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are the xenomorph the really gods??

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MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 6:54 AM
In a THR interview, Scott had the following to say about Prometheus: “From the very beginning, I was working from a premise that lent itself to a sequel. I really don’t want to meet God in the first one. I want to leave it open to [Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace)] saying, ‘I don’t want to go back to where I came from. I want to go where they came from… Because [the Engineers] are such aggressive f**kers, I always had it in there that the God-like creature that you will see actually is not so nice, and is certainly not God. I’d love to explore where [Dr. Shaw] goes next and what does she do when she gets there, because if it is paradise, paradise can not be what you think it is. Paradise has a connotation of being extremely sinister and ominous.” ridley say that the engineer are not god
14 Replies

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 7:16 AM
IMO: The xenomorph, are nothing but an experiment that the Engineers cooked up in the laboratory. An experiment that was perfect, a perfect untameable pet - that would never heel to it's masters.


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 7:23 AM
I really don’t want to meet God in the first one..............wat mean this??? that we dont have gods in prometheus???

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 7:26 AM
The Engineers are the faux gods! If you remember, Shaw says if they made us - who made them?


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 10:58 AM
The Xenomorphs are the beginning of life, they are transformed into the engineers and the engineers are transformed into us! I would describe them better as Homoinfansmorphs which means human fetus morph. So the DNA of Xeno-Engineers-humans is identical.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberDeaconNov-05-2012 11:41 AM
I think if you look into his comments they all seem to imply that the Engineers are the Gods. I think what he means by did not want to meet God in Prometheus could be that he did not want to cover the Engineers in depth i.e the Elders etc. I do not think that the Xeno or any Xeno type Organism is going to be God, but we will have to wait and see.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 11:55 AM
i think the engineers are just "angels" and the xenomorphs could be their "pets" or "minions".


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 3:59 PM
I believe the Engineers discovered the xenos at some point and time on their home planet (there are a couple of novelizations to support this theory), and have been experimenting with their DNA ever since. And I also believe they worship the endless genetic possibilities that the xenos represent, hence the mural in the ampul room.


MemberDeaconNov-05-2012 4:17 PM
Here was my two cents.... which with new information now would appear to not be the case.... as that information well answers some things but leaves even more plot holes... Anyway i would say that the Engineers are Cloned Race created by the Elders in their image or they may just be younger Elders. This race are ancient and they started to use techniques for genetic manipulation. I believed that the Goo at the begging was not the same as those in the Urns but that the Urns contained broken down Xeno DNA in which they obtained via the same way the Sacrificial engineer broke down his DNA. For this i said it would be possible for that Sacrificial Engineers broken down material to had been collected instead of disintegrate into the water and collected into a Urn, would it not be possible to pour this contents into another Water Fall and start the same chain of events? Anyway it was my theory that these Engineers go from planet to planet and harvest what they find useful be that to Evolve themselves or for their experiments. I thus thought they may had came across some Organism that being the Xeno or the Progenitor of the Xeno and not only did they maybe use this Organism... or create from it the Bio Weapon Xeno, but they also used its ability to create structures such as the Hive in Aliens and adapted that Bio Tech to implement in the engineers own Tech. I thus think that the Bio Tech that we see in the Engineers Space Jockey suits and the Derelict/Juggernaut craft is something they either borrowed or Engineered from something they came across related to the Xeno and from this they created their Bio Tech and Bio Weapons. I say this because the Sacrificial Scene the Engineers and Elders had ropes and no signs of Bio Tech the ship they came down in also did not have that Organic look that the Juggernauts have. Thus this Bio Tech is something they either borrowed from related to the Xeno or something they created at a later date that they also created the Xeno from. My view of the Mural was to depict and show that the Xeno (or Progenitor) is Sacrificed to create the Goo in the Urns or the Xeno Bio Weapons. Just as the head statue is to depict the Sacrifice of the Engineer to create mankind. It could appear that Engineer was Sacrificed to create us, and Xeno to create what the urns contain for some purpose to combine the two for some greater agenda.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 6:20 PM
Xenomorphs are our saviors, somehow hindered the machinations of Engineers and their desire to wipe us oof the face of the universe. Of course, answer is NOT, because Xenoporth crucifixion mural, its meaning only danger, death, destruction, Satan, Antichrist, they let there as warning representation, as Ridley Scott said, one of them (Engineers) was crucified on Earth 2000 thousend years ago, so its clear they (Engineers) are the real Gods. My last theory that comes to mind is, if the last engineer was from hyper-sleep pod who displayed the warning cosmic signal for someone out of there in the galaxy, to save him from, as Ripley did in Alien, maybe they were not expecting us. But this is my hypothesis.


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 9:40 PM
The Engineers are definetly not gods. At least not in the spiritual sense. They themselves were created by a higher race of superior beings. The Engineers in my opinion are worker ants who reached a point in there evolution were they decided to over throw there creators. There creators were the Elephantine Space Jockey race. The Engineers then went on to create us and that is why the last standing Engineer expressed so much hostility towards Shaw, David and Weyland. He saw the humans as those that would overthrow there race in the long run. But in reality what really destroyed the Engineers was one of there other side experiments which are the Xenomorphs.


MemberOvomorphNov-05-2012 9:47 PM
I really don’t want to meet God in the first one..............wat mean this??? that we dont have gods in prometheus??? What cant you not understand @Claudius? First of all in my opinion what Ridley is really telling us is that the Engineers with all of there fancy technology are still only another creation of another race of superior beings. Maybe that higher race of beings is what Ridley is eluding to in the sequel by saying that he does not want to meet God in the first movie. Which in my opinion means that the Engineer being in Prometheous excludes his whole race of being gods. Maybe we will finally see in the sequel what Ridley deems as a representation of God. Maybe its not what we think it is.


MemberOvomorphNov-06-2012 8:01 AM
i think its not one god but a civilisation that is spreading life through the universe. i think these beings are the ones we see in the opening of the movie they seem much more noble and pure compared to the one on lv223. these are most likely the true space jockeys. Ridley is right in saying that we havent met god yet because so far weve met the fallen angels the ones who stole their technology and destroyed themselves in the end. the reason why nobody came to investigate lv223 was probally because the other Engineers probally killed them all for trying to destroy the life they had created, i mean Earth may not of been the only target and its possible that the engineers created more beings like themselves. im curious about what they meant by upgrading us, by using the black goo or by taking a human female and creating hybreeds until they get the perfect outcome?


MemberOvomorphNov-06-2012 9:49 AM
biological weapons? maybe but Gods? I doubt it...and nice thougth @BigDave...probably the Chair suit and the materials of the Juggernaut (or at least of the Derelict) has something to do with the Xenos.


MemberFacehuggerNov-06-2012 10:21 AM
I always thought maybe the black goo comes from one god like xeno creature - possibly that that engineers captured. Maybe its even its blood - if you can call it that...but they were tricked into thinking they had captured it when in fact maybe it wanted to be captured blah blah :P ...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

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