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The mysterious Milburn

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MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 10:20 PM
So what cn we assume is the fate of Millburn? The worm shoots out of Millburn's mouth (which has now become charred looking with broken helmet since his impregnation), and the team just leaves, leaving Fifield and Millburn. We know what Fifield became, but can we assume that Millburn is now a host to a Human/Nematode hybrid with accelerated evolution? Or did the worm just have lunch and leave? :) Perhaps this odd Xeno will be the Xeno that PERHAPS is stowaway onboard the second Juggernaut that Shaw and David depart on, that may well start the whole shebang. The Xeno in Prometheus is decidedly human. The Xeno in Alien is humanistic, with some insectoid characteristic. The Xeno's in Aliens are more insectoid. The Xeno in 3 is canine, and the Xeno's in the abomination French farce - aka Resurrection - are classic Aliens style, apart from the Ripley hybrids. I sincerely hope Scott fills some of these blanks with his Director Cut. Fox KILLED the movie, to the point of abject stupidity (whoever was chief editor needs sacking!).
20 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 11:24 PM
The movie isn't killed, despite Fox. But, hopefully, Fox will back away and allow Ridley and whoever works with him with the script, to set forth their vision freely and uninterrupted. Stand or fall.


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 1:11 AM
@LewisM Prometheus is deliberately ambiguous in many places. That's not stupid or 'killed'. It gives people like yourself the opportunity to speculate. You seem to be quite keen on what can be [i]assumed[/i]. Would you rather that everything was spelled out for you in the movie? Or would you, like me, prefer an air of mystery that leads to untold events in a sequel?
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 3:34 AM
Heck no - I prefer the hidden, the ambiguous - why else would I still be thinking about this film so long after originally seeing it? I just think the editor edited TOO much and destroyed much credibility and continuity. Not plot holes, just complete bastardiation of what to me was originally original and brilliant, deep and EXTREMELLY meaningful. Basically, I think the editor DUMBED IT DOWN - it was complicated in a psychological way, and they killed it by dumbing it down. THAT is wht I dislike about it. The film does not deserve it. I think what the editors removed does not make it "easier", I think they erroneously and rather inadvertantly made it HARDER. On a simplistic level, they failed, as Joe Blogs - the one expecting waves of Xenomorphs and pulse rilfes - failed to comprehend, and those of us with enquiring minds grasped the possibilities and the intense psychology, yet we, I feel, still needed a LITTLE more - a little more science, a little more rooms, a little more overall structure and believability. Just a small bit that gets me, being an avid amateur astronomer and with a science background is (besides the poor astronomical "we go there, only asterism possible") they travel all that distance, and yet do NOT do scans from orbit, no probes, no nothing - just blunder through the atmosphere (with the worst delivered and corniest line in the whole movie from Ford about Everest being a baby)m and yet after travelling short distance at low level, spot straight lines... that any satellite / probe / telemetry scan would have detected. Just adds a ittle to the idiotic cowboy feel at times to the movie. So much was badly done, unlike usual Scott movies, with such obvious flaws (like already mentioned a million times, Vickers and Shaw running a straight line, instead of just stepping to one side... an 8 year old coudld suggest a better plot point than that!)


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 6:02 AM
When in film history has anyone expected quite so much accuracy!!! Scott has offered us since the late 70's some of the most interesting sci-fi with roots more deep in possibility than anything that came before and much of whats come out of hollywood since! but it remains science-FICTION! give him a break!!!! i also notice a lot of complaints from LAY-PEOPLE about whats unrealistic in terms of the behaviour of the science crew erm i know plenty of gung-ho and reckless 'bucket chemists' and scientist with the chemical burns to prove it! and youd be surprised what unprecedented fear, excitement and ambition..... and weed will do to the most sensible of boffins


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 6:07 AM
@LewisM "Vickers and Shaw running a straight line, instead of just stepping to one side... an 8 year old coudld suggest a better plot point than that!" there was large burning chunks of the prometheus landing all over the joint! and the terrain was uneven it might be clear to our perspective where to run but the thing was turning about like a spinning penny and they were shit scared the thing was huge even shaw who headed to the side eventually nearly bought it when it keeled to the side


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 6:12 AM
plus if the character cleverly avoided all harm it wouldnt be particularly scary youre supposed to watch on thinking "no not that way" "stupid cow is panicking" then bam yeesh see subliminal cautionary tale, thats what happens when you panic, smoke, sit around all day being a hard-ass drinking vodka and bossing people around you get squashed by a space ship!

