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Paradise and Prometheus backstory ideas

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MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 11:27 AM
Notice the Engineer in Prometheus touches David's blond hair before breaking off his head. It was as if he once had kindness and compassion as a human but was now more a monster. The following ideas about Paradise are based on ancient literature describing Atlantis, Lemuria and a previous Golden Age on Earth. Earth humans look just like their gods except smaller and much more frail and easy to kill. LV223 was once a Paradise moon but had been moved into orbit by the Engineers for their dark xeno experiments. There is a difference between LV 223 and LV 426. The larger planets and their respective moons are each in the zeta reticuli star neighborhood. Paradise is the crown jewel star cloud of Saggitarius, the Milky Way galaxy's central sun star cluster and their human gods' home....once home to the Engineers as well who were exiled. David and Shaw have to be transformed or adapted either by a technology or somehow to survive in a very bright, light-filled high radiation, high gravity high energy vibration environment. Perhaps they go to a higher dimension through a star gateway as their atoms are transformed to live in a higher density vibration Paradise where they are "beyond" the deadly 3rd dimensional environment. David and Dr. Shaw discover the main central star planet in Paradise to be a stunningly beautiful and a very large Earth-like planet abandoned like all the other planets in Paradise. It looks like a giant Atlantis with bright stars shining in every direction in the sky of all the colors of the rainbow shimmering with life. One would think someone would be blinded by the light but the atmosphere of the planets softens the starlight coming in every direction with plants made of light, perfect see-through aqua blue water lit from within with bioluminescent fish in the oceans, lakes and in bath houses. The architecture and artwork contains all the ancient Earth culture art styles and symbology. Paradise has huge mountains( like on LV 223), trees miles high, buildings and cities all built in conjunction with the stars and nature and much larger to fit a human god giant's stature. The human gods in Paradise were about 100 feet tall whereas their Engineers were roughly 8-10 feet tall. The myth is all life in the universe and our galaxy was started here and Earth humans were once giant human gods like in Paradise. Many of the planets in Paradise began to descend into lower dimensional planes as they were doing now. Paradise is a realm of light with no shadows having hundreds of suns including an inner star inside many of the planets. Paradise has so many stars it's like an a small brilliant galactic island in space made of star jewels. David locates a holographic recorder in a central temple to find out what happened. The planet David and Shaw land on was inhabited by giant human gods who had immortality and could create anything they desired, then vanity started to creep in as their beautiful planet was moving away from the galactic center toward further and night, life and death, time, gravity and limitation. They created the Engineers as hairless male worker drones exploring the galaxy for genetic ways to maintain their immortality. The planet they're on is slowly drifting out of Paradise as it now has gravity, some shadows like someone had flipped the dimmer switch on a lamp and stardials near the temples denoting time and cycles were being tracked. They notice crashed Engineer ships, large skeletal remains of giant humans on battlefields and wreckage of other sorts with advanced laser and scalar weapon battle scars and scorched surfaces on the beautiful architecture. The giant human gods were also celestial or partly made of light at one time yet were descending in vibration becoming all mortal flesh bodies. They along with all the other human gods had fled to other areas of the universe and central suns elsewhere or evolved to higher dimensions beyond the Milky way central sun Paradise. David and Dr. Shaw remain in Paradise for sometime exploring and learning the real human history and even more about the xenomorph genetics. Also, they learn from the hologram files these "gods" were created by other beings from higher dimensions and they had ancestors before that that were unknown and untracked. In this way there is no final "God" being just a continuum of cycles and ancenstry lineages that ascended into the light or higher vibrational frequency or descended from it into darkness and lower vibrational frequency. I like the discussion that the ultimate creator of this creation is impersonal, unknowable and beyond human conception or understanding. David thinks this understanding is brilliant because it sets him free from a parent controller god image and would say something like, "God has no face, no sex, no body, no definition, no favoritism, no religion, it just is and like an endless mirror reflecting back all creations and realities...impartial and free of frail human attachments but also creating of itself out of the empty void for the sheer fun of it. Now that's the creator version I can appreciate." Dr. Shaw is fascinated by this revelation but wants a face to talk to, some all-loving compassionate being she can commune with like a Christ or Jesus himself. "Isn't a Christian taught God is love and is everywhere?" David asks in his emotionally flat way. Shaw agrees with the ultimate reality but feels empty emotionally despite this beautiful place to ease the pain a little bit. it doesn't feel like she made it to the source of her questions. She wants a Christ to show up and give her all the answers. I'm not sure how a conversation with a god or goddess could be done with David translating or the god or goddess speaks perfect English having divine intelligence. After their trip to Paradise they return to Earth after being gone over 80 years and learn of Ripley's story and the development of what happened on the LV moons. The nuclear bomb that went off on LV 426 had apparently wiped out all the xenomorphs except the queen who was designed to be able to withstand airless space and fell back to LV426 to start over and wait for another host species to come along. David and Shaw visit Ripley and Hicks on Earth and tell them where they've been. Ripley and Hicks are fascinated with the Paradise story and why the xenomorphs were developed. They have been trying for the last 35 years to stop the Weyland machine from colonizing planets with any ancient Engineer outposts and xenomorph genetics. There have been other disaster stories of other Weyland operations on terraformed planets being taken over by xenomorphs planted there by previous Engineers looking for air-breathing hosts. Weyland had finished the job the Engineers started and now these planets and moons had to be wiped out. That could be a story for another movie...a war of the people against the Weyland corporation.
7 Replies

