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Vickers & Weyland Deleted Scene 9

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The Wanderer

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 3:42 PM
What does she mean when she says "...maybe you should look at the thing squealing next door......" Weyland, Vickers and presumably David all knew about the creature that Shaw surgically removed from her womb.
14 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 10:20 PM
I know I actually thought that was very interesting, and provides atleast a little info on why nobody comments on it in the theatrical release. The only thing it still doesn't really explain though, is why the two people she hits over the head don't chase after her. But perhaps they kind of knew where she went and they told either David or Vickers and they were fine with it, and maybe even thought it would be of benefit.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 2:26 AM
ZMAN, It still doesnt make sense because the two people she clocked, Ford and Jackson were in the room with Weyland when she stumbles in. They didnt seem to be miffed or groggy after she cracked their skulls in med bay. Hell Jackson was in 2 places at once cause we also see him and another nameless security bloke from the Weyland scene combatting the Fifeld mutant in the hangar bay. Its clearle evident that they shot these scenes out of sequence and when they pieced them together and saw that the finished product didnt make sense (they had to) they said the hell with it. The movie looks so good no one will notice or give a damn. Throw in an alien at the end and they'll forget all about it. Hopefully the continuity guys and Lindelof dont make the cast for the sequel.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 3:59 AM
Agree with David_Eight. The scene where Shaw walks in on Weyland is the most serious gaping hole in the film. Ridley Scott says that the theatrical release of the film he regards as his finished product, but I cannot believe these "professionals" watched the film pre-release without seeing this error. At least in the deleted scene, when Weyland mentions the creature squealing next door, we know there was originally more to that part of the film. But they cut it out! I do wonder if there were even more deleted scenes left out of even the blu-ray release which would have pieced this part of the film together a bit better. If they would have kept in scenes regarding Vickers-Janek (the best one), Vickers-Weyland, and maybe the Engineer speaking part, then the film would have been more complete. But that is only my opinion. I actually enjoyed the film more second time around on blu-ray. But then I had already watched all the deleted scenes, which did help while watching, and piecing the film together a bit better with fewer obvious plot holes.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 8:57 AM
Close, but Ford wasn't actually in Weyland's recovery room. If you're going to get annoyed, get annoyed for the right reasons.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 10:30 AM
"..Weyland, Vickers and presumably David all knew about the creature that Shaw surgically removed from her womb...." I have not seen the deleted scenes,,It did seem to me(when Shaw walked/stumbled into Weyland's recovery room),,that David had a look of 'surprise' that she was even there, That indicated he didn't expect Shaw survive the ordeal in the Med=Pod..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 11:19 AM
As I've said in other threads, I own the 4-disc Blu Ray set and have watched the deleted/alternate scenes 2 times (and counting). Just the other night I started watching the "Furious Gods" documentary, which is simply awesome. Well, in the first minutes of "Furious" we learn something important/galling: that there was a scene shot that portrays the Engineer in the Juggernaut post-crash. Later in the first part of "Furious" we learn via from some footage of Ridley talking that he envisioned the film showing Shaw and David trekking to one of the other Engineer bases and the Deacon pursuing Shaw and David. In that same segment of "Furious" we also learn that Ridley envisioned the following sequence: Shaw escapes the Juggernaut, goes to the Life Boat, returns to the crashed Juggernaut and then returns to the Life Boat and is followed to there by the Engineer. Christ only knows what more I'll learn about the "Prometheus" footage that's been held back when I watch the rest of "Furious". My point in writing the above is that it's clear that there's a lot more 'Prometheus" footage that's sitting in a hard drive somewhere at Fox. The film is near perfect until the scene in which the helmet is examined. It's from that point forward that many viewers of the film get the sense that the film contains plot holes, gaps in logic or scenes in which the viewer is left to impose their own perceptions upon to the footage the nth degree. I did a mental face palm when I saw the scene in "Furious” in which Ridley talks about the Deacon following Shaw and David across LV-223.Yes, Fox: questions have been answered and the answers and more questions are hiding in both the deleted/alternate scenes and the "Furious" documentary and some of the various productions stills that we've seen. It's clear that someone(s) took a chain saw to the second half of "Prometheus" once Scott delivered the initial 2 hours and 30 minutes long cut of the film. What's scary to me is this idea: if the initial cut of the film was that long then how much extra footage was lying around at the point that the film was 150 minutes long? Honest to G_d, how much unreleased footage of "Prometheus" is still out there? If the crew did filing in Spain what was it that was shot there? I think that "Furious" contains clues to the answer that question. I love this film but I'm getting more pissed by the day as I come to further realize the hatchet job that was done to the second half of this film. "Furious" shows how much thought and attention was put into the making of this film and it's clear that the second half of the theatrical version WAS NOT what Ridley had in mind when he was in pre-production or when he was filming "Prometheus". F*ck! P.S. BTW, I also caught something new (to me) in the international trailer for "Prometheus". There's a brief clip where Janek, who's onboard the Prometheus says to an unseen character via some type of voice communications system "Kill everything. Do you read me?". Who was Janek talking to and what threatening lifeforms was he talking about? Ugh!

