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I've got something better than cave drawings

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MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 6:36 AM
Ok, maybe some of you figured this too. I really like the movie, but one of the things I didnt like was the whole thing with the cave drawings. It reminded me of the pyramids from alien vs predator, and how they were all alike. Especially that line 'Found in different places all over the world, and yet' really sounds like something I have heard before more than once. It bugs me. But thats not the point of this thread anyway. I figured, taking the first alien movie and the novellization of that movie in mind, that the company had a clear objective when they sent Ash out with the nostromo crew in order to intercept the "distress call' or warning more like it. What if, in stead of coming up with this religious story behind Dr Shaw, which I didnt care much for, and all these cave drawings, the Prometheus had just set out for that same signal from the first movie? After all, the timeline on Project Prometheus proves Alien takes place after Prometheus. And maybe, in stead of a perfect landing on just the right planet, they would have crashed onto the wrong planet on their way there, namingly LV-226? That way its still on a different planet than LV-426, and the story would make a bit more sense. They could have come up with any given number of reasons for the ship to crash, maybe they could have made David crash the ship because he thought this other planet seemed more interesting to him? Who knows. It all sounds more interesting to me than the original prometheus plot. P.S. for you geeks out there. Maybe LV-426 is in a completely different direction than 226, I dont know this, but in that case they could have moved the location of 226 closer to 426.
6 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 7:07 AM
That's an unusual use of the word 'better' in my opinion. You have completely glossed over the many threads that bind the Prometheus story together and replaced it a very very dull alternative.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 9:10 AM
I would not use the word 'better.. .. but 'different'... I don't have a problem with the cave paintings,,indicating something beyond the earth. Even the human interacting with 'Engineers'(though as others have mentioned it would be an interesting storyline of the meetings of the human/Engineers leading to the actual drawings).is not a concern of mine,,because it just a writers' way to lead us to the main story.. To paraphrase Vickers,,, You spend your Trillion Dollars..write a script your way and i will be glad to read it.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 9:11 AM
in fact there is Arecibo signal transmision 4, in Prometheus. Check a look some viral videos. I think probably it would be the same signal from Alien.


MemberDeaconNov-05-2012 11:58 AM
well the various Virals etc seem to indicate that prior to Prometheus setting off to LV 223 the company did intercept and deceiver the Beacon left by the Derelict and that David 8 was aware of this while on route to LV 223. The only logical explanation for Prometheus not going to LV 426 instead or being aware are. That Weyland and David only knew of LV 426 And that they knew the signal was a warning to other Engineers about the Bio Weapon being compromised and not to land there. Thus Weyland would know of a Bio Weapon but know that it is in a compromised and thus deadly state. And as they would conclude the SOS may had been sent so as that the Engineers on LV 223 would receive it, its then logical that Weyland and David know LV 426 just contains a Compromised Bio Weapon and that LV 223 may be where this weapon was heading from or two and that LV 223 would hold more significance as far as finding the creators of Mankind.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 4:01 PM
Ok gotta say I'm pretty tired and not feeling very smart right now, but its nice you put some thought into it BigDave. Have to admit I haven't been to the Project Prometheus site for a while, so I'm not aware of all the details. It just seems like a bit of a fuss to come up with all this, in my view, bland backstory, and these rag tag scientists to go with David and Weyland on this mission. They could have just brought in some professionals, explained to them what the signal might be, and what they were going to do on LV 426 and LV 226. Some might consider that boring or too simple, but I think in a way the alien series always had a bit of a down to earth and simple feel to it and sometimes I miss that in Prometheus.


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 10:17 PM
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