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Some Prometheus insights

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MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 7:53 AM
I am new here, so be gentle please :) It may have already been discussed... Anyway, some general ideas about Prometheus. Engineers: I believe that there are 2 distinct Engineer types - the "pure" Engineer that gives rise to life on Earth, and a hybrid Engineer, that wishes to destroy (essentially, destroy what the first Engineer created). The creating Engineer - perhaps "God" Engineers if you will - are almost pure human in looks - smooth skin, human body type etc. The "Destroyer" Engineers are TO ME, hybrids - successful ones - of the Xeno-type creature and a God Engineer (perhaps a mistake). Why do I say this? Look at what a lot of us consider a suit/armour on the later Engineers. Yet, they also wear a "protective" suit (aka the Jockey suit) also, on TOP of this boney suit. Now, the boney suit is distinctly Xeno in characteristic, even down to the fine neck detailing, leg ribs, chest ribs etc. Looking at the modelling cuts and close ups of the "Xeno-Engineer", there is a flawless transition from the suit to skin - either their technology is so advanced on this exo0suit, or they are in fact part OF the Engineer - an anatomical feature, hybridised. If you compare a Xeno and a Xeno-Engineer, you see DISTINCT similarities - yes, the Xeno traces it's origins to Shaw, but the first Xeno we actually see comes from this Xeno-Engineer, and in the chest burst scene, there is no "declothing" etc - it bursts straight out of the body - a full corporeal body. So, my suggestion is that LV223 was either DELIBERATELY setup to create Xeno-Engineers (my choice), or that it was a complete mistake (less likely). I believe that the Engineers - IN EXO-SUITS (Space Jockey suits) are running from hybrid-Engineers - Xeno-Engineers. The Xeno-Engineers discard the bodies of the regular Engineers, as we see in the piled up scene. The hybrid of course retains the intellect of a regular Engineer. And to survive, the sole remaining hybrid goes into stasis - he knows how to do it all. Cut to one of the external scenes, and Scott seems to elude to this a couple times. The top of the "pyramid" has a fce of it, with a deacon-like shape behind the head - deliberate or coincidence? Deliberate IMHO - creating Xeno-Engineer hybrids. Additionally the space craft design seems to play in too. The original engineers have the typical "UFO" saucer, whereas the hybridised or perhaps military Engineers have that odd looking Horseshoe :) (there's another possibility - hybrid Engineer bred for military purposes! Yes?) The time scale of the saucer and the Horseshoe is probably meant to be millenia apart, but... So, LV223 IS a military base, set up to create a hybrid race - Xeno-Engineer. Soldiers for the Engineer nation if you will. Something goes wrong, or there is a typical power-play (the Engineers are not perfect afterall). Humanity is a threat to the military Engineers, since it seems being the SAME DNA as the original Engineers (since they test the Engineer DNA from one wearing a exo-suit) represents a powerplay or potential threat. So, how do the Xeno-Engineers overcome this? They plan mutating humans into Xeno-humans - or so they THOUGHT. What happens mixing human, Engineer and Xen-Engineer DNA? You get an all-powerful "PERFECT" Xeno / Deacon - the one they WORSHIP or at least hold in high regard (OR FEAR), as seen in the "tomb".Perhaps the giant head plus the goo vials plus the xeno mural is meant to portray human + goo = Xeno... but what of that green gem too? Anyway, I have rambled, and it is afterall only a movie, BUT.... :) Like I said, probably old news.thoughts, but hey, I am trying :)
13 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 8:45 AM
OK, the hybrid Xeno-Engineer DOES show in the later recording of the star map, so maybe rethink the last a bit....


AdminEngineerNov-16-2012 8:48 AM
Hey Lewis, welcome to the community! Some great ideas you posted, I agree. I'm also a believer that there are 2 distinct, different races of Engineer. I think the "Pure" Engineers, or the "Light Angels" as some also refer to them as, did try to warn us of their rather evil counterparts which had stationed a base on LV_223. Another hypothesis is that the Alien was almost like a "God sent" for humanity, eliminating the Engineers on LV_223 to protect us. Could the "Light" Engineers have planted a deadly Alien parasite on LV_223 in an attempt to stop the "Dark" Engineers from launching their payload of Bio-forming black goo to Earth? At this point, anything's possible. I hope we see some explanation of this in the sequel. But I am 100% with you on the theory that there are 2 separate races of Engineers, fighting for different goals in the Universe, One wishing to create, others, wishing to destroy.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 8:08 AM
good work, looks realistic .Yeah I think they changed their ship, because at the start thats millions of years before so they've advanced a new ship.
\\\" I Want To Go Where They Come From\\\"


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 8:25 AM
Some more random ideas. Of course, the cave paintings that led to going to LV223 are actually the God Engineers WARNING us of LV223 and it's inhabitants. The hybrid Xeno-Engineer does NOT show on radar/tracking etc JUST LIKE THE XENO'S IN ALIENS - can't detect them, just as the recording system in the establishment captures the running God Engineers, but NOT what is chasing them. Look at closeups of the sole survivor - you see neck pipes going IN his neck at the back and sides (ala Xeno) etc etc etc. He's DEFINITEY a hybrid - put the elongated head from aXeno on one of these Engineers, and what do you have? A XENO! And what of the green goop in the heiroglyphs David removes that triggers the recording playback?


