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What if Prometheus was made like a haunted house horror movie?

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MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 11:02 AM
Do you think it could have been a scary movie, with the engineer creeping around just like the alien in the first movie? I mean if they wanted to, they could have turned him into a well scary character. Just sabotaging the pyramid, setting monsters loose on the prometheus, jumping up on people and infecting them with stuff, maybe slap a squid on their face :P Mutating crew members to become his servants and murder their own friends.....ok maybe getting a little out of hand there but hey can't blame a guy for tryin'. Ya with me hah? Hah?! I'm talkin' ova here, whatsamatta?!
8 Replies

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 11:05 AM

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 11:19 AM
Haha NYFM yes the Engineer could use the ducts to get around, and get stuck. He would then set up a fearsome moaning that would annoy the crew on an epic scale, making it virtually impossible to have a conversation or enjoy a nice bowl of nutrient pap.


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 12:02 PM
@ majornoob: haha! @nyfm: (wow! what an impressive name.) in response to your query....NO.

The Wanderer

MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 2:00 PM
There is something interesting in this idea, what would be the Engineer's relationship to things like the worms, the (deleted scene) slugs and hammerpedes be? You get the impression with the bio-engineering pedigree, the engineers are at one with life. I've been mulling over the giant face hugger and the engineer's look when he get's grabbed, I get the impression that it's not the first time he's seen one.


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 2:08 PM
Exactly what Oneironaut717 says.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 1:56 AM
Agreed SubsumeYou and Oneironaut. It sounds like that potential Jon Spaiht script that popped up here yesterday. You might as well just say I've got this great idea for prometheus 2, otherwise known as Paradise: Lets say a ship is in deep space when it gets an unknown transmission that their computer responds to and makes them go investigate. But it turns out that it really is a beacon from the very same derilect ship and its on LV426! Wouldn't that be an original idea...then we could have face huggers and chestbursters and maybe even a renegade synthetic who just happens to be named Ash!!! Doesn't this just really grab you! I know it does me! But here is the clincher... The ship runs into the very same juggernaught carrying David and Shaw!!!!! Now thats an exciting idea. I could go on and on but then I would have another script and I am afraid Fox would steal it from me:)


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 2:47 AM
That would be a rehash of the same, so no thanks.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 5:25 AM
That's exactly my point Shambhala. That storyline was about as ridiculous as the one I just slapped together and just as redundant. In other words I was being factious.
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