the blu ray prove that the second half of the theatrical version of prometheus is a "hack version"? if anything, the blu ray proves that a lot of creative blood, sweat, and tears went into constructing prometheus. Art is just so subjective. I find the utter panoply of opinions regarding the film to be very interesting.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 3:22 PM
[u]joeyjoe[/u]: You either misread part my earlier post or you intentionally chose to respond to 2 specific words in my post, those words being "hack version". I'm not being antagonistic when I write the following: if you re-read my below quoted sentence from my earlier post then you'll understand that like you I recognize that, in your words, "a lot of creative blood, sweat, and tears went into constructing prometheus." I wrote: "The 4 disc Blu Ray set of the film proves that the second half of the theatrical version of the film is a butchered/hack version/edit [u]compiled from a larger pool of footage.[/u]" I've watched all of the extras on the 4 disc Blu Ray set. Between that material and the production stills that we've seen it's clear that there is even more unseen "Prometheus" footage sitting in a hard drive somewhere at Fox. I loved "Prometheus". I saw it 6 times in theaters and bought both the 4 disc Blu Ray set and a Blu Ray player so that I could watch the 4 disk Blu Ray set. At this point I'm pissed and burnt over "Prometheus" because it's clear that a better and bigger movie was filmed than the one that made it to theaters. The first half of the film is almost flawless but the second half contains all of the logic gaps and plot holes that pissed so many people off. Some of the contents of the Blu Ray extras show that Lindelof actually wrote a solid script but somewhere in the post-production process the second half of the film was reworked in ways that leave the film fatally flawed. Did this happen just to get the film below 2 hours? Who knows! It may take years before we know who made the decision to cut out so many scenes that would have made the film complete. I've become so annoyed with the film because I LOVE and appreciate the AMAZING amount and level of skill and thought that was put into the film and now I know for a fact that it was the post-production process that undermined the film and that did not need to happen.
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