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A Troubled Production?

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MemberOvomorphNov-23-2012 1:54 PM
Reading elsewhere on this fine forum about the clues that reveal the chopping and changing of order of major scenes in the completed film (I'm thinking of the alleged shunting of Fifield's return to a different point in the story) am wondering if such drastic-seeming surgery is normal on such a big production ? I'd have thought that something so technically complex as 'Prometheus' would be set in stone from the shooting script. I know 'Alien 3' had a famously difficult birth but it ended up more coherent IMO than this dazzling dog's breakfast.
6 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-23-2012 5:18 PM
@reimer: absolutely common. There is zero legit evidence that suggests prometheus was a "troubled production". @caenor: very true all evidence at hand suggests that prometheus is exactly the way scott wanted it to be. It just so happens that some people dont like what that is.


MemberOvomorphNov-23-2012 3:12 PM
probably quite common, prometheus is just more highly scrutinised because mostly everyone who watches a ridley scott sci-fi now is so aware of the way bladerunner was edited and re-released so there is the attitude of "ok so thats the theatrical version now lets see the movie in every incarnation" deleted scenes alternate scripts and so-on, they were prepped to cater to this from the get go. its almost like when ridley scott makes a sci-fi people are almost more interested in how he makes it than what is made

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-24-2012 1:43 AM
I didn't get a sense of a troubled production either from my viewing,,or various articles or comments by those involved. If it was a bad movie in your eyes then no matter what the cause it was not entertaining. I don't kmow if I have watched a recut version of a movie I didn't enjoy. I am afraid that al the bad parts of the movie would be ike reshuffling a deck of cards..the bad cards would still be in the mix. However if I didn't enjoy a movie and someone else started t tell me about how great the movie was..I would at least watch it again for a new perspective. THat has happenned a few times and made me change my mind about a film.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-25-2012 9:36 PM
When I saw what was deleted, I thought a lot of the deleted bits where very good. Now what we had was excellent, but sometimes i think that it needed a little breathing room, and a bit more character bits so you feel more when one of the crew bites the dust. But I happen to still love the movie.


MemberOvomorphNov-26-2012 8:04 PM
Everything that I have read points to the fact that although "Prometheus" was in some ways an intense production it was a positive one. That said, the issues with the second half of the film and some of the details and materials that we've seen about the prodution and post-production of the film point to something going massively awry in the post-production process, specifically in the editing process. Who knows if we'll ever get answers to explain what went wrong. Scott did a great job designing and filming a movie from a script that explained its contents. Why that film got lost in the editing process is still a mystery to those of who saw the film.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-05-2012 7:51 AM
Lost control of the editing process implies that RS didn't release a film that he wanted to..or approve. I have not read any recent interviews from cast members or production staff. It would be curious to hear actual comments from thise involved with ur movie. The actors playing David and Shaw(as I understand it) have already agred for the Prometheus sequel. Actors in movies sometimes don't have a sense of a bad movie because of the shooting schedule and the scene sequense actually recorded. Since many movies are not recorded in the scene script order how would a actor get a sense that it was good or bad? Hectic yes.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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