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The two Engineers - A different angle

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MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 3:46 PM
There's been said many times that there are two kinds of Engineers. As far as I have been able to read is that most agree that the Engineer on Earth is "good" and the ones on the moon are "evil". What if it's the other way around? The black liquid accelerates evolution and makes its target aggressive. What if the Engineer on earth is the actual evil one by creating humans? The black liquid (evil or dangerous atleast) being the reason why there is evil in all men, the answer to why we make war upon and hate each other. The Engineer killing David and Weyland is actually the good one, aiming to destroy the evil race of mankind created by the cultist Engineer who created us in a ritualistic way. Just a thought, really.
11 Replies

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 1:43 PM
I also find much mystery in understanding the Engineers..and find it hard to undertanding the Two engineers storyline. It may be true but to me it all fantasy until some evidence is produced that my little brain can sort out. I guess any poster's theory has merit,,but RS is the only voice that counts. It like looking at a tapestry from the back. All of the threads are there but until you see the right side,,it doesn't make much sense.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


AdminPraetorianNov-17-2012 4:40 PM
I kinda figured the Engineer on the moon is infected by the goo.


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 5:49 PM
Might add a nice twist at the end! I think the one on the moon could have been infected too. I really think David will end up sympathizing with the native cultures out in space because he can speak their language and understand their perspective on humanity. Like in Lawrence of Arabia he has the ability to speak the language of the cultures he's interacting with, bridge any gaps between multiple groups, and unite them.


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 5:54 PM
How about this: Neither the ancient Engineer nor the contemporary body altered Engineer are evil....


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 6:30 PM
i think its more about different ethics then one group being good or evil. the ones on lv223 are either scientists hence the last engineer's curiosity or military or both. the seeders are more spiritual. its not going to be a simple good or bad engineers scenario i think its going to be a very grey subject depending on your own ethics and sense of right and wrong. the last engineer doesnt seem evil to me he seems to be reacting to the situation. the last thing you do when comunicating with extraterrestial life no matter how similar they may be to us, would be to start whacking each other and arguing about who gets to ask questions. im still a bit pissed by the fact that this being was portrayed like a mindless brute when realistically an advanced race would be less violent. or maybe the engineers havent evolved that far from us and the physical differences are caused by developing on a different type of planet.


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 8:51 PM
Well, remember this, if this counts: God can be angry, therefore, why can't Gods be angry as well?


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 8:54 PM
@ Katiel238: 'An advanced race would be less violent.' I can't agree with this thought, just from Earth's history of human kind's actions, I think otherwise, but it's just my personal thoughts.


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 6:31 AM
i agree with SubsumeYou advancing as a species of people as we define it as opposed to animals doesnt necessarily mean dispensing with violence as a society, advanced species may have had to learn to be wiser in diplomacy to avoid destruction by conflict but diplomacy doesnt always work and to advance you must survive and to survive sometimes you must defend yourself so i would picture an advanced race as being more intelligent AND more dangerous It would be a case of being very careful to stay on their good side something Weyland royally effed up.... he chose what they knew to be a soldier whos last orders were to set course for and attack earth whose crew were all dead and who had not an updated view of humanity then behaved in a typically nasty arrogant selfish way! no wonder after a brief moment of confusion the soldier decided "to heck with this i got my orders"

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 6:53 AM
Common foe for all are the xenos and David will be the uniting figure to challenge for ruling the universe! One problem I have is knowing the storyline of Alien and trying to tie all the threads together. RS says not to worry about that as it is a different storyline.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 3:12 AM
The engineer in the beginning is millions of years far-removed from the ones on LV 223. His "world view" would have been so different from the more modern ones, even assuming he was part of one of their ancestral cultures and not from another. Ridley Scott has been putting the engineers on the level of gods, which to me is not only offensive, but "quite short of anything even remotely godlike". To liken them to deities is a big mistake. The engineers in the sequel are what we should discuss. Will THEY be good or evil? I fear that all Ridley Scott wants is to be offensive to people of faith, and that he has thrown away all vestiges of his sanity.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-19-2012 11:56 AM
I do not think Ridley wants to be offensive, he just wants us to think. I think he wants to tell a story & let us think about it based on what we know, or what we believe, & why it is, or is not offensive to us? That is all. He may be wanting to make us think about what it is that we believe, that could make another view offensive? I choose to believe what I believe, because that is my choice. I am not offended by another person's belief, because that is their choice as a rational human being. Who are we to judge another, and what is this judgement based upon? As far as Engineers go, we have no way to understand why they do what they do. It is like us thinking an alligator is bad because it killed your dog. The alligator is like the Xeno, it just does what it does. But an Engineer is more scary because we cannot understand their motivation!
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