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Rushed Ending....

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Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 3:04 PM
The pace of the movie sort of goes along as various script items are sealt with. Beginning with the Last Engineer meeting Weyland and beyond,,as a viewer it seemed quite rushed,, There was no time for any dramatic effect..explanatioin what we have seen This isn't an action movie..but what action is fast and furious,,and as a viewer,,harder to digest what we have just seen. For me the ramming of the Juggernaut,,seemed way to hasty. And earlier the Transport returning to face Vickers on the loading ramp with Janek trying to get aboard,,just seemed too quick from the Pyramid. All of a sudden they are there! Repeated viewing on DVD has now allowed me to be prepared for the story and visual effects.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
6 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 3:58 PM
You're right; it was too hasty. And it was also unbelievable that Janek and the flight crew would be so gung-ho to ram the Juggernaut so quickly. I remember reading somewhere that Ridley thought the ending should go quickly because he was tired of watching the struggle at the end of movies that he just decided to skip it and kill the villain. It's the tension, the build-up, and the suspense that makes movies interesting and engaging. It's the anticipation about what could happen next that is exciting to watch. When the Engineer was struggling with the super-hugger at the end and you get his point-of-view, that second was partly suspenseful because I was placed in the Engineer's shoes, but then I remembered that the Engineer is the villain. The super-hugger was a [url=]Deus Ex Machina[/url] of sorts.


MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 5:44 PM
"pacing", like so many aspects of a film (and art in general), is a subjective matter. I do feel that the films pacing is somewhat atypical. Prometheus feels collage-like. I like that.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 9:04 PM
I liked how they had many new plot developments throughout the film, with the last parts leaving me amazed with all the suspense. This said, I was quite disappointed that the engineer just attacked the people without any explanation. What followed couldn't have been as goos as developing the character more, and so on, and at least in the special edition DVD there is a deleted scene of the engineer reading through Vickers' books before he finds Shaw and is attacked.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 9:09 PM
I thought it was believable that they flew the Prometheus into the aliens' ship. It seemed to follow given how serious the captain said he was about not allowing any of the weapons to be brought back to Earth. He and Shaw had a well established relationship, where he listened to her and did what he felt he had to given that he had so little time.


MemberOvomorphOct-24-2012 9:13 PM
Correction; Rushed movie :D. The whole thing was rushed. Which is why it was such a downer. And that's the bottom line. You could get down to the details, and talk about every individual scene, but that's what it comes down to. Another extra 30 mins or so, would have been nice. Hell.. even an hour. Prometheus should have been one of those long movies that aren't made for incomplex, low IQ simpletons. Should have been about as long as The Chronicles of Riddick Director's Cut. Something like that... Also, if you DO want to get down to the details. And talk in-depth, and maybe even share your ideas to better the series, and make sure Paradise is 10 times the movie Prometheus is, you should check out the Future Megathread. [url=]Future of the series[/url] I hope to see many contributions. Keep the ideas coming, folks.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 9:00 AM
The Death of Weyland seemed too rushed for me,,Here a key charactor has been presented,,maybe the key role..and suddenlty he is being brow beatened and thyen collapses with a few dying words.. If anything it is a wonder that David didn't teach the old man a few Engineer words..just to say 'Hello'.. Then Peter could go away knowing he did his best to achieve immortality.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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