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chestburster hole in engineers hypersleep chamber and ancient astronauts

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MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 6:47 PM
In the first scene in which david enters the juggernauts control room, after he disconnects vickers from the camera feed, the camera looks down on him entering the chamber, with the engineers hyper sleep chambers seen from above. the chamber on the bottom left has a huge melted hole right over the chest section on the lid, so obviously something burst out of the chamber from the engineers body. none of the other hyper sleep chambers have this hole, and it seems obvious that its a hole made by an alien in some form. i just noticed this while watching it for the umpteenth time. am i just behind in the news, or has no one else seen this? Also, i saw many discussions on the source of the green goo david finds, and when he rubs it between his fingers it crackles and shines. if you look on the wall in front of him, at the control panel, all the grooves have the goo neatly inside them, and its the goo which lights up when he pushes/swipes the grooves/buttons to activate the hologram of the engineers running. you guys should read sitchin,.in the "lost book of enki" he describes a tablet found years back that�s around 5000 years old, in it is described a being who "climbed into a star chariot, and he engaged the show-me-the-way device, and it thrummed, and filled the chamber with blue aura, and he sat into the chair, enfolding him and embracing his form, then red fire shot and he crossed many leagues" it crazy reading, all from Sumerian tablets and collected texts, all in the ancient astronaut vien. im still kind of skeptical about it, but its amazing the parallels between the two.....paradise almost exactly copies the sumerian tablets, from the seeding and sacrifice to the two god races fighting and destroying each other, leaving earth for the humans. i think the plot for paradise will be found by reading alot more of his work, since they seem to be the basis for Scotts Prometheus....anyway, im rambling,
22 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 7:12 PM
you mean Enrich Von Dainiken and also Zecharia Stichin and Graham Hancock are all good ancient astronaught theorists. The History Channel also has a tv series called Ancient Aliens which is a good introduction to subject but take it with a pinch of salt because while on one hand there apeares to be clear evidence backing this theory up there is also alot of far fetched stories and 'evidence' doctored in a way that would apeare to prove that this happened. also bare in mind that conventional science has not provided any evidence that we have been visited by aliens. still an interesting theory that encourages you to think outside the box. and yes its the work of Enrich von Dainiken that influenced the story of prometheus to some exstent. oh and does this look familiar [url=]flying chair[/url]. it would apear that either something mealted its way through the cryo chamber and the face hugged the engineers or popped out but why was the last engineer spared when Xenos relentlessly kill everything insight. even if he avoided being infected the xenos would have got to him.


MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 8:51 PM
Yeah Katiel is right. It was Erich von Däniken who wrote Chariots of the Gods. Stichin I haven't read. I have seen the original Mayan space jockey carving. I also believe that this is interesting but unproven by the legitimate science community. This is why von Däniken was ridiculed for his 'theories'. He went too far and made claims that could have other explanations. The theory that life on earth originated from extraterrestrial sources, intelligent or just riding on an asteroid / meteorite is known as panspermia. It certainly does have merit and is just as possible as the idea that life here spontaneously generated and evolved all by itself.


MemberOvomorphNov-13-2012 11:13 PM
@Bolland23 [i]"obviously something burst out of the chamber from the engineers body"[/i] [url=]Not necessarily.[/url]
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Offworld seeder

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 12:06 AM
hello all i used to be a fan of the acient alien theorie until i saw acient aliens debunked that opend my eyes that they ly all the time to make their theory work and to sell their books this acient alien debunked video takes 3 hours i just saw 2 of the 3 hours but they show you in detail on what they are lying its on youtube its worth a watch

Offworld seeder

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 12:11 AM
watch it then youll see that van däniken is a liar sitchin translates false and the guy with the crazy stupid hairstyle just talks shit what däniken said befor in his book i never understood why they show us on the history chanell acient aliens because its just information they want us to know but you wont find a video in the news where a guy caught a ufo on cam its just all about money and selling their books to you belive me


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 12:19 AM
@bolland, Actually all but one of the cryo chambers have the same holes. I have gone so far as to take pictures to zoom in and check closely. 3 have holes, one doesn't- 1 Engineer left alive. The implications of this are huge.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 5:04 AM
With the Last Engineer acting in a irrational way(for what we know of an Engineer) maybe he was infected in some way, somehow and choose the hypersleep as a way to survive til a cure is found, But is still a haunting scene where the Engineer exhales deeply before the mask lowers on his face.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 7:22 AM
"maybe he was infected in some way, somehow and choose the hypersleep as a way to survive til a cure is found," but thats the thing i wonder about because the hypersleep chambers arent [i]cryo[/i]-chambers so the infection possibly by facehuggers wouldnt necessarily be as well halted as by freezing. the molten holes would in my imagining be due to a chestburster spitting acid at the barrier to its escape because it wouldnt want to be stuck in there. The goo infected like those piled up at the doors where being excluded/quarantined and may have been the victims of some foul-play by one or all four that were in the orrey room.... which raises another question why didnt they (the three infected engineers) know that hypersleep wouldnt save them? maybe they (all four) didnt realise how long theyd be stuck there (failure to launch/reach earth) and the infection was intentional so they could ensure theyd take xenos to earth, with one remaining cleared to deal with piloting or directing further acts etc


