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Engineer Speaks Deleted Scene 11

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The Wanderer

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 3:50 PM
David says that the Engineer asks 'why' Weyland wants to live for ever. Yet the Engineer utters atleast nine syllables. David lied, after all 'doesn't everyone want to kill their parents' The Engineer kills David because he see's this treachery an despises Weyland's human frailty and that he can't accept death which for the Engineer's is 'the natural order.' The Engineer's despise the un-natural. They are worshipping evolution / life in the black goo.
9 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 4:09 PM
I like the idea that David lied. For something that is meant to have no emotions or personal goals he sure is a puzzle. I think if he really wanted Weyland dead he would have done it in a more controlled situation. I can't wait to see how his character develops in the next movie. Its hard to know what David is up to. does he blindly follow orders? or does he have his own agenda?


MemberFacehuggerOct-20-2012 4:35 PM
The big question in my mind about this scene, is that, was it the intent of the Engineer to disable David or destroy him. If it was to just disable, which is what happened then there has got to be more of an agenda going on, but who's agenda.


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 10:39 PM
I'm not a language expert but I'm going to not agree with the op, not until there is evidence.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 9:06 AM
We all find out did David lie when someone translates the engineers response. But one thing is sure that David didn't really lie, 'cause he is loyal to Weyland since he asked what Weyland wanted.

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Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 11:15 AM
I think the destruction of intruders, even humans, was the Engineers default response. My take is we were never actually invited, and were not meant to ever get that far. The last Engineer was about 2000 years late for our next genetic upgrade.

The Wanderer

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 1:41 PM
If you watch Weyland at TED the big thrust of his speech is about whether his creations, David 8 are 'natural', when speaking to the Engineer, Weyland claims he made David in his own image. The Engineer's inspection reveals that he nothing more than a machine. The Engineer's can make such machines, they choose to create life through sacrifice. It's moral.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 5:01 PM
this is addressed in a post called Dr Biltoo creator of the Engineer language referring to a site which managed a translation on this forum. in that post, member sukkal provided this information in conjunction with the special features : --------------- "In the documentary, you can even hear Ian during filming saying the line: "Kâm gwhivah-pyorn-îttham vllnaah?" ("How can he want more life?"), a line that never made it even into the deleted scenes." ------------- for more information you can search for that forum topic as well as others. on the subject of language - syllables in one language do not necessarily ever equate to words or syllables in the translation to another language. there is more information from Dr Biltoo as to the dialoge of the engineers as he designed it for the film based on a "customized" version of proto indo european.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 5:05 PM
additionally the version of the deleted scene is also edited down from the source material, there was a much larger chunk of dialogue filmed- some bits of that can be seen in the special features documentary as well as found online.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphOct-27-2012 2:27 AM
David doesn't try to get Weyland killed. He translates what Weyland wanted, and it's Weyland whose arrogance makes the engineer kill him.
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