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 9:59 AM
"At this point, anything's possible. I hope we see some explanation of this in the sequel. But I am 100% with you on the theory that there are 2 separate races of Engineers, fighting for different goals in the Universe, One wishing to create, others, wishing to destroy." I wonder if the "Light Engineers" who gave us life millions of years ago simply evolved into the version the crew found on LV-223. Perhaps having spent many millenia seeding planets they have discovered that their "children" don't always behave and therefore must be punished.
In Space, no one can hear you fart.


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 10:16 AM


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 1:04 PM
Everytime I come on this website and I read these theories my faith in humanity is repaired. :) Really interesting theory, I'd have to agree with the light and dark engineer theory. Can't wait to see what else is to come.


AdminPraetorianNov-16-2012 1:23 PM
Welcome to the forums LewisM ! If you suspect something might have already been asked here use the "Search" option provided or "Google" it. *(Search is best used for titles and Google is best for post bodies.) :)


MemberPraetorianNov-16-2012 1:32 PM
Welcome to Prometheus LewisM! :-) You've made a fine start with this thread, excellent thinking! ;-)


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 3:39 PM
Lewis, I have acctually heard an analogy to this idea, not here but when reading the psychic Edgar Casey's discription of Arlantis. Supposedly there were 2 races fighting for domenance of their advanced culture. One was darker and more militant compared to the lighter one. The darker race demanded that the use the firestone crystal that can focus the power of the moon and stars to make a weapon for self defence against genetic mutant creatures that were attaching the outskirts of the island. The dark race won the argument but when they raised the frequency of the firestone to make it oscillate it resulted in earthquakes that sunk parts of the ancient island and ultimately all of it. The inhabitants escapted to Egypt, central america north america and south america. The various pyrimids are supposed to be evidence of this migration.


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 4:24 PM
I just typed a LONG series of thoughts again, and the system logged me out!!! All lost, and I will write it again some other time. I knew I should have copied before posting it :(


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 4:39 PM
Another side-idea. Perhaps the facility on LV223 was military as already suggested, but the Xeno-engineers were using humans as test subjects (the God Engineers had been to Earth to start us, perhaps the Xeno-Engineers had been here to GATHER us for experiments - fits popular alien experimentation theory too LOL :)). So, they gather sample humans to experiment on. What they get is a perfect organism, and one that they cannot control or cannot tame. So, the Xeno-Engineers either want to go to Earth to destroy humanity by making us Xeno-humans (aka Xenomorphs) - and this fits David's "sometimes to create, one must first destroy", or to destroy us COMPLETELY as we pose an unstoppable threat to them. Engineers mutated themselves and created the warrior like Xeno-Engineers (as opposed to the Monk like God Engineers). Perhaps the Xeno-Engineers or the God Engineers themselves decided to use humans as the basis of the mutation, saving the purity of the God Engineer's? To use an Annunaki reference, to do the work of the Gods. Again, harping back to David's "Sometimes to create, one must first destroy" neatly conjugates the opening sacrificial scene - the Engineer destroys himself to create (and the cut scene with more than one Engineer proposes either a deliberate sacrifice to create, or a forced sacrifice as punishment). Either way, Humans were either created intentionally to propagate and keep alive the original Engineer lineage (seeing our DNA is identical), or deliberately as guinea pigs, or accidentally as a consequence of a sacrifice. Either way, the Xeno-Engineers want us gone because we pose a threat, OR they want to create MORE of the Xeno's by human mutation to fight the God Engineers. Worlds divided. I think it impossible to deny that there are 2 distinct Engineer species. And the Xeno-Engineer is either deliberate or accidental in a lineage of Engineer creation experiments.

Newt for President

MemberOvomorphDec-02-2012 7:40 PM
One more thought (my first post.) The goo infects the worm and the resulting hugger didn't remind me of a xeno except for the fact that it was a hugger. Same for the sperm squid hugger. It wasn't until the last survivor spawned the deacon that we see what definitely looks like a xeno. This could imply that the xeno DNA came from the last survivor... not the goo. Wait... Concentrated acid for blood.. There goes that theory. So far this is my favorite thread in terms of speculation. Good job LewisM.
Newt for president. Why don\'t we put her in charge?
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