The Wanderer

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 1:47 PM
Excellent synthetic_69


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 2:17 PM
@synthetic_69 That "Kill you copy me?" seems to be part of two separate lines. Maybe the "Kill everything" is referencing the the Juggernaut leaving for Earth & "Do you copy me?" could be from any part of the film. The kind of movie this is & the story they were trying to tell, required a much longer running time than Fox were ever going to give to Ridley. I'm not talking about longer or more expensive action scenes. Like Alien 3, some characters were never given the chance to be more than faces in the background. That was the beauty of Alien, there were no extras in the movie & we knew each character well enough to care about their fate.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 4:10 PM
[u]wanderer[/u]: Thanks for both the kind words and starting this thread. [u]jamieleng[/u]: I just watched the international trailer again after reading your post and you may be correct in thinking that the lines come from 2 different scenes. That said, when I watch the film again I'm going to look for the places where the lines "...kill everything..." and "Do you copy me?" take place. The trailer shows Janek saying the latter but not the former words but I still do not immediately recognize the scene where Janek says those words. In that piece of footage in the trailer Janek is sitting on the flight deck and there are lights strobing around him. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure that that scene was not in the film. Regarding what you wrote about Fox and the running time that they were willing to give Ridley for "Prometheus" you are on the money. Also, I'm not sure if you know the back story for the development of "Alien 3". For that film the story that ended up on the screen was actually a hatchet job/distillation of the original script, which had the same basic elements of the final version of the script. However, the more surrealist elements of the script were stripped away and what we got was a deep space penal colony rather than a deep space colony founded by religious fanatics. The original story line was far more interesting than the one that made it to the screen. With "Prometheus" it seems that Fox has once again meddled with a film set in the "Alien(s)" universe.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 5:36 PM
@Synthetic69 Just watched the international trailer again myself & got goosebumps that I never got while watching the film. The only other Alien movie to give me that feeling is Alien3, although it probably has something to do with the score by Eliot Goldenthal. Which just so happens to be my favourite score in the series & my second favourite film in the series. Most of the Prometheus score just isn't my cup of tea & the main theme was really jarring, due to its similarity to John Williams' "The Planet Krypton" from Superman. I don't know who did the music for the Prometheus trailer, although I know some of it is from the original Alien trailer (best trailer of all time). All I know is that should've been the "theme" they were going for. Regarding Alien 3's disastrous & downright insane production. What is there to say? Studio Executives live on a different planet to the rest of us. I have to give them some credit, just for allowing a movie to be made that wasn't "Aliens 2". It was pretty ballsy to make a movie where the "heroes" are a bunch of murderers & rapists and then kill off the franchise's main character. I begrudgingly respect them for that, well until they greenlit the abortion that was Resurrection (I just threw up a little). If only they'd given Fincher the respect they showed Scott & Cameron. You know, like only phoning him once a week to demand changes, instead of every day. I've gone off on such a tangent here. Sorry everyone.


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 9:02 AM
@ jamieleng Yeah, the international/UK trailer is the best thing about Prometheus, really. Everything about it, even the scenes that never made it to the screen :( is amazing. Add to that the souring music that starts at :52 and it's one of the best trailers I've ever seen.


