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Fan cuts and ultimate Fan cuts

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MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 11:25 PM
I recently got access to fan cuts of Prometheus. Many of us have speculated that Prometheus would be better if they edited in additional scenes or viral material but I've got to say RS was more dead on in his edits then we gave him credit for. I too wanted to see the effect of the movie if some of the extra material were added in. I do admit there are a couple of small scenes that could be safely edited in enhancing the qualitiy in my opinion such as the scene between Vickers and Janeck following Holloway's death by Vickers, and the story by Shaw about the African myth about the sun and the first man. Just small things like that and also the scene with Vickers and David after he cuts off her video feed. But adding the Luke Scott TED talk is going way too far in my opinion. Its all a matter of studying both versions and deciding for yourself. For me I think RS did a pretty good job just as he released it but I would like the 3 scenes that I mentioned. A liitle change goes a long way!
13 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 12:06 AM
agreed. there are 2 are 3 small bits i would have liked in the film, but Ridley scott did a fine job editing HIS film. these fan cuts arent "restoration" edits, they are "bastardization" edits. obviously this is all very subjective, but its clear Scott knows his craft (does it even need to be mentioned?). Prometheus was deftly cut. as far as cut scenes that i was particularly fond of: i liked the full final conversation between vickers and weyland and the conversation between janek and vickers that was cut.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 2:28 AM
I agree with Janek and Vickers, these two characters deserved more presence in the film IMO. Also The Elder Engineers would be great too. Ok, I know that does not add much to the plot but undoubtedly hat would be epic to see it.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 5:50 AM
I agree with you Nostromo, would have liked to have seen those two scenes also in the film, but the overall look RS gave it is quite good. In regards to the Elder Engineers, I thank RS for not adding this scene, it would have lost much of its "thriller" and intrigue effect. And this is just my personal op, but I wouldn't have used the engineer scene (neither of them) at the start of the film. I find that it reveals too much. From the start of the film we know how they look like and how they are, it breaks a bit the symbolic aspect of the movie itself.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 7:15 AM
I agree. As far as I'm concerned, the 'Elders' don't exist. They aren't needed, and the simple intrigue that is laid on us by having a lone alien on that waterfall with the craft leaving is all we need.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 7:55 AM
I have not seen the 'Elders' scenes but they woulf have added some perspective to the Sacridicial Engineer's actions. THe fact that RS staged and photographed the deleted scenes says he gave some consideration to telling the pre scarifice story. Maybe not much but few details of the beginning. If after all of this,,RS felt it was not worthwhile, detracted from the storyline or just changed his mind the scenes would have been destroyed,,,or at least delayed in seeing the light of day. I would not have known about the elder scenes except for the posts. This why I like this site..viewers that care about the movie.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 10:30 AM
[i]"If after all of this,,RS felt it was not worthwhile, detracted from the storyline or just changed his mind the scenes would have been destroyed,,,or at least delayed in seeing the light of day."[/i] You mean like the Fifield CGI scenes were destroyed?
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 2:41 PM
No scenes were destroyed and it appears that they are all begining to see the light of day. The elder scene is fun to watch but I prefer the mystery of the self sacrifice shown in the film. It leaves us with a sense of wonder about the engineer culture.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-12-2012 11:29 AM
I agree Sir Ripley kept the mystery of the Engineers intact with the theatrical cut, much as Alien was able to only give short glances of the xeno. It made me want more!


MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 3:14 PM
Everybody has their own opinions and I respect that but here is mine since I have been working on and am about 96% completed on my very own fan edit. Personally I removed the entire sacrifice scene from the beginning of the movie. I think it's way better to keep the mystery until towards the end when David awakens the Engineer, even though that even gets ruined when they find the head and run the tests on it. Now I understand that taking out the sacrifice at the waterfall scene from the beginning may make some people think it's a horrible idea. But when I was making my edited version....I used the "out of sight, out of mind" thought process. As if I showed my fan edit to somebody who had never seen the theatrical or blu-ray/dvd version of the movie...I asked myself...would it add to the excitement of seeing the Engineer get out of the stasis pod and stand tall because we have not FULLY seen what this being looks like? My answer was simply yes....If we had never watched the waterfall scene, I personally believe we would have found the ending a whole lot more exciting and jaw dropping then with it in there....don't forget this is JUST MY OPINION! I instead replaced the beginning with the Weyland TED talk....and about halfway through the speech I added the viral video of Jamie Rossi (with the clips from the actual movie cut out) and the David viral also, which gives the TED talk sort of a feeling that viewers have tuned in to watch this big speech on t.v. or what have and the virals come off as commercials in between Peter Weylands heart felt speech....THAT would be the right way to do the edit, instead of just throwing the virals in there like that...IMO Then I went forth with adding a much shorter version of the Shaw Quiet place of the "Isle of Skye" scene....again remember "out of sight, out of mind" I can't speak for anybody else who has worked on fan edits, but my own personal way of doing them is to put a product out there as the way I would present the movie with the idea that the fans forget all about the original version... and try and take the edit as if it's their first time viewing (I know it sounds impossible but I ask personally that if I ever release my version, you try very hard to act as if you are viewing for the first time) It's really all I could ask for and I believe I'd deserve it because fan edits are not as easy as you may think... I didn't just try and make my edit as a version of cropping all the deleted scenes in there....I tried to make it my own thing without losing any of the original STORY that was presented in the theater but I know all this is only half useful since my version is not out there. Maybe one day soon.. Thoughts?


MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 11:48 PM
Just out of curiosity, what software are you using to make your edit? BTW I do understand that its your own take on Prometheus and I always like to watch any variants such as fan cuts just to see how they work. I learned to respect Ridley Scott's theatrical release that way, although as I have stated above I could see maybe a couple of changes. So have at it and generate a new fan edit. I would be interested in watching it if it appears on line some day.


MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 5:20 AM
I use Videopad but I think I'm ready to upgrade. It crashes alot and takes forever to load projects back up. I do need a new graphics card which would help. But the transitions and effects offered aren't that great either so I wouldn't exactly recommend it besides the fact that it's really easy to use.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 5:37 AM
"..I removed the entire sacrifice scene from the beginning of the movie.." I sort of like the storyline of the sacrificial Engineer.. Was there anyway of telling it without showing the Engineer? It sounds like an interesting project and I too look forward seeeing,,,or hearing more about your project.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-15-2012 2:50 PM
[quote]I sort of like the storyline of the sacrificial Engineer.. Was there anyway of telling it without showing the Engineer?[/quote] You propose a good question and I would have to go through the footage to see what's exactly there to work with. Let me just take you through my thought process because there is a very specific reason I took out the beginning scene. Okay...So I came up with the idea to do a fan edit of the movie after watching the streaming version with the alternate beginning and the deleted/alternate scenes put back in. I started thinking....that's a good idea, but I want to put a twist on it so.... Long story short, I decided to make my version seem as if the viewer (audience) was watching the files that the Prometheus ship sent back to Earth (or home base). This would be presented to us in a way as to seem like we where all watching this through the point of view of either a Weyland Employee or....a hacker who managed to hack into the files that where saved and sent back to Earth. I came up with the idea that just like with the viral campaign showing some of the technology from the future...I would create the storyline of some kind of microscopic cameras from the future that would capture your "company ventures, expeditions, events, etc..." these cameras would automatically record, edit, place background music and all of the sorts, into your video archive so that you could play them at corporate events and outings. Just so happens that in this particular instance......these major major events happened that we see played out in the movie blah blah you get the point... Now on to the sacrifice scene....Simply put...If everything portrayed on screen is a recording from the Project Prometheus mission.....I thought to myself...How in the hell could the opening scene set as far back in the past as it was, be part of the Weyland video archive? So there is the really long drawn out reason as to why I removed it. And then I got to thinking, you know what....This movie MIGHT have turned out with a better review if we weren't seen the major larger than life character from the very beginning..hence you have my opinion that the scene at the waterfall may not have been needed, at least not in the damn opening credits.. To me it just ruins the shock and awe of later events...
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