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David and Engineer discussion translated.

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MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 10:51 AM
So while googling i managed to "discover" this book called "A grammar of modern indo european - prometheus edition" in it, after taking a look at the table of contents i was able to find out the part where they explain the discussion between david and the engineer, thus putting an end to it. david is the first to speak two sentences [b]Etat gwentmn perethú htástarasja- -sent[/b] these-here who-come from-Earth of-star being (“These-here ‘star-being’ to-(they-)coming from-Earth”) [b]Hja ádeve sthãtá tava kréda- -stent[/b] they (n.) at-food placed of-you believe standing (“They who-stand–confident [that] they-[are]-placed by-you at-(your-)meal”.) then the engineer asks: [b]má vulit teva vár- -ghud nõmnãja[/b] not he-wanted of-you a-favour this name! (“not he-wanted [something]of-you? name the-wish–this”) to which david replies [b]ida hmanem ai kja na- -mrtúh- -zdetaha[/b] there (to-the)man on-him on-whom that-not death had-stood (“to-(this-)man here because-of-him so-that-not on-him (he-)is-in-astate- of-having-withstood death.”) [b]gwiváh pjorn- itthám sas dãtr kredah[/b] alive/of-life full thus this (a)giver he-believes (“he(this) believes [you] [to be] a-giver of-full (of-)life.”) after this there are two interpretations to what the engineer replied. Apparently what is heard is the following: [b]wã- -nõrem idemá ju- -ghad-ke garasté[/b] not of-man then-not you(pl.) this-here you-grew-old ("[you are] of-not–man if-not you(pl.)–here grow-old") but apparently originally he said the following (and you can see his lips move this way) [b]kem gwiváh pjorn- itthám vlnãh?[/b] why alive/(a)life full thus he-wishes (“Why then (does-)he-wish [to be] full alive?") [b]kva h(e)manem ida maghám kert kja étãzdet?[/b] what (to-the)man here of-big(pl.) heart whom was-placed (“What(-kind) of-great(-things) [is] to-this-man here [so that] theheart in-him was-placed) i dont know if someone had already explained this but i went ahead and posted either way hope you guys find this helpful on finally understanding the whole conversation :P only just realized some of the characters are off, probably because they are backward letters and not supported by the forums :P so i went ahead and replaced them is the best match i could think of My first time here and I wanted to contribute a bit to the thread. Given that it's around PIE i have a screenshot from the enhancement pods extra. [img][/img] Dr. Biltoo also reads a bit, i believe it's something the engineer could have said. (sorry if someone already mentioned this) the first two sentences are on the screenshot eghom vivizat hjae nahman veragnan mekjahu-bhoruktaj agne-ghwrnaj ghunakt' orjon' i've seen things you people wouldn't believe attack ships on fire off the should of orion i watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the tannhauser gate all those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain time to die for the interested based on this screenshot i was able to create a font of the engineer's writings. It can help someone translate the writings on something :P [img][/img] you can download it [url=]here[/url]
22 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 10:59 AM
:/ well those numbers made it harder to read....but thanks anyway :)

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MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 11:00 AM
i'm in the process of trying to replace them all sorry man :P should be fixed now ;)


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 11:14 AM
[quote] i've seen things you people wouldn't believe attack ships on fire off the should of orion i watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the tannhauser gate all those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain time to die [/quote] That's from BladeRunner actually :) and I'm a girl ^^; :P

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MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 11:22 AM
i started a tread on trying to translate the writing on the wall where all the engineers are piled up dead but i got stuck as it apeares to use the engineers alphabet and this pre sumerian text [url=]curiform[/url] and heres my attemp to translate their writen langauge. [url=]Engineer alphabet decoded[/url]. but it also apeares to be encoded. the last paragraph is out of blade runner and was Roy battys famous last words. all we need now is something to translate


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 11:29 AM
@ feebs oh cool wasn't paying that much attention my bad, been a while since i last saw it xD but apparently there was some intention of using that quote on the movie, and several other elements from the movie on this one. But they scratched it. sorry about that ^^; my bad @katiel238 i bought the pressure suit figure from neca, on the background panel, it shows (not clearly but somewhat clear) the text on the wall


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 12:26 PM
yup thats where i got the word for paradise Urnaja from sukkal and the forum gets a mention too


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 12:33 PM
In a Galaxy far far away ........ David to Engineer: "Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?" Engineer: "You woke me out of my nap to ask me that? Are you out of your f-" David: "The old guy over there has a bladder the size of a thimble - as for me, I don't need to pee" Engineer looking at Shaw / Ford: "Who are the cuties with the chest bumps? Me likey ........" David: "Look, this old fart is really annoying me - please pick up the closest object and beat him to death with it for me will ya?" And the rest as they say, is cinematic history.
In Space, no one can hear you fart.


