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Pyramid Atmosphere

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Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 9:18 AM
The moon's atmosphere was not hospitible to the crew of Prometheus. At some point,,soon after entering the Bee Hive Holloway decided. the atmosphere inside was OK and removed his helmet.. But action actually started this creation? Entering the Moon magnetic field? Entering the carved out entrance? Sensors in the roadway ? Observation of other being aready on the moon? Thought waves from the crew..being monitored? It is not clear in the movie when the atmosphere started being generated...but it was clear to me that someone wantyed to make humans feel confortable .,,put their guard down a bit,,,,before unleashing all the events we witnessed in the movie.. But something started the creation of livable ait,,for our doomed crew..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
11 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 11:05 AM
It's been left on all this time, since nobody was alive or awake to switch it off. There are other living organisms in the structure, such as the earthworm like organisms (that later get infected with the black goo and turn into the hammerpedes).

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 12:36 PM
I had not thought of the atmosphere being hospitable all the time, Hmm so then something must have notified the Ampule room..that intruders were at work.. and started the Urns to oozing goo.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerOct-25-2012 1:07 PM
I saw Holoway as someone who often enjoyed to breathe his own methane expulsions, so a little CO2 would hardly affect him?


MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 5:19 PM
@indyjohn, Yeah that could be right, i think it might have been the humans emotion because they're excited and amazed at what they're seeing ,also an urn near david doesn't leak because hes got no emotion? Or it could be just the 2,000 year old air being released that notifys it that somethings near?. Good point
\\\" I Want To Go Where They Come From\\\"


MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 5:56 PM
Shaw said they'd affected the atmosphere. May have been a rapid decay due to oxygen coming in to the room. I think someone also theorized that the goo was coded for human DNA and went nuts when the crew entered. Something that the SJs may not have counted on when they were experimenting with it as a military weapon and why it infected them 2000 years prior.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 9:38 PM
That's a very interesting hypothesis, Indy John. I think it's a good possibility that someone else was watching when the Prometheus crew arrived. When they didn't seem to be making any more progress, one of the probes they called pups detected a life form a way off from the rest of the areas. They never showed what the life-form detected was. David volunteered to find that probe, which was assumed to be malfunctioning, and that was what led him to both the cargo hold and the sleeping engineer. It seemes very unlikely to me that this place would have been left totally unguarded.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-26-2012 6:26 AM
"..also an urn near david doesn't leak .." An emotional trigger,,was not something that I thought about... Something physical seemed logical...but adding an amost psychic element to the storyline.. could really advance the storyline..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-26-2012 6:34 AM
"..They never showed what the life-form detected was.." I always assume it was the Last Engineer..that the Pups detected,,,,but could not advance through the closed doors.. Just think about that: Pups would need to detect a lifeform a couple of rooms the orrey,,,,but that seems a rather long range.. Another life form triggering the pups,,,,That would be very interesting..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphOct-26-2012 9:56 AM
"..They never showed what the life-form detected was.." I always thought it was one of the hammerpedes skulking around.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphOct-27-2012 2:03 AM
It could have been one of the hammerpedes, but it's a full 1 km away, and the hammerpede would have had to leave the liquid it evolved within, and crawl all the way there and back when it reached the door it couldn't have opened.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-29-2012 11:44 AM
Reading comments about the Juggernaut being apart from the Pryamids,,caused me to review the scanning scenes,, If you keep your eyes open there is complex structure underneath and apart from the actual Beehive shaped structure. It leads me to the question why the Prometheus landed so far away from the Pyramid?,,(the one that is eather the first...or last in line,). Why not land in the between a couple of the structures to better compare the them. At least why land closer to the selected Pyramid..walking distance? Both questions sort of have a similar mystery: By landing between..or at least closer to pyramids,,it could be likely the Prometheus..would have landed on top of the Juggernaut!. That would have complicated the story...or at least the Last Engineer's continued life... Somebody on the Prometheus knew something of this moon,,and influenced that actual landing site....
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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