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Indy John
MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 12:51 PMIt is a curious word choice when Vickers at the first Crew meeting...tells David to continue the 'show' a word that I have heard at any serious business meeting.
Also after this crew meeting David tells Shaw and Holloway to meet with Vickers before their 'adventure' begins..
It may just be the writers,selection..but from a charactor standpoint,,it seems to me that Vickers doesn't think much of the crew meeting(a perfect place for a pep talk)...usinfg 'show' to continue the meeting.
And the the Shaw /Halloway..meeting before the 'adventure begins'..could be the right word(at that point of the story),,but the tone of.".to clear up any misunderstanding..' certainly doesn't inspire the scientist to enjoy the 'adventure'...
The word choice seemed deliberate...early in the story set a tone..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
9 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 2:58 PMI agree, Vickers regarded the whole affair as a bit of an expensive sideshow.
As for the adventure, it's still an adventure, even if the ambitions of Holloway and Shaw have been clipped.
Nice to see someone poring over the – allegedly – dreadful and lazy script. Personally, I found that many lines, right down to individual words, were well crafted and thought out.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John
MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 3:12 PMYes after mutiple edits I suspect that every word/ scene has been scrutinized..and there for a reason..
Something else when the beheaded Engineer was discovered,, Vickers says that it looks like the scientist are right,
Janek's comment was most interesting,,(I can't remember the exact words).."Sounds like you you(Vickers) didn't want them to succeed.."
All of this points to Vickers not fully on board with the Prometheus mission..
One hell of expensive 'sideshow'..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-22-2012 3:38 PMVickers just wants daddy's company, all his money & the Mercedes!

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 6:09 PMBecause she (Vickers) spotted nosense in his words or argument (Weyland), or was a deeply felt loss? She knows he (Weyland) still alive. Turning to the sceen in the briefing room, Weyland apparently have blind faith in them, two doctors, Holloway and Shaw, but unfortunitly plot doesnt make sense, everyone on the movie doing things that didnt make any suitability. Afterwards, everything is changed, bringing us the clinical trial, David gives to Holloway a cursed potion, try mortal testing with him. Later Shaw becoming pregnant, David want to get rid she, confining she in hypersleep. Where do we go from here? Weyland only trusts in David, doesnt trusts in the human being, is a materialistic person. Im wondering if really was an original Vickers idea that mortal testing or Weyland.

MemberOvomorphOct-23-2012 1:44 AMI think David's comment could have a connection to the Lawrence of Arabia stuff. The line "big things have small beginnings" is taken straight out of Lawrence of Arabia which is an epic adventure movie.
If you pay close attention at the beginning, David is actually making himself look like Lawrence... his hair style, changing his hair color slightly etc.. and emulating Lawrence with some of the lines.
It's more than a film he admires... he idolizes it... he wants to live out a version of it in space (the desert-- a vast open space away from the kingdom/empire he serves). Learning the language of the natives before setting out to interact with the culture-- just like in Lawrence of Arabia...
Prometheus was only the small beginning of David's epic adventures... a smaller adventure before the big things begin.
In Lawrence of Arabia the title character learns multiple languages to interact with each of the multiple cultures, and to be able to go between them... a reason that David has some slight connections to Hermes. Lawrence eventually unites the multiple factions he's dealing with out in the desert and leads them against a common enemy: the turks/remnants of the Ottoman Empire.

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-23-2012 1:51 PMMe thinks David is one resistor short of a mother board, if you catch my drift?

Indy John
MemberOvomorphOct-23-2012 2:02 PM..and Shaw is going to install it......and create the real David Universe..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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