AdminPraetorianNov-14-2012 2:11 PM
That is indeed Roy's soliloquy from Blade Runner. :P A good post to read to compliment this one would be this one by Sukkal; [url=]What David actually said to the Engineer. Mystery Revealed.[/url]

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 2:20 PM
@OldGuy Just curious if you identified with any charactors in the scene?
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 2:22 PM
Yeah @Indy, the old guy with the tiny bladder ;-)
In Space, no one can hear you fart.

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 2:24 PM
Hey Rui, welcome to the boards! Great post, thanks for sharing. It would have been so cool if the Engineer quoted Batty's last words - nerdgasm, YES!!!


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 2:31 PM
Did you ever hear that Rutger Hauer came to Ridley Scott and showed him the soliloquy that he wrote himself and asked Ridley if he could try it and the rest is history. That piece brought tears to my eyes when I first saw Blade runner as it hits home. Its the story of all humans, replicant or otherwise. We all just want to live as Deckard said in that voice over (which in general none of us liked) - but despite the objection to the voiceovers Deckard was right in that moment. Its also cool that Ridley Scott has finely laid to rest the question of whether or not Deckard was a replicant or not in a recent interview: He is! The clue is the origami unicorn he found as he was leaving with Rachel which corresponded to a dream he had(in the directors cut), Scott said regarding the new sequel regarding whether or not Deckard would be in it:"Well he is a nexis 6 so who can say how they age." Remember Rachel was a prototype with no 4 year life span. Deckard must be too.


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 2:32 PM
PS sorry for all the Blade runner talk here instead of at the Blade runner 2 site...


AdminPraetorianNov-14-2012 2:59 PM
@nostromo001; Yes I have heard that about Rutger! Np about posting that here, we did cover it on the BR2 site. Glad to have you posting on any of the sites. :)


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 3:04 PM
well basically i just wanted to drop all the info i had here, i also saw the other thread, it was originally where i had commented, however i then was able to translate the whole thing with quotations from the book and decided to just make a new one and give it a fresh start.

Offworld seeder

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 3:50 PM
Hi all sorry for those stupid questions but here in austria we still Dont have the dvd blu ray till Dez. 07 So i read what u translatet but i Dont understand what the Engineer answers what great is in this man here that his heart was placed?? Sorry i Dont understand next question on ign once i saw weyland talking to the Engineer representing him as the maker of David he made him out of nothing Next question somewhere i read that Bob says something about blood beeing corrupted Where is that sentence in your translation is weyland talking on the dvd or Do we still Not See the complete scene again sorry for stupid questions another thing Bob reads a book in the lifeboat scene is that on the blu ray where Thx

Offworld seeder

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 3:58 PM
Hi friends sorry for stupid questions but here in austria we still have no dvd blu ray but somewhere i saw weyland talking to the Engineer that he builded David out of nothing is that scene also in the extended scene also i read somewhere that Bob answers something about blood beeing corrupted Where is that sentence in the translation also the scene where Bob reads a book in the lifeboat again sorry for the stupid questions


AdminPraetorianNov-14-2012 7:28 PM
@Offworld seeder; Answers to every question you have can be found here on the forum. Please use the "Search" option provided or "Google" it. *(Search is best used for titles and Google is best for post bodies.)


MemberOvomorphNov-15-2012 5:15 PM
the engineer basically replies, "what has this man done that makes him so great to ask for more life" but there is another answer where he says "you are not a man if you do not grow old" then weyland says that he has made david etc etc


MemberDeaconNov-15-2012 6:19 PM
Well maybe their was even more Dialog than the Deleted Scene Showed. As their was a rumor of how many pages of Dialog David had to learn for that scene and well he hardly spoke so many pages worth in that scene. But going from the scene here is roughly what was said... not word for what but the purpose and intent is all the same. First... Weyland tells David to speak to him and tell him we came just like he asked. David tells this and he must have informed the Engineer that they came to find him because of the clues and star maps left behind from them in the past. The Engineer speaks, and David tells Weyland he wants to know why have them come and what do they want. David then tells the Engineer why Weyland wanted to come, and that he was dying and wanted more life and to be immortal. The engineer at this point seemed to be a little upset at that demand, and David said that he asked why.... now i can assume that the Engineer must have also said or meant something similar to "how dare you come here and demand immortality, why should you have that. Weyland then talks to the Engineer and we dont know if he understands or not or he interpreted it like i roughly did with the Engineer, or maybe there was more dialog after Weyland where David maybe told the Engineer Weyland created him. As all of a sudden the Engineer then noticed that maybe David was not Human and he confirmed this once he touched his head.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphNov-15-2012 6:34 PM
@BigDave what i did up there was copy paste the information from the book which contains the translations and the writing from the dialogue in the deleted scenes you basically said what i did there :P as far as other deleted scenes and script, it is possible but one can only speculate. as far as i know he was supposed to have memorized the Lord's Prayer and Schleiger's fable. dont know about anything else. there is dialogue at the very beggining when the engineers land on earth but it's a small piece of text and it's not on the book :


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 3:44 AM
offworld seeder "bob"? ah! just got it bob the builder= bob the engineer god im slow today
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