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Youtube video - What Engineer Said?

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MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 12:31 PM
Hey Prometheus fans, I found this [url=]video[/url] in Youtube about what the Engineer said. It seems believable but what do you guys think? [i]I muted the theme since I didn't like it[/i]

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19 Replies

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 1:35 PM
Thanks for the link The music sort of reminded me me of the tonalities of 'Forbidden Planet'
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 5:52 PM
Interesting video! but remember what Scott said about this controversial scene. **** [url=]Why does the Engineer react so angrily to what David said to him?[/url] It turns out it's not what David said, but the fact that he's the one saying it. "We narrowed it down to this, which you think is a blessing, but I think what's going through the giant's mind is, he's thinking, 'Here's this man talking to me, he's not even real. He's not the same as this man' and looks at him, goes 'ech' and decapitates him" "Knowing, probably, they've got kind of robotics anyway. So he probably understood what David was immediately. "Maybe he was insulted that a non-human was talking to him, you know. That was the subtext." We really like this - throughout the film, Holloway insults David, calling him 'boy' and believing him to be a lesser being. "We created you because we could." The Engineers seem to have the same level of arrogance about their creation - humanity - so being addressed by the creation of their creation is essentially like Obama sending a Hoover to negotiate with Putin. We hope that in the sequels, we get to see the creators of the Engineers. We don't imagine they'll be very nice. ****


MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 6:11 PM
Wow, wow, wow : ) I never thought of that. Bump.


MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 6:19 PM
Creators of the Engineers?


MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 10:00 PM
@Mateo - thanks for your link :) "like Obama sending a Hoover to negotiate with Putin." LOL :D

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MemberOvomorphNov-19-2012 11:08 PM
Good link. I had picked up that idea a few days ago though not sure where since I go through lots of source material. Thanks.


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 8:05 AM
I believe he ripped his head off simply to verify how "weak" that supposed perfect creation w[url=]a[/url]s.


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 8:39 AM
@sjobssesed - Good one! There are many reasons that, mine are David, the request and Weyland himself...

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MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 9:52 AM
Feebs@ Ahahahaha, just like additional explained ifo. thanks.


MemberDeaconNov-20-2012 10:47 AM
You have to remember that Ridley and Lindeloff have said a few things about scenes in this movie as explanations that well frankly dont make any sense. I suspected what was said was pretty much as that yotube video said. That is that first Weyland tells David to tell him why we came and from. The Engineer answers in deleted scenes and David translates and said he wants to know what it is that they want. David then tells him about Weyland and what he wants, The Engineer seems to be a bit angered as this and i thought he said something that contains "why should he have that and/or what makes you think you deserve this and ask me of this. What you have to remember is there are many scenes in this movie that was cut and edited and many more than even the Extras show. Ridleys comments are merely ways of giving explanations for the theatrical release and do not take into any account of the deleted scenes its as if they was not even shot. To be honest the deleted scenes made sense and should had been kept as the theatrical one had holes was flawed and the attempts to answer those flaws but without connecting the deleted scenes, well made even less sense.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconNov-20-2012 11:08 AM
So in a Nut Shell here is what went down.... The Engineer is awoken from his slumber... He sees the old frail man give the order for David to talk to him and to tell him why the crew had arrived at LV 223 and we know what this is, without any translation.. Prometheus mission was to find our creators because of clues left on Earth and the Star Map Invitation or how the crew perseved it as such. This is confirmed when Weyland tells David to tell the Engineer "we came just as he asked". The Engineer speaks... Weyland ask what did he say.... David said "he ask to know why your here" Now David already was told to tell him about why the crew came, which was because of clues left by the Engineers.... so the Engineer must have asked why as in relation to what they hoped to find by coming there or what they was after from coming. The Engineers seems intrigued with the crew and not angered, he spots Shaw trying to ask questions. The Engineer takes a interest in her words but does he understand them? We would have to assume maybe he does not. He can tell the emotion in her voice and that her questions are very important. But then he sees that the old man order her to be silenced thus confirming that he (Weyland) sees himself as the head figure and only his questions matter and those of Shaw do not. Weyland then orders David to tell the Engineer why Weyland came. David then proceeds to tell David about Weylands wishes. The Engineer seems disgusted in that before him this old frail man near the end of his life comes here to stand before him (Engineer) and ask to be made immortal, and that he sees this old man as being selfish in that he silences Shaw from her questions as only what this old man wants is of importance. This is when the Engineer speaks. Weyland notes the tone of the Engineers voice and ask David what did he say to him as he surely knows that it did not settle well with the Engineer. David then tells Weyland he told the Engineer you wanted to live for ever and the Engineer ask why. Weyland then proceeds to speak to the Engineer pointing to David and telling him that he created David so he would not die and that in nutshell as Weyland created David then he is a God and like the Engineers Gods should not die. We dont know if the Engineer understands at this point, but he suspects something and must have some incline that maybe David is different. As when Weyland talks the Engineer touches him he then touches David and that must be enough for the Engineer to realize that David is not Human and was created by the Old man in his image. The Engineer at the point knows that Weyland is acting like he is the most important the King of this group and he is old and dying yet comes here and wants to live forever and he does not seem to care about the questions posed by the others just this old mans own agenda. And the arrogance for this old man to ask for eternal life and how he treats his fellow humans, combined with him creating life in their own image shows that mankind is selfish, persevere themselves as godlike. And at this point the Engineer knows that the reasons the Engineers wanted mankind dead was correct and he proceeds to go berserk on them and set out to carry on the mission to destroy mankind.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-20-2012 1:06 PM
It is at that point I think the Engineer would have enjoyed hearing some good head-ripping-off music like Metallica's epic album 'Kill 'em all'?