The Wanderer

MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 2:16 PM
I personally find the idea of 'creators' quite dull, it harks back to ancient views of the work being supported on turtles, turtles all the way down to infinity. Unfortunately such a conclusion for creation isn't very interesting, certainly not as interesting as real science, which surely sci-fi, real sci-fi should always be probing. It's a pity Prometheus chose -pre-visitation' as it's main theme, real science is far more interesting as it starts to discover that no special spark was necessary, that life is abundant given the right conditions and that it is hardy and last many millennia in stasis.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 4:12 PM
Wanderer- but then the opening sequence would just be 10 minutes of cells dividing, which I think would lack drama. Theseus- killer post. Try this on for size:  Ahead, a city looms, more beyond comprehension the closer they get. Kilometer high polyps, dark and faceted, puncture the clouds. A riot of shape and form, climbing into the sky like vast undersea structures, eclipsed by a giant rampart fronting the ocean. Yawning aqueducts pierce the lipped barricade, scaled to flush a million tons of waste into the hydrosphere with one convulsion. Massed bones in their many thousands slide to and fro on the tide, washed up against the divisions like apocalyptic dunes.The bones do not rot, and are only very slowly pulverized by the ocean, the horrid last dignity of the armatures of the near immortal.


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 5:24 PM
The first 90% was very interesting but having to answer the big question (a spiritual and technological singularity) it devolves into maybe something you yourself are answering from what you're beliefs are. Real interesting thoughts. I wouldn't buy the Xeno falling back to the moon though., I don't think anyone would. I would save your ideas for writing something. Reveal to people slowly so they can experience the journey.


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2013 4:10 PM
Thanks and good thoughts The Wanderer, Major Noob and Sentinel. Fair enough Sentinel...the queen deacon falling back to LV426 would be pretty far-fetched. My philosophical ideas are simply exploratory and not my own beliefs or spiritual understanding. Perhaps you could explain where I was devolving and add your own thoughts to this? I was discussing the personal creator "god" versus the impersonal creator understanding as discussed in many books in Buddhism, the Vedas and contemplative Christianity. I can't say I really know anything or believe in belief as belief to me is an invention of the human mind much like time is. To me life is just "what is" in this present moment...pretty simpleton actually. I'm agnostic which means I'm free to explore any and all versions of reality because I stand in 100% neutrality. Agnostics like myself tend to lean toward the Mahayana Buddhist, Zen, Advaita, J. Krishnamurti's writings, contemplative Christianity and impersonal awareness discussions as they are free of religious dogma, belief systems and give a direct pointers into reality we can all directly recognize. If this kind of deeper conversation ever gets into the movie Paradise I think I will cry tears of last a sci-fi that gets into this subject matter which (to my knowledge anyway)has NEVER been done before!

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJan-09-2013 4:42 PM
I'll be hapy to enjoy RS version of the story he sees in his mind. If I can view the movie with the understanding that RS wants us to know that would be cool. I just want to know where and when those pesky xenos will show up.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2013 10:31 PM
I reckon they will find the Jockeys' sacred book which will reveal everything. However, David, while reading the book, slowly realises that the jockeys' have never heard of paragraphs and he goes mad, eventually ripping his own head off. Shaw flees back into the past, gives birth to squiddo and spends the rest of her life as a single mum. The mystery of the sacred book remains unsolved...