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 7:26 AM
though david could have already set the engineers chamber to "thaw" i dont remember any reference to cryo-stasis or images of frost not on the juggernaut or the prometheus rather the metabolic-stasis of hyper-sleep unlike in the alien movies where ripley is clearly frozen


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 7:29 AM
"But is still a haunting scene where the Engineer exhales deeply before the mask lowers on his face." yeah he looks like he's anticipating really enjoying trashing life on earth or maybe the jockey-seat is cosy.... my dad used to drive a volvo that had seat heaters they were so welcome on a cold winter morning lol......

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 7:37 AM
The time between David finding the Orrery chamber and when he tells Weyland he understood the 'broad strokes' is not clear to me . David must have played with the console controls and at least looked at the other sleep chambers. David seemed way to well versed on opening the sleep chambers.and learning a alien space machine in such a quick manner. I had not made a distinction between Cryo and sleep chambers..need top sleep on it. Thanks for that suggestion
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-15-2012 10:55 PM
argh, cant believe i got those names wrong, sorry. id hate to be one of those conspiracy nuts who always misspell everything and get names/facts wrong. i just thought it odd that on all the posts ive read none so far have made the conclusion that the green crackle goo david finds is some sort of nano/bio/some-other-shit control surface (of a kind) since it coats all the grooves david touches that light up briefly. i think if one reads into hr giegers work and sitchins books, one could see were scott is taking this story. thanks for the corrections. i only have the dvd version, and the deleted scenes are horrid, they needed to be deleted. i cant wait to get a blue ray or see the extras included. also, have you guys seen the black goo tech specs that the prometheus facebook page released? it says scientists went to back to the planet and found and translated a weapons book, and the result is the graphic the posted. its about the effects of the goo globally, and effects on test subjects. sorry for my roogh typing i got bit by a dog so im typing with one hand and medicated........


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 3:07 AM
awh! bolland23 "bad-dog!"

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 5:29 AM
Hmm I wonder if the Engineers had dogs or even pets///
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 5:37 AM
well theres the trunked bird/elephant -faced thing, i hope we get to find out what that is in next film


MemberDeaconNov-16-2012 11:05 AM
There are holes in the other 3 sarcophagus If you look at the concept work on the movie then it shows the Engineers use their Space Jockey suits for Cryo Sleep and notice it looks a lot like the Alien Space Jockey and has a similar Chest Buster Hole. [img][/img] I would say this adds up to that some of the Engineers had Chest Buster Holes which are smaller than the Deacon at the end and thus more akin to the Original Xeno Organism.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 6:20 PM
Big Dave- you are the man, Sir. I was looking through the 954 pictures from one series on the bluray, and i noticed some more confirmation on the burst cryo chambers. It's so nice that this is an accepted fact by many now; i had the argument several times. "The pilot chamber has 3 dead and decaying Engineers in their dusty sleep pods." Awesome. Why can't i add pics!!!

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 11:43 PM
If the other pods showed chestbusters why didn't David show more caution when dealing with the Last Engineer? Being aware of the dead Engineers in Orrery he may not know exactly what to expect, but he sure didn't expect to get his head ripped off. I suspect that David's ,programming over rode any concerns on this subject as it was imperative for Weyland to meet his Makers..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 7:28 AM
I actually think David knew exactly how aggressive this 'fucker' was going to be. His 'agenda' to be liberated from his creator comes to 'a head' (sorry) at this point. How did Vickers know he (Weyland) would die? It's not as if she had David's understanding of the Engineers, is it? Yet somehow, she knew. Maybe just based on all the horrible shit that happened to everyone else...


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 7:33 AM
PS- tank girl is hot. (When i was a wee lad- i had a pretty serious crush on the movie version; mind you, she was in Point Break back then, with her perfect, almost non-existent boobs...yup)

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 7:48 AM
I notice that Vickers stayed on the ship the entire time of our story..before the ramming. By staying at headquarters she could make sure that others do their jobs( I mean the crew and David/Weyland),,even if they are being placed or lead to situations that are dangerous.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberDeaconNov-20-2012 11:16 AM
You have to remember this movie is not set over 2 hours.... What i mean is in the movie while David was left alone on that ship for a short while, in actual time he could have had much longer to investigate the other cryo pods. He did tell them that one was alive, which means he must have looked at the others and would have known that what ever broke out was no longer there. I am pretty sure David may know a hell of a lot more about what was going in than he let the crew know.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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