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 2:03 PM
drowning pool "the bodiies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor,let the bodies hit the floaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrhh" lol


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 2:06 PM
you just know when he exhales as the chair helmet comes down hes thinking "now for some tunes it's killin' puny humans time yeah baby"


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 2:13 PM
did anyone notice how davids body runs off like the proverbial headless chicken for a bit i never really spotted that till recently its quite funny

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-20-2012 2:51 PM
Yes! David's 'Headless Horseman' impersonation was freaky!


MemberOvomorphNov-21-2012 12:33 AM
Good analysis BigDave. I agree. Also remember at the beginning that sacrifice is probably a noble act in their culture and demonstrates spiritual strength and courage. Analogous to our Jesus willing to die on a cross for all mankind - not that I'm much of a christian. A feeble old man ordering people around but frightened to die would not exactly make a good impression on such a culture.


MemberDeaconNov-22-2012 4:40 PM
Well its mainly just my interpretation well some is, based on his actions, facial expressions and what Weyland asked David to say and what David said the Engineer Said. There have been a few who have translated the Engineers speak some have said not all of it is translatable because the Original Shoot which had proper Dialect like David said was then over done by another Actors Voice (like how James Earl Jones voiced Vader) that used many words that sound the same as what David Spoke but are actually just made up. Like El Mineto Bal Bolltosi, Va Minchini, Del Maranto ..... may sound a mix of Spanish and Italian but its just words i made up just that mean nothing. Some do know what the Engineer Originally said i.e what Ian Whyte learned and spoke. While not word for word correct the conversation was basically same conclusion as bellow. David tells Engineer that they have come just as the Engineer race had asked (i.e the clues etc). Engineer asks, why they have come as in what it is they are after. David tells Engineer about Weyland dying and he wants the Engineers to extend his life and make him Immortal. The Engineer answers in disgrace, what right does Weyland have to come to the Engineers and demand such a thing. This is when Weyland talks and thus no more Engineer dialect.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Redhead Ripley

MemberOvomorphNov-22-2012 12:21 AM
to BigDave: I really like your explanation of what Engineer said;)
I have a pretty good idea of where it is. It's just down there, in the basement....
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