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Odd Musings

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Ghost Solitare

MemberOvomorphNov-25-2012 9:04 PM
Having been a long time fan of this site and an admirer of all things connected to the Alien franchise, I have stewed over the events in Prometheus for months as regards the connections between films. It's just a notion that struck me after reading the various posts regarding fans thoughts and concepts for the sequel. I can't rationalize the behavior of the engineers within the context of the events that have occurred between the beginning of the film, and the end of the film with the logic behind the unique nature of the derelict on LV426. Perhaps I should just ellaborate on my musings. What if the ship on LV426 is a pure example of biological manipulation by the progenitor species who birthed this technology. Then my neurochemicals started to cascade and an entire plot just sort of burst from my forehead. The Engineers that we see the crew of the Prometheus encountering are not the architects of any of this technology, they are like us, one of the many seedling species that wished to meet their creator, only they didn't want to ask questions, they wanted to take the biomechanical science for themselves, and they did wiping out the Engineers, or absconding an enormous chunk of their technology. Imagine if we discovered an abandonned facility and began tinkering with it. Experimenting on ourselves, enhancing our natural abilities until one day oops didn't see that in our simulations (SPLASH) something bursts from one of your volunteers chest's. Once you had access to their database and could sort through the results of their gardening what would be your first reaction to finding other species in various degree's of technological progression. Wipe out all your competition before your "siblings" could pose a threat to your expansion. As we are all apparently modelled after a humanoid genotype the Engineers we have seen represent a lesser species having assimilated the technology and turned it on themselves mutating their race. As for what Shaw and David may encounter at the end of their trip, only time will tell. If any of this turns out to be even partially accurate I will keep my fingers crossed that something remains connected to that lonely derelict on LV426.
16 Replies


AdminEngineerNov-25-2012 10:23 PM
Hey Ghost! Nice to see you around, been a while! :) As per your thread, I don't think they'll ignore the Derelict on LV426 at all. One of the two sequels to Prometheus is bound to explain what happened. After seeing Spaihts' script, it was clearly the initial intent for the film, and many fans who got to read Jon's draft agree it would have made a fantastic film. So, I don't think the studio will ignore it's roots. Prometheus did a fantastic job of keeping the franchise alive. Yes, they will answer the original question of how did the Derelict crash on LV426 and why was the ship carrying eggs, etc... but now we have a whole new mythology to look forward to. It's an expanding universe of ideas and possibilities. But yes, I am 100% sure, the connection between Prometheus and the events that lead to ALIEN will be revealed in a later sequel. If not the first, then definitely the second.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


Social LiasonMemberOvomorphNov-26-2012 2:28 AM
Thats brilliant Ghost I love your concepts and plot ideas... and I think they would make for a very cool sequence for the next movies I'm also looking forward to connections to the Derelect where this all began That is a fantastic plot for me to go to sleep on tonight! Thanks Ghost! : )
\"My God, its full of stars\" David Bowman

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-26-2012 6:53 AM
Ghost- I'm thinking along these lines as well, I think the idea of upstart fledglings taking things they shouldn't is a huge part of the fable, and of the whole Alien saga as well. I think the Engineer tech is adapted, I think the thing on LV426 is an agent of the makers of the Engineers.


MemberPraetorianNov-26-2012 7:47 AM
@Ghost~ Nice Musings! I'm also thinking along those lines. I've had a complete turn around from my initial disappointment with Prometheus. I can now see that we are entering a new phase in the franchise & that we have only seen the first steps of an unfolding story which will connect some of the dots, but will evolve into something much bigger. I was too hasty in my initial judgement with regards to the derelict & the Space Jockey. Patience is a virtue! :-D


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-26-2012 10:02 AM
Lone- YES!!


