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Star Wars ep. 7 confirmed. (2015)

1233 Views9 Replies
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MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 5:31 AM
What do you all think of this? From what I've read it'll be another trilogy. Like or dislike? Personally, after the fiasco that Prometheus was, I'm not really looking forward to this at all...
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!
9 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 5:45 AM


MemberFacehuggerOct-31-2012 9:47 AM
Can't wait. Wonder if there is any chance we can see Boba Fett being played by Donald Duck ? [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 11:15 AM
cant wait!...not for me personally, but for my young son. People often forget that the star wars films are designed with young children in mind (i loved the original star wars as a child; seriously, i was a nut). The thing is, the star wars movies arent for you anymore (depending upon your age). Of course they are to be enjoyed as a bit of nostalgia, but beyond that...let the kids eat it up. I used to have a negative opinion of episodes 1-3 (when the first film came out etc.), but i have since changed my mind. The sense of wonder my little boy gets from all 6 films is unquantifiable. thats what matters. obviously id like to see care and thought put into the legacy/future of the star wars franchise, but the bottom line for me: im glad my son will see a star wars film (or two) in the theatre.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerOct-31-2012 12:04 PM
I have seen every Star Wars from 1977-2005 in the theater. It is always great fun! My question is who might get to be cast as Luke, Lea & Han? @Joeyjoe - When Episode 7 is released in 2015, my son will be about the same age I was in 1977 at Star Wars! It is the experience to embrace & Disney will do a great job! I hope we have a theatrical release of 'Paradise' before then, though!


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 12:29 PM
@cerulean blue: i hear ya on that last bit!! star wars 7 for my son...Paradise for daddy. lol. its gonna be a blast watching the kids enjoy star wars 7!


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 4:18 PM
If this is a fact I really wish that it can be scripted by someone who has a vision of how the films should be. Not of trying to satisfy a younger audience with horrible characters like Jar-Jar bonk. Also I prefer it to have a different director besides Lucas. To my knowledge the regular cast has to return. But they will not be the focus of the films, there children will be. From reading some of the books I do know that Han and Leia did have chilfdren that were born with the force.


MemberOvomorphNov-01-2012 11:12 AM
It is official Disney has announced they are going to continue the saga with 7,8,9. From what I understand Lucas had written all 9 episodes but only planned to film 6. The last 3 will be a perspective from the beloved drioids telling about the rebuilding of the Alliance and what ever else comes along. Disney will have the last word on that.
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MemberOvomorphNov-01-2012 11:29 PM
It's possible for disney to destroy the whole franchise.It all depends on what direction they take. I hate and always hated anything starwars. They could have mickey mouse as a character for all i care. IMO it won't make any difference


MemberOvomorphNov-01-2012 11:42 PM
Yes but, anyway George Lucas was destroying his fictional universe, so there is nothing to lose with this IMO.
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