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Lets keep in mind that we are sharing hypotheses here with limited knowlege

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MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 8:34 PM
I just posted a reply to one of our posters here and I want to generalize it as it concerns us all who post our opinions on this site. As we share our ideas and opinions here lets keep in mind that there are few solid facts as none of us were on the inside of the writing or production team during the making of this film. Having said that there is a lot of information out there especially with the introduction of documentaries like the Furious Gods and others. There is much value in sharing our hypotheses and opinions as all of us are privy to either little known facts that can be referenced or we may have solid insights that enrich our Prometheus community here. But after reading too many posters who seem to forget that their opinions are not facts but rather hypotheses I feel the need to remind us all to exercise caution and avoid claims that any of us have the definitive answers because the only real fact is that none of us are working with solid info but rather are sharing our hunches, educated guesses, hypotheses and theories. If we do this then we can all benefit from well thought out insights by any one of us. We are all trying jointly to uncover the many mysteries behind this movie using limited knowledge. We do have sources like interviews, additional deleted scenes or alternative scenes and endings and documentaries. If we go by what data we do have we can arrive at some pretty accurate hypotheses together. I enjoy reading others opinions and sometimes great links that I would otherwise never know about, and sharing my ideas as well. I was trained as a scientist and they taught us to think critically and keep an open mind while exploring the unknown. Let us all be better scientists than the ones on board of the Prometheus and see what we can discover together. With great respect to all here, nostromo001
7 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 12:00 AM
Quite so. I would add that one must bear in mind that the [i]only[/i] thing that really counts is the movie itself (it's only a story after all, and that's what it is). Otherwise, you're delving into territory where Fifield is a zombie or a non-zombie, depending on how you feel.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 12:08 AM
Agreed zz!


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 2:51 AM
good suggestion.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 8:17 AM
If it was only a movie, a disposable piece of entertaqinment, then the site would not exist,,or at the most have a few rabid supporters. So I enjoy any and all questions,even the Zombie like questions,,because it adds mto the charactor development..for viewers or fans that care about that quality of story. Yes iot is only a movie but each viewer has their own perspective and enjoy seeing their viewpoint. no matter how misguided it is!! What I do object to are posts that make a statement or explanations that has no basis in the movie or other related sources. Just saying I think Vickers is an android with no quality reasons seems wasteful for everybody concerned. Saying FiField has changed a lot and I see examples and it raises certain questions(much like any quality reporter or investigator would do) is fine with me. For me any connection with the Predator storyline doesn't registe ...I am willing to try to understand the movie on any level until I tire and retire to my sleep chamber for 100 years
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 2:21 PM
Funny Indy John. I wrote that after reading one too many way out in left field statements that were devoid of serious critical analysis. Some people fail to recognise the difference between their personal opinions and reality based upon references. It is those people who drag down the level of this site. I too welcome all points of view as long as they are qualified as such and especially if they reference them to some info out there to help their case. Thats what I am trying to express. I do not want to censor anyone, just to get them to know the difference between hypothesis and opinion.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-12-2012 11:24 AM
'And that is why it is called a thesis Dr. Holloway.' @nostromo001 - TY for this post! We will call you Cygnus, the God of balance you shall be!


MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 1:39 AM
And for that Blue I am honored:) lol
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