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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 8:29 PMWell it's been a little while since I've posted on here, but I've been on this site pretty much every single day just browsing along.
I finally decided to announce for what it's worth:
I'm currently in the process of a fan edit of Prometheus.
Just to give a basis on how I'm going about this, I've decided to portray my version of the movie as if somebody in the Alien/Prometheus universe has hacked the file from the Weyland Industries Project Prometheus.
Basically, in my version the whole movie and viral videos where documented by cameras for Weyland Industries and saved to a database, or sort of a single video file, meant to be for the company only to have access to.
I took that concept as kind of my thinking on how in the future, big corporations who travel the galaxy would have technology available to them to document everything based on the mission and put it on file. Every thing is recorded, saved, and automatically edited in a way that the company can check the entire process of the mission with all the important events placed easily in front of them. After all it is the future and such high tech programs would be made available.
As you're viewing it, you're viewing everything from the screen of the "unidentified hacker."
I've included the viral videos, the movie itself, and added some other things that at the moment, I think are making for a pretty good fan edit of the movie.
- - -
Now I mentioned that I'm announcing this "for what it's worth" because:
A - I don't want to get in trouble for having people view my fan edit.
B - I don't even know how to go about that in the first place.
C - I'm not even done with it yet.
*Let me just go on record saying I have indeed purchased the 4 disc blu-ray at my local store so I paid my money and am in no way going about my edit in an illegal way.
So as you can see I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place with this but I felt maybe some of you would find this interesting, or maybe not....I guess I'll find out lol. I just wanted to let somebody other than myself know that I'm working on this, and if anything I'd just like some encouragement to keep me going.
5 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 9:22 PMI'd definitely be interested in viewing it. Totally keep it up I think a few people if not more would be interested, even if they don't want to admit it. lol. Good luck with it! Let us know how it's coming.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 8:52 AMI always felt some of the viral stuff, certainly the TED video, would be a cool addition to the film. Also, this is just one more example of the flood of creativity that has been unleashed by Prometheus. Rock on Deftones and welcome back!

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 8:53 PMThanks guys...
I'm almost done but i still don't know how i would go about showing anybody this thing...
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