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How do you make 'black goo'?

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The Wanderer

MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 2:43 PM
Why on this moon, what is it about this moon that is special? Is there an indiginous ingredient? If not, why not just produce it on a juggernaut? Why were they terraforming if it was a military installation?
15 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 2:51 PM
are rumored that an alien creature make this black goo


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 5:10 PM
I m wondering what had drinking the sacrificed Engineer at beginig the film, did they stole the elixir of the gods?, I see the black goo as the *nectar* in mythology, but maybe was a bacterological weapon, and maybe it destroyed his race. Were they the last ones of his race? I have many questions. I forgot to say, it is logical that their race is dead, the last Engineer took sleeping 2000 years!


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 6:12 PM
the black goo the sacrifical engineer drinks looks different to the stuff in the vials [url=]black goo[/url] it has an incadescent amber tinge to it and seems like its a living organisim. maybe its cultivated like scientist would cultivate cells in a pertrdish


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 8:41 PM
Katie1238, I completely agree! Everyone tells me i'm nuts, but i have watched and re-watched that scene, and it is NOT the same Black Goo. Also, on the making of disc on bluray- Ridley Scott is helping to create the 'Sacrificial Substance' and they use all sorts of crap. Honeycomb, berries, etc. They talk about color, etc. If it WAS the same, i'm sure he would have just said "make it black" lol. He ALWAYS refers to the goo as 'THE BLACK GOOP' others call it 'the DNA'- yet when designing the 'Sacrificial Subtance' he calls it just that. I am convinced (also, because it has totally different effects) that the 2 are completely different substances. The Sacrifice also take place at LEAST millions and millions of years before the events we see on LV223.


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 10:07 PM


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2012 10:45 PM
Alien jizz in a cup makes babies.


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 7:40 AM
[i]"Why on this moon, what is it about this moon that is special?"[/i] According to Captain Janek's theory, the moon LV-223 was chosen by the Engineers because they are not stupid enough to manufacture weapons of mass destruction on their own doorstep. [i]"Is there an indiginous ingredient?"[/i] There's no reason to think that there's any indigenous material that would assist in the manufacture of the goo. [i]"If not, why not just produce it on a juggernaut?"[/i] The base appears to be multi-purpose. It's full purpose is not known, but we do know that there were many installations and they were terraforming to boot. Further, there appears to be an element of what-we-might-call religious artifacts within the pyramids. Things that are clearly important to the psyche of the unknown alien mind. [i]"Why were they terraforming if it was a military installation?"[/i] Nobody knows. I have my theories - what are yours?
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberDeaconNov-05-2012 11:49 AM
Well one of the Virals seems to indicate that their is one substance and that the substance breaks down DNA and then rebuilds it if its ingested and how fast this process occurs depends on the amount consumed. And if its inhaled well then the substance after a period of time leads to DNA Mutation. This does make things more complicated and add more holes.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-05-2012 2:54 PM
I think it was Ma'Lak who said the Engineers were 'mining' the LV-223 atmosphere while also terraforming it? Were there elements in the atmosphere they needed for the production of the black goo?


