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A must read article about Prometheus and Prometheus: Paradise

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MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 4:12 PM
I just found this article on after first reading an article on the Huffington post about Prometheus and Paradise. Before I continue, here is the link: [url=]PROMETHEUS Sequel Recap: What We Know About the Possible Follow-Up So Far[/url] What I got out of this article was a potential date for Paradise - probably before or on 2015. The most likely reason why the Engineers wanted to destroy the Earth 2000 years ago: RS and DL actually had the reason in Prometheus but removed it because it was too 'on the nose'. From what I can ascertain, by the beginning of our modern AD calender, we had become too aggressive running around with shields and weapons and warring contently so the Engineers MAY have sent one last emissary and you guessed it - we crucified him! So that's probably why they earmarked us for death. I suspected this before but with these included partial interviews by RS and others it strengthens the theses. It totally fits too. Notice how they repeat the phrase 'in the year of our Lord..' The clues were really there but I think we all got distracted with the phantasmagoria of special effects to notice it. Also due to Damon Lindelof's busy schedule writing a new series and other projects, he may not be part of the sequel, however if Ridley Scott asks him he said he would have a hard time turning him down. Another thing that comes out of this article is that Fox studios does not want to rush it but rather wants to get it right, which is reassuring considering how they rushed the release of Aliens to the point where James Horner barely had time to get the sheet music to the musicians before release according to 'Superior Firepower', the documentary on Aliens. Anyway read this 'for your personal edification' as the superintendent Andrews put it in Alien3. *Link made clickable by Svanya
5 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 4:15 PM


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 4:56 PM
this is very interesting thanks so it looks like the reason we didnt get wiped out was because we too are aggressive f@@kers and the engineers most likely decided to stay away from us or they realised that eventually we would destroy ourselves. i bet we dont meet God in the sequal because there isnt one and discover that the universe made itself [url=]Prof Hawkingurl] and another interesting thing is that Hawking doesnt think that Aliens would be very nice either [url=]Avoid ET[/url] i just thought that these links would help spark our imagination.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 5:34 PM
Thanks Katiel238, Yeah I am aware of Professor Hawking's newest book 'The Grand Design' though I havent yet read it. He now believes the universe can come into existence from chaos due to the extrapolations of m-theory, which is a theoretical combination of various formulations of string theory. Due to his enormous intelligence, its hard to discount his ideas and I personally think he is probably correct. But since it is impossible to prove the nonexistence of anything, god or otherwise, it becomes a matter of faith. To me as a scientist, I don't buy the notion that faith. which is the belief in things that you have zero proof of, should be a positive attribute. It sounds suspiciously like a brain washing technique of organized religion: If you make it a good thing to believe in what the church tells you, it makes it much easier for them to control you and your purse strings. During the middle ages the Roman Catholic Church actually sold indulgences, which were pieces of paper that were like a ticket to paradise after you passed on. They got into trouble due to the associated corruption and that resulted in the Protestant Church. Ridley Scott believes that religion is behind almost all the trouble and violence in the world and I certainly agree with him.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 9:42 PM
Thanks for the link to the article. I liked the behinds the scenes look into our movie and the future. ' I was impressed with the issues raised and and the answers especially since it was written back in June. If I had read the story earlier it might have influenced my discussion points on the movie. I suspect that all persons involved with the Prometheus project will be scouring this site for plot points.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 3:37 PM
in many cultures the absence of tangible deities is explained by the idea that at some point they got tired or miffed with us and retreated to some other world/realm etc, maybe if you go with the sumerian mythology of annunaki/iggigi storylines but instead of the main god going to sleep, the gods retreated in form rather than distance cos you cant really argue or debate the wisdom or decisions of say a transformative black goo teeming with nano lifeforms? the black goo giveth... the black goo taketh away....
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