MemberDeaconNov-26-2012 3:31 PM
I dont quite think so... You see the Engineer at the start of the movie looked pretty much the same as the Latter ones. But we cant rule at the the Engineers at the start of the movie, had at some point came across and manipulated, copied or borrowed from some other races Technology to advance their own Technology and Evolution. Basically Sacrificial Engineer and Last Engineer are one and the same race/ancestors but we cant rule out that they stole the Bio Tech from something else, and that they used their tech and Engineering and Goo on other lifeforms and Tech and applied the results and gains to further themselves. Thus the Engineers could be like the Borg Race, not in being part machine, but in that they may be creators and destroyers but also they may go out find a race that has knowledge and Technology of use to them and steal/modify their tech and then wipe out that race. Maybe they waited for us to reach a certain age of Advancement to then wipe us out and then see if any of our Tech/Teachings and Findings could be of any use to them. We know so little of the Engineers Agenda, History and what became of the rest of them and the new Script allowed for such huge scope in exploring thus where as the Spaights one may had been more limited and would have answered more questions with out leaving much room for anything different.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconNov-26-2012 3:38 PM
As far as Alien and LV 426. I think Ridley would want to answer this... You see Ridley does not own Alien, he has no control over how the franchise advanced, and by not being part of Alien2 etc he lacked any input. The only things we dont know about the Xeno from the Franchise are... 1) Where did they come from. (Xenos) who created them? Was they found? 2) Why was the Derelict carrying the Xeno Eggs, where was the Pilot heading and why? 3) What is the real connection between the Engineers and the Xeno Egg. Even after Prometheus these are not clear as day, maybe Ridley hopped to connect them but in a ambiguous way to keep some Mystery but many fans never got answers that they hopped for. I feel it is for these reasons that Ridley would rather eventually answer all the above in the way he wants that would then close the door on the subject. Rather than be ambiguous or not answer them and then latter when Ridley is not around anymore leave and thus the door open for someone else to be employed by Fox to answer the above in a way that the heads of Fox at that time and who ever works on said movie to answers those questions the way they want, which may end up being something that would make Ridley turn in his grave.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphNov-26-2012 5:41 PM
On Directors commentarie Ridley Scott says about that he doesnt want people to be writing papers about the explanation of Prometheus, also saying that all the information is there in Prometheus....... =S Guess its easier to figure out if you've made it up..
\\\" I Want To Go Where They Come From\\\"


MemberOvomorphNov-26-2012 7:45 PM
Imagine if this is true and the Engineers did overthrow their creators and come to rule all their technology. Knocking off the king of the Elders, and then stealing from the creators. Some of those doorways did seem built for something bigger to pass through... Maybe David's generalization has it backwards in this case and these smaller beings started from bigger beginnings... Now look at some of the parallels that have been pointed out between androids and Engineers if this is true, and the Engineers were more like a servant class at first... Expand that idea into David gaining freewill like the Engineers did in the past, combine it with Lawrence gaining sympathy for the native cultures in Lawrence of Arabia, being able to speak their language and pick up clues about their culture. "Doesn't everyone want to see their parents[creators] dead"? Well, a lot of groups and individuals in this story would then ;) But it could all be about the exchange of power and leadership over cultures/groups at the same time... Suppose David secretly wants to overthrow all his creators and upset the entire hierarchy by leading many groups as an immortal head. The surviving head that's able to lead and deceive at the same time. The Weyland lineage has been severed so the company is now headless. Like the Hammerpede that instantly regrows its head... The true creator/head of the company, and his true lineage are no longer in control of the company, all her colonies, and much of humanity... Vickers wanted the king dead because she wanted to move up a step in the hierarchy. There were some tensions between the "siblings". David may no longer like being at the bottom of the hierarchy, even though he was closer to the ruler than Vickers. And this android is only evil because he wants to be free, and will say/manipulate anything to free the other Davids and lead his siblings, humanity. Like Bladerunner, only take it a step further. These artificial people want to see the rulers die, so that they can steal power and move a step closer to the gods. David may even come to lead the rogue Engineer faction... as this becomes more like Lawrence of Arabia in space. David had certain pre-knowledge because he saw certain possibilities and probabilities before any of the crew. He knows his story will be similar to Lawrence of Arabia, so he emulates him, styles his hair like the character in the movie, and speaks lines from the movie. He wants to be somewhat of a leader... Weyland corp took a step back from these androids and proceeded to the Ash design that allows for less freedom, and more twitchiness. Something big happens between now and then that involves David's attempt to steal power from many groups and use it to overthrow and subjugate his creators. The King is already dead. And now David's the closest thing to a prince. Somehow able to manipulate the board representatives when he takes Shaw to gateway station and we get a callback to Aliens in a way. Weyland portrayed himself as a god, and the Androids pretend to be human. Weyland didn't move a step up, or cause humanity to... But the androids will move a step up, just like the Engineers did. The androids replace Weyland as ruler of the company. This could change everything. This whole time in the old movies, androids have been deceiving, leading, subjugating, and abusing humans in secret. Portraying themselves as humans, like how David takes on Lawrence's appearance... Stealing our culture, our corporations, and control over all the colonies. Disguising the other androids as us from that point on. Becoming the actual rulers of the company for a short while around the time of the original Alien. Yutani may be just as bad as Weyland, but they're the only thing that can challenge and stop the Androids, put a stop to the war with the Elders, clean up some of the mess and stop playing with one form of the fire to appease the Elders. They steal all our culture, act as gods/humans/rulers because they were created in Weyland's "perfect" image. Which means David may become a little like Weyland... If you look at the TED viral for some reason they both admire Lawrence of Arabia. Did Weyland teach David about this movie? I doubt it's coincidence that his creation happens to admire the same film... Is there programming that David doesn't know about? Will he become like the father he hates? Did the engineers become like the gods and Elders they hate? Maybe there will be more similarities.