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2013 10:45 PM
Some time ago I made a simple story, but I warn you that I am not a writer :p ... so here we go Prometheus 2: The Paradise [img]htt://[/img] In the prologue we see part of the scene of Engineers in the genesis of the Earth and other scenes showing the Engineers watching humans in ancient times. [img][/img] There is a sinister plan in motion. [img][/img] and then the story is seen through 2 points of view: 1) YUTANI EXPEDITION [img][/img] The Yutani company send a ship called "Ethon Five" to investigate what Weyland found on LV-223. The crew is composed by: Miss Takako Yutani (Yutani company CEO). Marines: Shepard, Hunter, Lawrence, Lekker, Morgan, Bernard, Jacob, Tyler, Cameron ,Logan and Jenna. Scientists: Dr Daisuke (Astronomer), Dr Arthur (paleontologist), Dr Sydney (Archeologist), and Dr Savir (Geneticist) Pilots: Jim, Kail and Connor. The crew explores the pyramid. Inside on the temple the crew is attacked by huge snakes (22 feet long) living in the swamps of Black waters in the the big head room. There, one of the creatures crushed the head of one of the Marines, Hunter, with their powerful jaws. Then Lawrence opens fire with his pulse rifle against the creature, killing her; but the corrosive blood reaches his face and body and burned to death. Another snake wrapped around the body of Cameron crushing by constriction. After killing him is burned with a flamethrower by Commander Shepard. [img][/img] At the same time one of the Marines, Lekker, fled terrified by the claustrophobic corridors of the structure and is kidnapped by the Deacon between the shadows. [img][/img] More later the second expedition explorer the Juggernaut and find the deacon adult, now become in a huge monster, even more larger than the Engineers. The creature moves with great speed and agility on the walls and ceilings and attacks by ambush, killing 3 members (Abie, Bernard, and Daisuke). when he finally reveals himself kill Arthur and Morgan with its second mouth. Finally, the monster is destroyed, but the squadron of the mission has suffered heavy losses. [img][/img] Then the survivors of the crew found the cargo hold full of urns, and decide to take 2 for analysis. Within the Ethon, in the laboratory, the Dr Savir (scientific officer) studies the strange black substance injected into laboratory animals and he discover that not only serves to create a biological weapon, also has other qualities such as reviving corpses. The crew also collected what looks like a kind of solidified green resin, this resin in the form of green crystals preserved in very good condition DNA samples from some kind of creature. The samples dating back millions of years old. [img][/img] On the other hand the man who was kidnapped by the Deacon, Lekker, is enveloped in a cocoon. After a while it becomes an egg. Jacob finds the egg and a small creature (a cross between cephalopod and spider) born and jumps to stick on his face. [img][/img] Now the leader of the ship, Miss Takako Yutani, plans to steal the urns of the cargo hold of the Juggernaut to bring back to Earth. Through it all she informs the rest of the fleet, which is to come, about the mansaje of Dr. Shaw, but before leaving the orbit of the moon a huge Engineer mothership (like a flying saucer) flying over the pyramids of LV-223... [img][/img] 2) SHAW AND DAVID TRIP [img][/img] David and Dr Shaw find the home planet of the Engineers like a place ravaged by the war and all cities are in ruins. [img][/img] Among the ruins Shaw and David sighted hundreds of old ships abandoned in the post-apocalyptic landscape. [img][/img] Then the true God is revealed as a huge biomechanical mothership and kidnaps Dr. Shaw and David. [img][/img] Inside the gigantic ship everything seems biomechanical and organic. The walls take horrible humanoid forms when David and Shaw crossed by the claustrophobic and dark hallway. Some of the humanoid figures are mated sexually to give rise to new and more exotic life forms. [img][/img] Finally both come to the bridge. There are a huge biomechanical monolith. Definitely is not a machine, is some kind of complex and superior life form. Shaw tries to communicate with the entity to get his precious answers, then David helping her, and begins to transmit the messages in the language of the Engineers to communicate with the God. There, the creature displays enormous tentacles and inserted into the skin of Shaw. Shaw's body begins to mutate into a big biomechanical woman. [img][/img] at the same time the mechanism produces a strange siren sound (as in the trailer for Alien and Prometheus) The Dr. Shaw begins to see images of the ancient past in his head... [img][/img] And the truth is that the Engineers are just tools, very similar to the relationship between humans and androids. The Engineers rebelled against his master and creator. They did not want to be simple terraforming tools and created a terrible biological weapon to fight against this Gods. The Engineers found the DNA samples of an extinct race of monsters in Crystals of green resin. [img][/img] This species lived in LV-223 five million years ago. [img][/img] They have a skeletal body with hardened tentacles on the back and a sort of tube attached to the sternum. Then the armed military of the engineers race design their biomechanical space suits based on the appearance of the ancient monsters. [img][/img] After performing many experiments with the DNA of this extinct Aliens,the engineers finally created the perfect soldier. [img][/img] But they had some troubles to transporting the eggs, 2200 years ago an engineer trying to transport a shipment of eggs in his old Juggernaut but an incident occurred, and he crashed on LV-426. The pilot sent a signal to his brother explaining what happened before he died and the military scientists of LV-223 began to perfect his creation. In the process many Engineers died but one survived to complete the mission. [img][/img] And the evolution took the next step and the gun was redesigned and updated to facilitate the transport. [img][/img] The Engineers plans were to carry the weapon to Earth to use humans as incubators of an army of xenomorphs. The star maps was a trap because Sometimes to create, one must first destroy. [img][/img] The visions stop but the biomechanical God entity has read Shaw's memories and she knows that the humanity is interested in the monstrosities that the Engineers have created (as well as other races in the past) and now the Alien ship is headed to LV-223 to stop this threat. At that moment, David discovers another kind of Urn. Inside he can see a black substance bubbling similar to that contained in other Urns. [img][/img] This new liquid can generate a biochemical reaction to convert RNA into DNA and cause a real biological Big Bang (similar to the Cambrian Explosion). This masterpiece of the Genetics engineering is the true fire of the gods. A technology that undoubtedly would make to the humans equal to the Gods. But before David takes the following action, the terrifying figure of the now transformed Shaw appears behind him to destroy it. Now a dark and frightening battle will occur in LV-223...
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