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Why it IS a prequel of Alien

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MemberOvomorphOct-28-2012 12:38 PM
...i'm reading the booklet included in the Alien Anthology dated 2010, and it's RS himself in his introduction "a letter from RS" who states : " i prepare to re-enter this world with my upcoming Alien prequel..." . This should clear all doubts from other users...
13 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-28-2012 1:32 PM
In related news... "Saddam Hussein's regime is despicable, he is developing weapons of mass destruction, and we cannot leave him doing so unchecked." – Tony Blair, 10 April 2002
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphOct-28-2012 9:28 PM


MemberOvomorphOct-29-2012 4:23 AM
zzplural@ haha, very smooth.



MemberDeaconOct-29-2012 7:50 AM
Well Prometheus is a Prequel and quite how much depends on how the other movies turn out. But the Viral Marketing seems to hint to quite a lot of information which could mean at some point the sequels to Prometheus could show us the Evolution of Weyland to Weyland Yutani. While Prometheus is not a literal prequel the events of Prometheus do not directly lead to Alien, we dont know if that would be the same by the time the franchise is complete. Star Wars Phantom Menace was not 100% a literal prequel in that sense in that Anakin did not become Vader in that movie and their was no birth of the Storm Troopers. The Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith bridged the gap to New Hope, and their could be potential for Prometheus 2 and 3 to do the same with Alien. Prometheus introduces us to Weyland Industries, who the founder was, a earlier proto type Android that leads to Ash and Bishop and we are also introduced to the Race behind the Derelict Ships and Space Jockey. While in this movie we do not get clear indications of where the Xeno came from... in Phantom Menace we dont know where the Storm Troopers came from.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-29-2012 9:57 AM
"..While in this movie we do not get clear indications of where the Xeno came from.." And this back story will influence the storyline up to Alien..and should be the reason form the next installment, I would be happy with another background type story,,with answers..leading up to a direct prequel of Alien as part of the 3rd installment..tying everything together,,and also offer other storylines to follow for other..future release,,(Parts 4-6) That may take 20 years to complete several installments maybe too late.. Now if I went into statis...
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphOct-29-2012 11:13 AM
in other news: Ridley Scott was working on a Blade Runner PREQUEL for some time, before the sequel he was actually working on was announced. don't ask me to URL it, I never knew where I heard this, maybe some online interview he did... the sense I'm getting is, "He'll say/do anything, come camera time."
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-29-2012 4:31 PM
@Custodian, first time I heard that Sir Ridley Scott was actively working on the Blade Runner sequel was when I was watching/listening to either the RS commentary on my 3-D blue-ray copy or in the special feature section of Prometheus. If memory serves me correctly, he stated " he was well into the making of the 2nd Blade Runner"..... Withthatsaid, apparently he got started right after the production of Prometheus, so I'd bet to say it's in the Edit stage and or will be announced or first trailer for Blade Runner is on 11-10-12......
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....


MemberDeaconOct-29-2012 5:15 PM
Ridley did say that he expects the story he is trying to tell to span at least 2 sequels and he said that by the time he is finished we would get the answers. I think by that he wishes to leave not to many stones unturned as far as who the Space Jockey Engineer was and where they are from and who the Xeno was and where that came from. Essentially meaning that any future spin offs or sequels/prequels will not be able to explain the Xeno Origins and who the Engineers are as these will all be addressed by the time Ridley has finished. As lets face it, if they are not then that leaves the door open for Fox to bring someone else in to answer those and they may end up being answered in a way that Ridley would not be happy about. At the moment as long as he is around and picked to do Prometheus 2-3 or what ever and as long as he answers the questions eventually it means no one else can come along and put their stamp on any of those questions. Such as the Queen, Ridley does not seem to be totally against the concept but if he did the Alien sequel maybe it would not have evolved the way Camerons did, but he did not work on the Alien sequel and thus lost any creative input. I dont think he would want the same thing to happen again.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-29-2012 8:00 PM
Hardly surprising that we are going to get at least another two movies, with lindelof's involvement...just like lost, answer a few questions, raise twice as many. I wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for the gaps between movies - apparently it will be 2014 before we see the next one.


MemberDeaconOct-30-2012 8:09 AM
Lindeloff will most likely have nothing to do with the other movies. I am sure we will see any sequels improve on the original.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-30-2012 1:06 PM
@BigDave, correct me if I'm wrong, but before the making of Aliens, I thought I read or heard that Ridley Scott and Cameron discussed the 2nd Alien movie, Aliens, and the two were going to make that together, but Ridley did not like the direction of the way Cameron wanting to go with the movie, i.e. the Queen concept, so Ridley Scott stepped away from Aliens alltogether.... I know I read that sometime ago..... I also agree that if Scott does not do the 2nd and 3rd installment of Prometheus due to one reason or other, I think any other director will destroy the story of the Engineers, Shaw's quest for Paridise and all the answers for the current die-hard fan base..... I wish RS gets all other commitments completed so he can get started on Prometheus 2 and 3. But I have this feeling Prometheus 2 is already completed and that's what the 11-10-12 date is all about, just have this feeling it is done, just waiting to hear or see the announcement
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-30-2012 1:57 PM
"... I wish RS gets all other commitments completed so he can get started on Prometheus 2 and 3.." I would rather see RS vision of Prometheus story,,than any other,,no matter how good the writer,,director or Fader.. in that sense I hope you are right..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphOct-30-2012 2:24 PM
How long ago was that introduction written? Remember, the initial drafts for what became Prometheus had a lot more to do directly with the Alien storyline, and was considered a direct prequel. As the scripts developed, it lost a lot of the direct links and took on a story of its own, and lost a lot of what made it a true "prequel". By the time that booklet was published, the storyline may have already been altered.
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