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Prometheus Clearly

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MemberOvomorphOct-23-2012 9:19 PM
Guys, like it or not, the Engineers did not design the start of the morphing DNA, they cam across it like humans did. The Engineers were simply acting like humans tried in other Alien movies, in trying to make it a controllable weapon of mass destruction. They obviously tried to send it to Earth, but were overcome by the weapon before they could send it towards earth. There is obviously a hint of "when Humans become too advanced, invite them to LV223 to wipe there advances out". If you remember the start of the movie, sacrificing, then infecting the entire LV223 planet, tells you that the Engineers are not from this LV223 planet, and confirmed later by Captain saying.. This is a test planet for the weapon. LV426 is an error in another Derelict Space Ship crashing due to Engineers being overcome by the weapon, hence "Alien" which is set 30 years after Prometheus, but Prometheus Part 2 will head in to a different storyline. Prometheus 2 will see David and Shaw discover the Engineers "Home Planet" and this is what the End of the movie hints with Shaw and David taking off heading exactly where the planet is. David says he knows where it is, absolutely no question in what's planned in Prometheus 2. The Storyline of Pometheus is a direct reflection of how the Humans fell for the trap, that's it. There is a number of questions, each of which leave another possibility for future movies. Like "Predators", 2 types of very similar predators which fight each other, the Engineers are the same, like Humans, they too fight for power, love, control, etc. etc. this trait is portrayed through-out all the Aliens & Predator movies at some point. Reading about the Possibilty that Part 2 coud be called "Paradise" also convinces me that the Alien Ship stolen by Shaw & David will be arriving at their desired destination. One thing you need to remember is that the storyline was meant to tell a similar story, not a direct link, so I don't think you will ever see a relation to LV426, as why would they tell the same story which was "Alien" when they can tell a new story of engineer planet, with a fight for power, weapons, etc. to be hinting at Religion, God, Designing, Technology, or even another possible link to their wars with other Alien civilisations (Predator). There could be another very successful story with how the engineers monitor us, control us and it could lead to an array of plots. I personally would love to see a cross between Alien, Predator and Terminator, with a storyline reflecting the engineers attempt to send the Alien DNA ( ship crash at LV426), after they sent technology to help humans build an Internet, and machinery to utilise it to destroy us. AVP was huge, imagine AVPVT, what's the chances?
16 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-23-2012 11:02 PM
Don't hold your breath.


MemberChestbursterOct-23-2012 11:28 PM
i think there has been a whole comic book serires of avpv t(erminator) so there is no need for a movie, but i like the imagination though it got me interested

Not a map, an invitation


MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 1:34 AM
@OP: oh my...NO.


MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 1:52 AM
I agree with your point about the Engineers successfully, or not so successfully, doing what the humans in all the other Alien movies wanted to do: trying to use the original Alien bio-weapon in a new and in a more controllable form (it could have always been a bio-weapon that's now been enhanced). They were playing around with the fire and hybridizing it with the black glupe to make it a more effective weapon. The black goo was supposed to break down and keep the Alien genetics under control, yet in a constant state of renewal-- this led to the outbreak and a return to a more morphing based life-cycle. The engineers were playing around with the fire, taking their science too far, and we witnessed what happened when it backfired. The Engineers on LV-223 nearly wiped themselves out, and this outcome is similar to what would happen if Weyland-Yutani had ever gotten the Alien and tried to weaponize it (read the Gibson Alien 3 script). In the Prometheus myth it's implied the fire can be used in multiple ways; thus we have the multiple forms of the fire. Zeus was mad because the humans might take it and use it to increase their war capacities instead of using it in more productive ways. The original form can be used for many things and we have hints that Weyland had been considering the medical benefits as well as weapon capabilities... Only, the original version never had immortality. It only had impressive regen capabilities and tough skin. The new hybrid xeno, the Deacon, has had these traits amplified by the black goo... When the Engineers tried to make a controllable form of the bio-weapon they only ended up killing themselves and releasing an even more perfect form of it that can never die. They've unleashed a terrible plague on the Universe that only Weyland and Yutani know about. They may not even really try to acquire that form of the fire, eventually opting to try to fight fire with fire... The engineer's mistake launched a terrible new form of the Alien into the universe and will threaten many groups and be a leading cause for the formation of the Weyland-Yutani corporate empire. A fire that can not be extinguished as easily as what Weyland does in the match trick... the head of this match cannot be extinguished... connecting this to the Hammerpede that instantly regrows its head when decapitated... The ironic thing is there is immortality there after the meddling with the Alien genetics was done, but Weyland was never getting it. The Engineers were never getting it. The Alien species and David are the closest things to immortality we see, but even David will rust and disintegrate eventually. "A king has his reign and then he dies... it's inevitable" It's the natural order of things for the human groups... Even king David and the King Alien genetics will eventually have their reign ended. But Weyland-Yutani's tricks in the earlier movies will begin to show their true purpose as they've secretly been getting burnt by the other form of the fire for some time now. The new form can be extinguished but it takes a lot of sacrifice, and it's much, much harder to fully extinguish an outbreak of the fire than with the original form. This fire is too dangerous to play with and extract medical benefits from... or to use as a weapon because it cannot be easily contained, controlled, or extinguished. The Engineers got burnt and only increased the capabilities of the Alien by messing around with the fire in a way Zeus would have punished them for, so there could still be an element of sabotage as some theorize.. The Hammerpede genetics and the morphed Holloway sperm that reanimates Shaw's infertile ovum pass on incredible survival instincts to the Deacon. The new form of the xeno. Sometimes to create you must first destroy or break something down to its elements and recombine them in a new way... They tried to break down and store the alien genetics, recombine them with the goo in a controllable way, but it backfired big time... The Deacon genetics will be even closer to Ash's idea of the perfect organism-- a killing machine/survival expert as well as an undying, re-birthing/reforming, morphing specialist.


MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 2:44 AM
No need for preds or terminator when we have possible android uprisings, Elder-Engineer civil war, and a new form of the the xeno for the characters, new factions, and companies to contend with. Plus any links to Bladerunner that have been worked in, which may be many... "A bridge between two series and not an end to either". If anything Predators have been effectively overwritten in the Alien universe, and are now as good as dead... If anything Ridley has planned out how to properly weave a hybrid series together... Instead the Predator universe will be stripped out of the universe and replaced by the Bladerunner-Alien shared universe idea. Never to be mentioned again, and good as dead. In order to create a proper hybrid series you must first destroy the old one... This leads back to the killing/replacing of the head theme in Prometheus. David is the immortal head of Weyland, like the head of the Hammerpede . Weyland was the head who died. The king/leader of the body of the company who was killed. Decapitated. Dethroned... To put it simply: by the end of this series we could know all the reasons why Weyland-Yutani merged (hybridized) together to control the universe, and why they control/work with the worlds' extra-planetary military as they do. It could now exist in the same universe as Bladerunner, however it will be more balanced and only share some links. Making the new Bladerunner one end of the bridge and the original Alien the final destination on the other side... Leading to a clearer picture of what happened to the original Jockey through what happens in Paradise and Persephone. As well as providing a reason for why the company feels they must have at least one form of the bio-weapon in their possession. By the end this could mainly be a story about the Weyland-Yutani merger as well as many other things.


MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 3:34 AM
Edit to add: Weyland wasn't actually decapitated but you get what I mean, he's a head of his company who was detached from the company when he died. And David becomes a head in a different way but has proven he can lead and is a face of the company. Made in his creators image. The king is dethroned in a roundabout way and there's no one left in the Weyland lineage who has right to the throne... David's the closest thing to a son. Weyland's head was attacked by the Engineer with a near immortal head of his own creation. David's head gets to keep living like the Hammerpedes, but unlike the hammerpede he can't automatically regenerate anything. And it's his head that remains separate and alive, his body is detached from him. This is extremely important towards what may happen later on in David's adventure. Maybe the preds learned the lesson none of the other groups ever do and just stopped playing with the fire... To be left to their own devices, their own series and factions. Fox has already shown with "Predators" that they're willing to go forward with the Predators alone. No real links to the Alien series there and it'll probably continue that way. It may have gone unnoticed at the time, but even going ahead with that movie in the way they did and opening up the Predator universe, then following it up with this, helped separate the Predators from the Alien universe. All the head themes are potentially connected to the overall story, even the match head and its connection to the fire. I'm not directly negating the possibility that Weyland portrayed himself as a god in the timeline, used the image/name of the company to become king and stole power from multiple mentors. Rewriting the timeline in his favor, to portray himself as god and king.... AVP was broken down, destroyed and replaced. Dethroned as the current leader of the Alien series and in this case the Predators have been separated out. It had elements separated out and others were recombined with it in a new way. AVP has been erased and replaced in the timeline... Both the timeline of the new Universe and Weyland's corporate timeline during his reign, which may be made out to portray himself a certain way. Even still, not looking so good for the Preds in this movie universe when you apply how the goo works and the recurring themes. If that works for you then I think you can choose to believe that. Especially if it ties into how this all connects to Bladerunner regarding the death and replacement of the previous head of a culture/company: Weyland and Tyrell corp. AVP's Charles Bishop Weyland's influence has been completely destroyed, erased and rebuilt in a new way. Connecting to what happens after Bladerunner 2 and how "Weyland" saves the environment-- but AVP will never be mentioned because of Weyland rewriting the timeline, altering it, and using the image of the true founder of one company, while being mentored by another. We'll only get a string of clues and one major indication this has gone on with Tyrell-Weyland. A hybrid bridge between what happens after BladeRunner 2 and the Alien series. Ridley never lied in any of the interviews about it not being a prequel, he's said the next parts will connect to the original Alien. What he hasn't said is the end of Bladerunner 2 may connect to Prometheus in a way. All my knowledge comes from a time shortly before the plan for 2 movies was scrapped + everything I've picked up along the way and reconstructed. In a way some of this is what I choose to believe based on what little information I have and the clues all along the way. They (and I) have only worked out the broad strokes and everyone will be allowed to work out the "broad strokes" for ourselves when all the clues are revealed in the sequels. You honestly have to look at everything in multiple ways. I've said before that many statements that were made leading up to the film were deliberately vague and ambiguous, more so than with most movies. The Alien DNA thing turned out to be very true. Ridley didn't refer to David as an android, he did call him a robot and a replicant a number of times though. Even when he said there may be two he still called them robots-- a somewhat vague term when dealing with sci-fi and what androids are. I think the truth is that David 8 is a little bit of both. Android(robot) and Replicant... Weyland eventually moved towards a hybrid android-replicant design. Like what happened with his mentor, the Replicant emotional/rebellious side was his undoing and David has some subtle forms of free will in how he chooses to manipulate things and carry out his programming. He may have allowed the king to die. David may be developing "realness" and a subconscious desire to kill and replace his parents. Weyland's desire for a real son influenced him to make the David 8 too close to humans. He went back on his word in the Weyland files and tried to find a way to control the replicant design by combining it with the early android models. Vickers may be a prototype that leans more towards the replicant design, so Theron is not lying when she says Vickers wasn't an android... and Vickers couldn't really answer Janeks question because she's more like the replicants. The fact Vickers doesn't share the same last name as Weyland is even more interesting, and adds to this, the lineage/ covering up of lineage/ severing of the lineage stuff.. Vickers shares this desire to see the king die and also wants to replace him. She shares it a little bit more consciously though. Weyland has created the first bio-mechanical beings for the humans, and these 2 will lead all the other androids and the androids Yutani has been working on since the David lawsuit in the timeline...It becomes a Vickers vs David thing again when Vickers is recreated because she's practically grown. The trick is they're opposites of each other and the connection to Frankenstein, the modern Prometheus, becomes the head and the brain... David may have a replicant or human like mind, at least partially, which accounts for his emotional "understanding". His android body and even the head are created to keep the brain alive much more so than with the later androids of the series who are back to being fully mechanical for a very good reason. And the fully mechanical David 3-7 who we may meet soon ends up being sacrificed by David 8... Vickers would then basically be a replicant body plan with a mostly artificial brain. Each of them had issues with Weyland's control but were both following Weyland's orders, in a way. By Vickers not staying home and the crew she selected she ensured she could monitor and influence the mission. The rebirth and updating themes are prevalent, and immortality is more like rebirth in this series. David 8 and Ripley 8 are both monsters and hybrids in their own ways. I know people don't like to include Resurrection but I strongly believe Ridley has even planted visual clues for this to connect to Resurrection in a subtle way by David playing around with the basketball while being isolated on the ship. Different from the rest. A creation, and a monster in some ways-- a lot like Frankenstein on some basic levels.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 7:01 AM
My mind can't quite grasp the wide ranging thoughts on this thread,,,but it was an enjoyable reading experience... As David and Shaw are heading for the next stop,,what will they encounter? After reading the recent posts... I would like to see a world filled with Davids and Vickers,,,Shaw will have a meltdown to see that what she chooses to believe just is not true,,,loses faith..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerOct-24-2012 12:32 PM
IMO - The first time I saw Predator, I was disappointed with the design of the creature under the mask. I agreed with what Danny Glover called it in Predator 2, but Gary Busey is always much scarier!


