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Holy Water

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Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphNov-16-2012 7:09 PM
The black stuff is holy water. It casts out demons. Cleansing the soul and allowing it to fly free. The black stuff consumes the bad in your soul and exits your body, leaving the rest of your soul holy. Allowing it to fly to paradise (how stupid does that sound?) I'm bladdered ignore me. Holloway commited a deadly sin by drinking himself into a stuper (like Ncc lool). Fifield commited a deadly sin by getting stoned (like Ncc LOl). Oh for god sake they havent got a clue whart it is!!" its just a plot device styolen from X Files! End of DAVY!!!

The poster was good though!


10 Replies

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphNov-16-2012 7:31 PM
However, in religion, Lucifer and his minions were cast out of heaven. They stole (or p[lanned to steal) gods weapons (not knowing exactly how dangerous the weapons were) they planned to use them on all gods creations. The giant pale blokes at the start were gods angels. The giant hormonaly inbalanced pale aliens at the end were dark angels. Cast out of heaven and prepairing to avenge their cast- outedness. They were aggressive feckers though weren't they?

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphNov-16-2012 7:40 PM
The crucified necromorph, in the mural, is depicting Jeebus. It looks monstrous instead of angelic because they are trying to articulate the fact that religion is BAD.

The poster was good though!


NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 8:11 PM
LOL,,Nec 4 Mint Song too [url=]ROCK ON Click...[/url]

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphNov-16-2012 8:17 PM
!!! Its gods *gravy! The mural on the ceiling depicts Adam and Eve. Notice how he has a tear in his side, where is rib cage would be? Adam made Eve from one of his ribs right? God this is terrible!!!

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphNov-16-2012 8:24 PM
Yes yes, that bird is a tasty peace of arf arfer! But my drink of choice is stella artois (strong french lager lool) proper holy water. Yours is coors (the devils loopy juice) there's a massive difference! :-)

The poster was good though!


Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 9:06 PM
Well hello there N4. I see you have a bee in your bonnet. I think you should give [url=]This[/url] a read, it's hilarious. And don't be mad at the Goo, dude. The Goo is cool. It makes terrible things possible. Mmmmmm... Terrible things.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphNov-16-2012 9:31 PM
I know. I all too often get a bee in my bonnet! I spent alot of money on something that doesn't work properly. It's like that first experience you have with a girl. You think the next time will be even better, but no matter how many more there are, you never quite get over those eggs in that massive egg silo that have been waiting for thousands, if not millions of years to catch the wiff of a moist breath. It's just all down hill from that point on! *note to self, don't show this to the wife!!!*

The poster was good though!


Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 8:09 AM
..stella artois .. Drink of the gods , perfect for the Engineers and Creators. This sort of fits into the story of the pyramids being a 'brewery' for goo..or at least atmosphere... T
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 9:39 AM
pishin maself n4 sounds like you could do with an irn-bru or maybe an irn-goo and a bacon roll with extra brown sauce

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-19-2012 10:32 AM
Too funny!
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