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The 2 genetic materials

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MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 11:40 PM
In the urns we see 2 distinct types of genetic material - the black goo that later flows out over the floor when exposed to an oxygen rich environment (we can safely assume that when the door closed 2000 years ago to the urn room that a vacuum was created, hence the survival of the head). The oozing is undoubtedly deliberate, IF the urns were to be used as a "bomb" per se. Now, back to goo. The black goo ALONE we know causes mutations leading to violent characteristics in the host, and accelerated evolution. Take the worms and Fifield. The Goo within the vials that are surrounded by the black goo in the urns is entirely different. When it is unwittingly given to Holloway, he transforms - relatively slowly, but is devoid - seemingly - of aggression, and his transformation is not so horrific. And the third goo, rarely mentioned - the green slime David removed from one of the runes on the wall that triggers the hologram playback. It seems to definitely be biological too - maybe it is the second type of goo found within the vials. Maybe it is genetic spatter from the violent deaths of the exosuited Engineers... Snorkelbottom surmised the premise of the urn/goo/vial pretty well, but maybe not perfectly. As stated, if the black is ingested alone, it caused cellular breakdown, and then regeneration - the sacrificail Engineer, Fifield - and induces a malevolent character to the regenerated lifeform. The vial goo alone produces a worm-like infectious "parasite", that seems relatively benevolent, but when sexual reproduction occurs, produces a form of Xenomorph - after crossing "species" twice - Holloway to Shaw, Shaw births a Squid, the Squid fellates the Engineer, the Engineer gives birth the a Xeno. Yet, in my opinion, the Engineers are already hybridised with the Xeno with such strikingly similar anatomical features, so the offspring is???? Confusing is what it is. Can't do a Punnet Square on this lineage LOL. So, back to the goo, potentially as a weapon. I believe the Xeno-Engineer hybrids were a stepping stone in the evolution of a weapon - from Pure Engineer, to a hybrid Xeno-Engineer, to a full blown Xenomorph, that seemingly required a FEMALE to add the missing link for full evolution. Perhaps as Snorkelbottom suggested, there are NO female Engineers - they have been bred out, or sacrificed in order to create the Xeno-Engineers in the first place. Or who the heck knows! ;) It's just a movie, though one that REALLY fires the imagination. Scott has that uncanny ability to juxtapose and contradict... from a seemingly replication of Annunaki and Greek mythology to create the premise of the story, to doubting religion, to reinstating religion with the Who created them line, to.... The Chicken or the Egg is a good alternate title for Prometheus.
25 Replies

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 1:33 PM
Green goo an excretion is a curious idea. But the goo being placed on the control panel has some meaning. I would have liked David to push a few more 'buttons' and generate a few more movies.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 12:28 AM
I' continue to eat my toasted salami sandwich and drink my white grape apple juice. But this is a definitive bump. I like this topic.


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 12:59 AM
@LewisM "we can safely assume that when the door closed 2000 years ago to the urn room that a vacuum [i]was created, hence the survival of the head".[/i] You may safely assume exactly the opposite. When the door was opened, a positive pressure gradient blew dust [i]into[/i] the tunnel.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 1:44 AM
OK, then some other gas was in the room... Or the SFX crew blundered (not the first time in Prometheus)

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 7:34 AM
What would have happenned if a human crew member touched the Green goo? As I recall the green stuff has been discussed here..but it is the one item not understood as it didn't react with anybody,,or anything in the story. Perhaps the Green goo was bait to attract something..or someone. Now that the green goo was mentioned in this thread it is curious how David said 'Impressive' after he touched and smelled the substance.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 8:02 AM
someone (apologies for not remembering who) posed the idea that it was part of the lit up door/controls maybe if the ship is biomechanoid it has nano-organism (green goo) components it does sparkle and crackle when he looks closely like its alive with tiny things..... i dont remember conventional Xeno slime doing that


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 12:59 PM
I dont think the black goo and the green goo are the same. The black goo is liquid and organic, whilst the green goo extremely sticky and sparkles when David rubs it together, also i dont think its organic. He also recognises that it smells bad. I thought it might be Engineer blood, but its different at the start scene of the movie, unless they're evolved or a different kind of engineer ?
\\\" I Want To Go Where They Come From\\\"


MemberChestbursterNov-18-2012 2:37 PM
green goo is probably engineer blood. maybe an injured one was using that control panel or his blood spattered on it for some reason(decaon/xenomorph????) either, i now think engineer blood

Not a map, an invitation


MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 3:34 AM
I am not sure what the difference between the green goo and black goo is but after reading both scripts I believe David could recognise the DNA within both goos and so they are both organic and the black goo is defiinitley a powerfully toxic mutagen far beyond anything we as a culture can concoct. Because lord knows we would if we could!

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 6:44 AM
Green goo has not been shown to do anything, We can speculate all we want but there needs to be some visual evidence that it makes a difference. It was on this panel,,but as far as I can tell it was the only place visible to our crew It had been placed there for a reason..not by accident. It could be dismissed but with David saying 'Impressive' implys there something of value in the green goo. This is too big of clue to the lives of the Engineers..and I expect to be explored in the next installment.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-19-2012 10:51 AM
Was it not the 'Green Goo' that David slipped into Holloway's drink? I assumed Holloway was having his DNA re-combined without (the addition of/being mixed with) the 'Black Goo'. Holloway was being affected by the 'Green Goo' only. Not a combined mixture like the worms got mixed with? Therefore Holloway was not aggressive towards others, he was just mutating & was going to eventually explode?


MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 12:17 PM
When David is stooping over an already-badly-leaking urn in the tomb the black goo appears to have a few worms performing a slow dance atop it. I had assumed the "impressive" green goo was a Xenomorph excretion left over from the events that saw the Engineers bowling down the corridor in the hologram.


MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 4:52 PM
Cerulean Blue I say this without a doubt: They showed David crack open an ampule of black goo suspended in a clear solvent. Remember when he turned it up side down then capped it with his index finger leaving a drop of black goo on it and the weyland logo was visible on his finger. He says.'Big things come from small beginnings.' So it was black goo he slipped Holloway on that same finger when he dipped it in his drink.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 11:56 PM
David has the distinction of being then only charactor that touched the Black goo,,and green slime. It is still hard to belive that David didn't want to anaylize the Green Slime. Also I suspect that David had is vidio cameras turned on so the Prometheus must have seen the sline and even record his hand movements that activation thye Running Engineeer. This might have generated some follow up questions to David from other crew members/Janek or even Vickers
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 5:48 AM
@Reimer [i]"When David is stooping over an already-badly-leaking urn in the tomb the black goo appears to have a few worms performing a slow dance atop it."[/i] No, it's the goo itself writhing about. The sacrificial goo at the beginning, whilst not necessarily being the same stuff, performs a similar dance. @Indy John Re: green slime [i]"it was the only place visible to our crew It had been placed there for a reason..not by accident."[/i] There's no reason to suppose that the green slime was placed on the control panel deliberately. If, for example, it came from an injured Engineer, the control panel to open the door is the one place that the said Engineer would be heading for.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 5:59 AM
It is still hard to belive that David didn't want to anaylize the Green Slime. @ Indy John, yeah i would've thought david would want to see the effects of the green goo like the black goo he did with holloway. The green goo could've maybe given weyland more life, then they would've made it back to earth in time for dinner. I think the green goo is either engineers blood or medicine used when infected with the black goo..
\\\" I Want To Go Where They Come From\\\"

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-20-2012 11:21 AM
@Nostromo001 - You are correct about the black goo that came from the vial inside the vase being black. I guess my calling it green goo is based on me thinking the following based upon Snorklebottom's original goo analysis: 1) Vases have black goo in them. 2) Vases also have a green/translucent vial inside the vase containing another black substance. 3) During activation these two substances combine to affect whoever comes into contact with it. I was calling the black goo inside the green vials 'Green Goo'. The green goo on the walls is something I thought was 'Slime' left by a Xeno, or another type of 'creature'?

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 1:06 PM
I have to give this some thought about the green goo on the panel being a result of injured Engineer. My thought is that if there was an injured Engineer there would at least a trace of green goo somewhere in the tunnel system.. THat's the thing about the pyramids there are no support areas like housing repair shops,,dining area,,any kind of place fro a group gathering. If you accept that this Pyramid complex was not only a storage atrea for Juggernauts and atmosphere making..then should be something more than a buried ship and water trickling down from a shaft into a some sort of well. Getting something dramatic has happenned there in the tunnels.. in the pyramid complex because it was important to somebody..or to something.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-21-2012 5:22 AM
Actually, there are plenty of large chambers in the pyramid that have yet to be seen in detail. There are several, for example, shown in this hologram: [img][/img]
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-21-2012 5:39 AM
AS soon as I saw your post I realized there was more unknown than known areas in the pryamids. I guess it is mind wanting to know more about this area of the moon and Engineers and their reasons for being involved in human developement and not having any qualified answers. In looking over the pix and thinking about the Juggernaut looks like the Engineers either emptied out an entire valley down to bedrock to accomodate many pyramids with undergound facilities and hidden ships and then filled it back up or picked a deep valley built the undergraound rooms/ships filled in the valley (maybe blasted surrounding mountains to rubble) and then built pyramids to finish the deal. I would like to have a flashback sequence showing the activities surrounding the pyramids developemnt.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-21-2012 6:38 AM
it is good .


MemberOvomorphNov-21-2012 6:40 AM
it is good and great for it.


MemberOvomorphNov-21-2012 8:06 AM
@Indy John I hadn't given much thought to how the installations were constructed, but it must have been an absolutely awesome sight! Just imagine the kind of technology involved (presumably brought in via the Juggernauts) to excavate so much rock, build the gigantic metal hangar covers, and put together the pyramids. I guess that some of the underground excavations could have been used to construct in part the pyramid and shield walls (they are mostly rock). As to how it was done, it would be amazing to see a big chunk of the planet being ripped up and re-formed by some magnificent force generators. They certainly weren't using bulldozers!
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-21-2012 8:47 AM
Goo Dancing on top of the urns.. I also thought it was worms on top of the urns writhing about as if they found some new growth hormone. Is there a scientific reason for the urns having condensation on the top of the urns. Does this mean that the insides was cold..or hot compared to the atmosphere in the Big Head Room?
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-21-2012 8:54 AM
David described the urns as "sweating", rather than them being subject to condensation. It's some kind of exotic process not known to us, since the "sweat" led to the top of the urn becoming agitated, with its subsequent release of the black goo from within.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent
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