MemberFacehuggerOct-24-2012 2:41 PM
For the love of our sacrifical engineer i hope bladerunner/predators and the terminators stay the hell out of prometheus completely.

Want some candy?

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 3:48 PM
@ OP Terminator? Predator? [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 4:39 PM
@ Apex The scary thing is that if Bladerunner stays mostly separate, yet is connected in a way similar to what I described, with the mentor connection; then it becomes easy for Weyland to secretly have had another mentor when he was a little younger. The whole possible Bladerunner connection rests on Weyland rewriting a part of the timeline, rewriting history as some Dictators and Kings do and gaining a little bit of his knowledge/ability from Tyrell. Tyrell himself was like a king of his time, so Weyland had to erase almost all traces of the past king's rule to become the new king of the Earth over time. The timeline would then mostly be true in terms of his creations, but a lot of it is Propaganda... making Weyland out to look like more of a god/king... He would have erased Tyrell's influence over his early monumental rise in the timeline to portray himself as the hero of the world, at an earlier date (after only saving the icecaps), and portraying himself as a god right from the very start. When in all actuality most leaders have a team of people propping them up or leading to their rise. Weyland may have stole some of his power and then portrayed it all as his own brilliance, he was really a selfish, power hungry, slightly brilliant fool who wanted to rule forever. He may have had a lot of help setting up Weyland's golden age. But Paradise is over for all the groups of the story, and Predators are probably permanently written out of the timeline. Whereas Bladerunner has a chance to come in now after the easter egg in the Weyland files. @Indy I think David already knows the next step in his plan is to somehow lead the other androids against the humans. He wanted to go to Earth but Shaw made them go to Paradise. It's always good to gather more data first so David doesn't mind making a detour. Things could change slightly when they show up in Paradise and learn about the tensions between the Elders and the Engineers.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-24-2012 4:54 PM
^^^ What Oneironaut 717 said ^^^ Hahaha Brilliant!

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 5:50 PM
+1 oneironaut!

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 5:33 PM
There is no need to connect Blade Runner to Alien, or to continue Predator vs. Alien, or to involve Terminators. Ridley Scott is making enough of a story out of Prometheus, and he is finding connections to Alien cumbersome because he sees the value of taking Prometheus in its own direction. It would be a disappointment to make the sequels to Prometheus "only lead up to a the derelict ship in Alien". Scott did Blade Runner, and he may do Blade Runner 2. He is "the man" for designing films with creepy androids/ replicants, and that's why David can be expected to do so much in Prometheus, like the androids in Alien and Aliens (one enemy, one friend). "Worlds with androids" don't need to mix story lines for particular androids, obviously, as for Blade Runner combining with Prometheus. The whole sci-fi element itself is "there", like the genre needs to be fleshed out an extra time.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 5:40 PM
With respect to whether the engineers from Prometheus created or just found the goo and its powers, the movie doesn't clearly establish what was the case. There are definite plans to include religious elements in the sequel, though. At one point, Ridley Scott was considering making Jesus an engineer, who was sent to try to reform the people with respect to the evils of the Roman Empire. His execution was what convinced the engineers to make more of the good, and then eradicate humanity. Scott didn't go this route, but there are still plans to include religious elements, only more on the lines of the xeno's being created by the Devil.


MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 6:04 PM
Just connecting Prometheus mitologhy to Weyland person, after watched TED viral, (just supposition), Weyland could steal some first notions of the biomechanics technology to Eldon Tyrell in the past. I see some clearly connection to BR. Remember he was Tyrells disciple in the past and his *mentor* a God.
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