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If they were Gods

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MemberOvomorphNov-03-2012 3:58 PM
I notice when Engineer was hurting by the Shaw s ax, you can see a black blood emanating from his body, I m wondering if they have our same DNA, must be red. Who can explain that?, unless they were Gods. The main difference between Gods and men was that them (Gods) there is not blood running through his veins, however a fluid liquid named the ICHOR, (gold colour), which caused his body to be incorruptible. They fed nectar and ambrosia (unknown substance) and the rising smoke from burned animals than men on Earth, sacrificed in his honor. Scott talked recently in several interviews about they are dark-angels and pointed Milton's Paradise Lost, It could explain something about Engineers origin.
10 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-03-2012 4:33 PM
What are you referencing when you talk about the specifics of "God blood" called "icor" Also i am not a scientist, but human DNA is all 99.9% identical, and yet we have VAST differences in Skin, eye, hair color, facial features, even types of blood. (Maybe not differently colored blood, but is that tiny detail really very hard to believe!?) They are 9 feet tall, with Marble skin, weird Bio-suits, and jet-black eyes. (Not to mention seemingly absent genitalia!) I'm quite sure the experts are leaning towards the idea that environmental factors played a huge part in the development of humans and our differences. Ie: black, white, asian, etc- we all developed slight variations based on where our ancestors settled. So, these Engineers- developing on another world with God knows what environmental influences, Could easily share our DNA (on the base level-99.9%) and yet have many subtle differences in the way they evolved. Height, weight, eye colour, skin color, etc. (maybe blood color) are all actually very insignificant differences in the grand scheme of things.


MemberOvomorphNov-03-2012 4:47 PM
I meant: ICHOR. I wrote this concept because in mitologhy was a golden fluid of the gods, but if Scott said they are black-angels and Milton, the first thing that came to mind was the mythological concept of "ICHOR". But the black blood colour does not fit me, it seems more linked to black goo, but I not sure because it is a bacteriological substance, although the sacrifice at the beginning of the film makes me think about it.

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphNov-03-2012 5:40 PM
I think the Engineers' blood is naturally black, whether they're seeders or destroyers. But like you said Mateo, it could be down to the black goo contaminating the colour of their blood. I want to see a chart detailing Engineer physiology!


MemberOvomorphNov-03-2012 8:29 PM
I m sure, Oneironaut, that you are searching same questions than me. I think this film is closer to Satanism than anything else, made for agnostics rather than true believers people, where the elite (Weyland Company) and the hidden knowledge are literally building the future. When Scott said he appreciates more the black-angels of Milton than God, is seems like he was just trying to reach more the Pandemonium (city inhabited by fallen angels) than Heavens. I m with you, I would like yo know the Engineer physiology. They evolved to inflict more suffering than others, just like us the human beings trought the years.


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 1:27 AM
The Engineers don't have black blood: [img][/img]
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 7:37 AM
But isn't that brain matter?

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 9:32 AM
@zzplural ..I don't know how you captured tghis screen shot,,,but I had to replay this scene from the movie to see it was there! I thought it was a scene from JAWS Yes brain matter,,perhaps,,but since there so much liquid I just took it to mean like it infectous matter,, tumerous perhaps.. "..The main difference between Gods and men.." Humans trying to descibe God or Gods seems doomed from the start.. Like trying to have an ant understand humans..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 9:53 AM
Brains are full of blood, and blood is liquid. If your brain was a lovely blue colour, you would see big splashes of red if it exploded, because it's full of blood. I believe that the brain was relatively intact prior to it going BOOM. For the reason that, seconds earlier, Ford managed to stimulate it into action, and it was capable of triggering muscle motion.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 1:46 AM
The Engineers do have black blood. Take your pick! [img][/img]
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 10:27 PM
I agree with your opinion @fleshvessel.
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