MemberOvomorphNov-06-2012 3:32 AM
There was nothing special about the atmosphere mentioned in the movie. But if, for some mad reason, tiny amounts of a miracle ingredient were to be present in the atmosphere of a lifeless rock, it might not have been picked up during their cursory scan. More likely would be that they would perhaps be short on heavier elements (say, gold) to do whatever they are doing, in which case you're talking about ground extraction, not the atmosphere.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-06-2012 6:36 AM
"..There was nothing special about the atmosphere mentioned in the movie." THat's true as far as humans are concerned. To that is an issue because it is "better than earth's" as mentioned by Ford, Why is that? It could not be by accident but is a connection with the Engineers themselves. In a recient viewing I notice the amount of water being created by this atmosphere with the floot rivelets draining into what looks like a well.. Although we do see cloud cover and lightning when Prometheus is flying into the Moon's atmosphere I don't recall seeing any evidence on the moon's surface of rivers, lakes of anything indicating that water related erosion has occured. Although it is possible there is a 'Dune' storyline at work about hidden water storage,,at least in that movie there was an actual need for water. @zzplural I do think your mining the manufactured atmosphere for trace minerals has some merit since there are so many Bee Hives visible on the landscape. Perhaps a thread for episode 2 of the Prometheus adventure woud clear up this atmosphere discussion
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-06-2012 2:18 PM
Yeah I think it would work a lot like how the flamethrower mines the air to help in the use of "fire" but these structures also clean the air for the Engineers later use. What if the entire planet was in the process of being terraformed, and at the same time they gather, break down and mix all the toxins in the air with a special type of element that condenses within the storms generated by very particular atmospheres. What about the heavy metal some of the characters talk about and something like silica in the atmosphere as some of the indigenous elements? I'm also thinking the black liquid and the alien genetics are two separate substances, so this would only be how the black liquid part is gathered and manipulated. Brought down the spiral somehow. I think so because the spiral is a really ancient and important symbol... and we have a giant spiral as part of the structure of the temple.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-06-2012 2:40 PM
@Mala'kak I was glad to read your last comment,,especially when you apply your brain to the basic elements of the story. Your posts on the broader picture of the story relating to earth's history symbolism and possible intersaction with the Engineers are of great interest..but sometime hard to I read them again! "..storms generated by very particular atmospheres..." A storm generator.. what an interesting idea. That would somehow tie into the storm that quickly appears when the Big Head Room is breeched. As I recall it was a wind storm..not a water/thunder event. There was lightning visible from the Prometheus when the ship was looking for a landing palce on the moon. Can you have lighting in a dust storm?
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-06-2012 3:13 PM
I'm thinking they need particular atmospheres that contain these elements/ have these unpredictable storms that they somehow draw to the temples. I can't remember right now but does Janek say the storm is interfering with the signals in any way? He says something about silica in the air. I'm thinking it could be about water too. I don't know enough about lightning though. Other than its mythological connections to Zeus, fire, and the flood. Zeus is said to have been able to somehow cause either fires or floods with his lightning powers. When Poseidon the Atlantean king (and semi-evil brother to Zeus) takes his science too far and leaves human-fish hybrids aka mermaids in the ocean, plus other human-animal hybrids and monsters on the shores Zeus has to take action. He causes a massive flood and a massive fire all throughout the Caucasus mountains region according to the myth, to wipe out all the remnants of the bad monsters and the Atlanteans' mistakes. He gave control over the early humans to his brother Poseidon and in Zeus's perspective he abused the power. This may form the basis for why Zeus never wants human-like beings to have the fire ever again. The Atlanteans were the first round of humans in the Greek myths and were not originally monsters/mermaids, they were said to have an extremely advanced culture but lose their Paradise somewhere along the way. This is why Weyland's golden age has to end in Paradise and the age of Weyland-Yutani has to start. Everything could have been a Paradise with all the technology Weyland gave the world but it will be partially undone because of Weyland's selfishness right at the end. The Atlanteans became the way they are in the future over time after they abused their science and started making hybrids of humans and other creatures. Similar to what we have going on with the how the Engineers seem to have changed over time. Although the engineers may have hybridized themselves on purpose to make themselves bio-mechanical. Oh and to cause floods Zeus sends lightning bolts that crack open the Earth and cause chains of Earthquakes leading to the massive flood. This can be kind of compared to the Judeo_christian god's ability to cause massive floods to drown out Giants and Monsters, as is described in the bible "there were Giants on the earth in those days" or something.


MemberOvomorphNov-06-2012 3:19 PM
@Indy John, Lightning is theoretically possible in a dust storm. [url=]The Electric Dust Storm[/url] Great thread, everyone.
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