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 2:05 PM
[u]jamieleng[/u]: You wrote: "I have to give them some credit, just for allowing a movie to be made that wasn't "Aliens 2"." That's not a bad way to look at the situation with "Alien 3". I actually feel the same way about "Prometheus". Regarding Fox's treatment of Fincher, you have to remember that "Alien 3" was Fincher's first movie. Before that he had only done music videos (and maybe some commercials). Dan O'Bannon had a great remark about "Alien 3". He said that after 'Aliens" there were only 2 legitimate plot options for the third film, either the humans go to the Xenos homeworld or they come to Earth. Truer words have never been spoken. So, last night I finished watching "Furious" and today I re-watched the final 70 minutes of "Prometheus". During the latter viewing session I never came across either the line "...kill everything..." or the version of "Do you copy me?" that Janek says in the international trailer for "Prometheus". That means that we still do not know what filmed but yet unseen footage those lines were extracted from. I actually love the score for "Prometheus". I bought it back in September. I'll admit that the score/album does not hold up as a stand alone listening experience in the manner that the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" soundtrack does. That said, I think that "Prometheus" was well served by the contrast between the score's passages of traditional orchestration and the one that featured small bursts of melody that were often intertwined with instrumentation/song writing/crafting that veered into the realm of sound design. IMHO we really didn't need to hear 10 different versions of "Theme from Shaw's self-induced Cesarean". :P The last thing I'll say is that after watching the post-production segment of "Furious" this fan has got a long and highly critical post in him regarding the murky nexus between Pietro Scalia, Ridley and Fox and how they did/may have handled the final edit of the film. There's one thing that "Furious" proves beyond a doubt: that Damon Lindelof is in no way to blame for the plot holes/logic gaps in the theatrical release of the film. Between various production stills, screen shots of the script, the deleted/alternate scenes and the filmed but still unseen footage/scenes that the deleted/alternate scenes point to it is clear that it was Scalia, Ridley and maybe Fox that are to blame for the flaws in the film that bug so many people.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 6:59 PM
I'm reluctant to put Ridleys feet to the fire for the cut. He was passionate enough to film all these things, I think he meant for a longer film. From Spaihts' interview we know that Fox started meddling early on, their nervousness about a 2 1/2 hour R rated film has been discussed as well. I think they were going for sales, by cutting 30 minutes they get one more showing at least per day.


MemberOvomorphOct-23-2012 3:02 PM
[u]Noob[/u]: When you mention the interview with Spaihts' are you talking about one that's part of the extras on the home release of the film or an interview that's online? In regards to what you wrote about you not wanting to blame Ridley for the issues with the theatrical cut of the film, I agree with you in part. That said, there are 2 reasons why I place part of the blame for this situation with Ridley. The first is that he is the director of the film and he has gone repeatedly gone on record about how the theatrical edit of the film was his "director's cut" of the film. The second reason is that in the post-production segment of "Furious" Ridley is seen sitting comfortably in a room in which Scalia is showing Ridley alternate cuts of scenes from the film. Ridley's reactions to the edits show him to be as happy as a pig in shit. So, in the end I need to deduce that either (a) Ridley was happy with Scalia's edits or (b) there was someone from Fox standing in the wings with a gun who was telling Scalia and Ridley what to do and say while the "Furious" camera crew was filming the scenes. The thing that pisses me off is that is the trio of Fox, Scalia and Scott had given us a better theatrical edit of the film then the movie would have likely made more money in theaters (and in the home release/viewing market) than it did with the crappy edit that we got. You are correct in your assertion that the running time of the theatrical edit we saw allowed Fox to get in an extra sreening per day on the each of the screens that was showing the film. However, there would have been much better post-screening buzz about the film on opening weekend had so many viewers not walked out of the theaters going "WTF just happened?" Better audience reactions to a film leads to more people reccommending to their friends which leads to more tickets sales and so on. I love this film and even I walked out of the first screening with a strong sense of frustration about certain aspects of the film, feelings that I still have after 6 theatrical viewings of the film and a purchase of both the 4 disc Blu Ray set and a Blu Ray player. It just pisses me off that Fox had the intelligence and guts to greenlight and fund an R-rated version of "Prometheus" and then after all the filming was done they didn't do what was required to get the best edit of the footage/film into theaters.
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