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 7:10 AM
I wonder if somehow Ripley will be tied into any of the Prometheus plotline. I say this as I can only remember the Alien and Aliens storyline,,nothing that follows. Yea there are timeline problems.. Any movie can be pulled apart , disected and analyized because it not an historical document..actual recorded history. So I would cut RS some slack as far as details. Storyline options.. was his vision(for the most part because of posssible Fox interference) are subject to each viewer's perspective as judged looking over the volume of posts. My comment are about this Milburn thread. He was sort of cast aside and left for whatever. Can this be a storytelling style of a minor charactor becoming a major star in a follow-up story? Faulkner did this all the time and it worked.. If not Millburn than who? It would be hard to believe that David and Shaw would the only humanoids in a sequel battling or working with the Engineers.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 7:32 AM
Caenorhanhditis- so true, and let's add a few things: stupid scientists taking their helmets off in drippy alien tomb= DON'T DO THAT! Millburn making baby talk to bizarre bloodthirsty invertebrate = OH NO HERE IT COMES! I thought these were all classic anxiety inducing set ups only diminished by the epic complaints of the disappointed.( No disrespect to you, LewisM, you make good arguments, Im refering to the Geek Chorus of hive mind bashers.) The whole running in a straight line thing, where were they supposed to go with giant space tumor the size of the Astrodome coming down in their heads? If we could have been there to point out to them what we're seeing on the screen, perhaps they would have moved to the side. Perhaps there would also be no movie. I agree that this movie has been subjected to a critical microscope that the beloved Alien would never stand up under.


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 7:37 AM
lets not forget the total slagging off bladeruner got!


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 7:46 AM
@IndyJohn "My comment are about this Milburn thread. He was sort of cast aside and left for whatever. Can this be a storytelling style of a minor character becoming a major star in a follow-up story?" i understand your point but much as i like the idea i dont think we'll see spall's milburn again not all the creatures are parasitic the end product of some of the mutations in this story as in the case of fifield was an aggressive version of the original creature i think this is what would have happened to holloway too if you notice he shouts and pushes someone assisting him out of the rover at one point before composing himself again though people in pain can be like that anyway


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 7:55 AM
however i have the feeling we may see weyland again reason being.... if you look at the weyland website there is info on the neural stim line equiptment having been designed to potentially re-animate the brain dead also another peice of equiptment is the zero gravity chamber for encouraging the healing of badly injured persons theres quite a bit of tech not yet employed that i reckon we will see in the next installments and some of it may hint at possible plotlines i reckon someone will recover weyland and have him fixed if only partially on mars or somewhere.... ooh i cant wait so much potential and the landscape graphics for this and BR2 are going to be delicious!!!! (excited face)


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 11:20 AM
@ Lewis M: You're still singing that same old song, aren't you? Are you a sports fan, by any chance?


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 11:22 AM
@ Indy John: Ripley has nothing to do with this. Her story is of no concern here.


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 2:11 PM
@IndyJohn "If not Millburn than who? It would be hard to believe that David and Shaw would the only humanoids in a sequel battling or working with the Engineers." i reckon there may be a detour or meet-up with other humans from outer colonies possibly, i'm hoping for Tom Hardy but y'know thats just me he wouldnt put up with none of davids hoighty toighty creepiness


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 2:13 PM
he could be a space-miner lost in space ship run off course "dirty but sexily so" lol!

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 6:22 PM
"David's hoighty tonight's creepiness.." ha ha that's perfect.

Albert West

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 1:58 AM
@ LewisM Movies are made to entertain us. Many movies are made to be thought provoking; to inspire us; to question things. Prometheus is a movie, thus a source of entertainment. Not everything in the movie needs to be questioned. Milburn is an entertaining character. He is a little wacky and the things he says and does in the film come across as wacky... He is part of the entertainment aspect of the film and his death is no different; it's entertaining... Not everything is about science and ethics..... So, let us all stop analyzing things for the moment and appreciate the entertainment value of Prometheus.....

Albert West

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 2:09 AM

Albert West

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 2:09 AM

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 6:18 AM
I recall a saying .,, Analysis is Paralysis In the case of then Prometheus movie it is like finding 'Easter Eggs' that unveil a new clue to the movie's message...or new line of thought on understanding the mvovie. so looking at the details does not bother me at all. Very few movies in my life has caused me this much efforet.. I just hope it is worth it. As much as posters look at every aspect of the film you can bet that RS and his crew have done 10 times as present to the audience a believable story. Perhaps we all are trying to meet the maker of this movie..a theme that we all can relate to.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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