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is the first engineer the god PROMETHEUS!!!

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MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 4:45 PM
18 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 7:29 PM
What drugs are you on and what country are you from?


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 11:56 PM
[b]SubsumeYou,[/b] I have the same question;=)


MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 12:29 AM
Dob3rman, Wiseguy. : )


MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 3:49 AM
This whole suggestion is just lunacy. I want some of those drugs too!!!

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 7:01 AM
What is happening here, LOL!


MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 8:08 AM
I would have liked to have seen that paragraph appear on the computer terminal near the end of Alien 3. Going blippety-blip in true nineties style.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 8:18 AM
@To All "No philosophy, theory, religion, or system of thought can be absolute and infallible. They are relative only. One man's opinion is just as good as another's." -Jack Parsons- This opinion although expressed better has been written many times by others.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 12:39 PM
Uuuuhhh, slow down on caps please ? Thank you.

This is my forum signature.


Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 3:07 PM
Nice Jack Parsons' reference..Just don't stop posting geopap.. I may not always agree with you,but thoughts are certainly interesting. AS far as this thread cerainly something must have happenned ro advanced the development of the human race. In past eons this advancement only affectted a local or regional population. Now..almost instantly, thought, ideas,suggestions and insight can be spread across the virtually any culture.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 5:12 PM
@Indy John The same thing about alien intervention with the human DNA, was also a theme in 2001 Space Odyssey. But, let us see it from another view! What if the monolith is the cinematic screen and we, the watchers of the film are the apes of the first scene? What if we are watching a movie inside a movie, a plot within a plot? Remember when the scientists in Kubrick's Odyssey hold their ears? The monolith did not kill them of course, like the men of mythical Ulysses had their ears tapped not to listen to the songs of the myhtical sirens, in 2001 Heywood Floyd's men did the same, they knew they were actors in the game of propaganda and of course this alien discovery on the moon was something fake that was going to be played on our TV sets and so they didn't like the songs of the monolith. Have you ever seen jet-set scientists like Heywood Floyd confirm official propagandistic government positions? Do we ever question someone with a Phd? Or even someone "educated" to whom we trust our everyday awareness of what is happening in the world? On the other hand we invite all these people to our living room, via modern electronic displays, like a "Trojan" horse and they trap our mind perception to a 2 dimensional monolith.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberOvomorphNov-12-2012 6:58 PM
Well geopap we should always question folk with PhDs or advanced education because that is no guarantee of infallibility. I have a Doctorate in Chemistry and I welcome all questions. I also have done my fair share of teaching and we learn that there are no stupid questions, only the ones not asked. Having said that I shouldn't have mocked the poster regardless of how strange their opinion seemed to me. Another thing is that I remember asking post docs in our lab questions and they tried to cover for the fact that they didn't know the answer to my questions. So a PhD is no magic provider of credibility . Look at all the scientists in


MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 4:06 AM
@nostromo001 I didn't say exactly the same thing, I am referring to scientists who instead of telling the people the truth, they are performing acts like actors for big corporations, governments etc although they know that money isn't anything in life, you see the song of the multinational sirens for money and fame (monolith) is irresistible and this is the definition of a jet-set scientist like Heywood Floyd (defy hollywood) in 2001.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 5:36 AM
I see. Thanks for defining a jet-set scientist. I have seen Kubrick's 2001 recently and remember Haywood Floyd distinctly. But it wasn't that he was just trying to deflect curious people's questions for personal reasons. There was a nondisclosure clause in his security contract such that if he had divulged top secret information on the monolith he would have gone to prison for who knows how long. The real jet-set scientists are like the ones that worked for R.J. Reynolds and hid corporate secrets about not only the effects of smoking tobacco but the fact that RJR was impact boosting - free basing the nicotine to make it more addictive and other dispicible practices. Those guys were the subjects of 'The Insider' with Russel Crowe. He became a whistle blower and lost his career as a result of telling on the jet-set scientists and Big Tobacco.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 5:56 AM
"..Do we ever question someone with a Phd? Or even someone "educated" to whom we trust our everyday awareness of what is happening in the world?.." Newscasts are a good ewxample of believing what we are told. As I get older I tend not to believe what i am told as mich..especially when a person's opinion is presented as fact. Some one popinted out that everything we ecperience is actuially old news and when we reguratate 'facts' presented by educated people we are just telling somemone elses story. Movies are different because know they are entertainment..even if presented as a documentary. Even though this is an RS movie it is his version of the storyline..and I can accept that. Finally some site members have made known their education background and I guess that gives me pause to give an additional listen to their thoughts, The reason I do that i because I am aware of the effort, dedication, monies and thought that are needed to obtain higher degree of education..far more than I have obtained. I have been arounbd long enough to know I have met many educated people that have degrees but just are not smart,,,and several so called uneducated folks that are smarter than I could ever hope to obtain. But I do read every post for ideas that make my world a little better..each day.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 6:06 AM
@nostromo001 Nice movie, Al Pacino was responsible for catching the "big fish" though and he was the one who made Russel Crowe to "defect" to the other side. @Indy John I am a graduate of a mathematics department, I tend to believe that 4-5 decades ago graduates from universities were far more educated than they are today. Science today has so many branches that one who will follow an academic career has to concentrate all his energy to one small fraction of his field of interest. This is inevitable one might say, but on the other hand the big picture is lost. One might find many graduates of modern universities , who don't obtain what the previous generations called "common knowledge".
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberOvomorphNov-15-2012 12:08 PM
I think that this man knew what he was talking about when it came to the belief system and free thinking which results in individual choice. -Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings - that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide. The Buddha

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-15-2012 12:55 PM
Why not take the thinking a step further and mention the Krishnamurti teachings that living is pathless land that each of us is a lapp unto themselves, The quiet mind is in the moment and be choicelessly aware. There is only truth..not other people telling you what is true. Now as far as our movie is concern it something that this group posters want to a part of..perhaps as a way of answering Shaw's question . Maybe there is no answer..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-15-2012 1:08 PM
Thank you @Indy John I will look into those teachings. On a positive note one thing that I am sure about. Is that even though we might not all agree on the meaning of the film. Or might disagree if the film was great, good or bad. I myself personaly have learned much about theory, literature and other subjects that have to do with film, science or philosophy. I would like to thank the creators of this site and those individuals who work hard to maintain it. Thanks guys!
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