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Tie in with Alien

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MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 12:51 AM
Alright so after watching the movie a couple times. It would seem that Alien is just the result of the movie by chance, rather than other theory's I have read that suggest that the Engineers were trying to breed Xenomorphs. Personally from my perspective, I see that The Xenomorph was created by chance due to David infecting Holloway, this would cause the black goo to be in his DNA. So when he and Shaw got it on, the Squid baby would have the DNA of humans and the black goo. So when the squid killed the engineer and the first Xenomorph came out of it chest. The Xenomorph would be a cross between the squid and the engineer. So xenomorphs are black goohumanengineer. Idk some good for thought
7 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 2:29 AM
The tie-in with the [i]Alien[/i] Xenomporph is the [i]other[/i] ship that contained eggs on a different moon. We don't know for sure how or why all those eggs got there. Were those eggs a complete accident or not? We don't know.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 7:37 PM
@Loup: The one Deacon being created at the end May have been by pure chance, however, the murals depicting the Alien life cycle in the Ampule room indicate The Engineers are well aware of the Xeno form. The script (before being changed to Prometheus) was titled 'Alien Engineers'. Holloway and Fifield, given more time, would have become more and more "Alien" in appearance. (Especially noticeable in early versions of Fifield) The black goo IS alien DNA in my opinion, and becomes dominant in whatever host it infects. (Even a simple mealworm becomes a horrible monster with some similarities to a face-hugger.) Black goo infected sperm impregnates Shaw and she births a face-hugger. (Albeit a huge one, that's all it is) Sort of makes sense, female host= "female alien" or the "mother" of the Xeno. Anyway, i digress; The Engineers ARE well aware of the xeno form and The Deacon was most certainly NOT the first to be made by them. (Another mural depicts a Xeno type creature, crouched faithfully by the side of an Engineer)


MemberOvomorphNov-21-2012 4:52 PM
@fleshvessel: i agree with much of what you expressed. dont forget...In addition to the mural you referenced, the ceiling of the headroom sports still another piece of artwork that depicts a classic alien egg (analogous to the ones seen in Alien (1979)) and a classic alien hand (again, analogous to the alien hand seen in Alien (1979) and markedly different from the deacon's hand). The aforementioned mural/fresco, along with some other pieces of info, pretty much knocks the props out of the whole "proto-xeno"/ deacon = origin of the xeno theory. Unless the engineers are time travelers (and i dont think that they are), there is no way the deacon can literally be the very first xeno. Just too much evidence to the contrary.


MemberOvomorphNov-22-2012 6:36 AM


MemberDeaconNov-22-2012 4:58 PM
Well its a tricky one as their are clues that suggest the Deacon is a Proto Xeno and others that suggest its not. But Ridley had confirmed that the Derelict landed on LV 426 about 2000 years ago give or take a few hundred and had Eggs as its Cargo. The big question is the connection of the Xeno to the Black Goo as the Black Goo in the Urns that was in the Mural Room with the Xeno Mural seemed to mutate Organisms to have Xeno traits and via a series of events with that Goo we end up getting a Organism that has a lot in common with a Face Hugger that produces a Organism like the Xeno. But that left us with the questions such as well. Does the Goo come from Xeno.... which is what i thought, but the Weyland Black Goo file seems to not indicate that and the Lindeloff Draft also seems not to support that. So that means that this substance had been used before to create the Xenos, and that a modified or same substance used under different circumstances produced the Organisms we saw in this movie. On that basis, potentially a Engineer + small amount of Goo could produce the Original Xeno. But then why Sacrifice so many Engineers to create the Eggs in Alien, and why the Mural seem to worship and show the Xeno in what appears to be its form from Alien. I think they have to at some point explain the connection between the Xeno and the Goo at some point in Prometheus 2-3

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphNov-23-2012 9:32 AM
BigDave, I agree man, and why use eggs on one ship and urns on another? Ridley has said the Derelict could be considered like a 'Brother' to the Ships of Prometheus, implying The Space Jockey was a part of, or at least connected to, the Outbreak on LV223. Could be the ships are outfitted with different delivery systems more suited to the destination planet. The Endgame being- Create Xenos on a planetary scale. The Question being- Why?

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-23-2012 10:48 AM
Knowing the events in our movie concerning the Urns in the Big Head room and their reaction to atmospheric change why were the Juggernaut urns not reacting at all? Are the urns in the two different areas really connected? It seems so because of how the viewers understand the the various scenes so why the different reactions and in the case no reaction on the ship.
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