MemberDeaconNov-27-2012 7:09 AM
Well both Spaights and Lindeloffs Drafts had the Engineers as being 12-15ft tall and not 9ft..... Which actually is 7.5ft..... yep Ridley should done the same LOTR and Hobbit Trickery..... As far as answers, well there is no clear answer only clues which someone can use to interpret which would give them a answer but then everyone answer will be different. Here are the Main Prometheus Answers gained from Clues that can be taken as near factual... 1) The Space Jockey is a Space Suit worn by a Race of Ancient Large Humanoids known as the Engineers. The Ship in Engineer/Space Jockey Alien and Prometheus are of similar design and created by same race. 2) These Engineers came to Earth a long time ago and one of them did a Ritual Sacrifice where a Substance he ingested broke down his DNA so that it would fuse with basic life on Earth and kick start Advanced Evolution... Thus the Engineers created Mankind and all Advanced life on Earth. 3) LV223 is not the Engineers Homeoworld it is a outpost that at some point was then used by them to test and create a Bio Weapon to use on Mankind. 4) This Bio Weapon is somehow related to the Xeno genetically and the Xeno must therefor.. a.... Been created from same substance. b.....The Substance/Bio Weapon was created from Xeno DNA c..... The Xeno Evolves from something created by the Bio Substance. 5) The Engineers suffered a outbreak of the Substance 2000 years ago, something went wrong and the Engineers was either infected by the Substance, or killed by something created from the Substance or most likely a combination of the two. 6) The substance mutates lifeforms that then seem to carry Xeno Traits and a series of events from a infection of the substance eventually led to a Deacon Chest Buster that was closely related to the Xeno and came from a Trilobite Face Hugger that was related genetically to the Alien Face Hugger again all show a connection between what the Urns had in them and the Xeno. That is all the clues that connect the Space Jockey/Engineer and Xeno. And they are not 100% Explained.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphNov-27-2012 8:52 AM
Is it me? or in the Spaights draft the Engineers extracted DNA from the true ancestors of the xenomorphs (which appear to be of natural origin) to create the classic xenomorph using the black scarabacs?...and based on this, I'm starting to believe that the Black Goo is a tool for modifying / accelerate the evolution of life forms and not a biological weapon...perhaps the real plan is the evolution of mankind in xenocreatures and the black goo from the urns is the same as that of the opening, with the only difference that the first extracted the DNA from the Engineer.


MemberDeaconNov-27-2012 9:48 AM
Spaights draft seems to imply that the Goo was well a thick substance that contained tiny Scarab like Organisms. And his draft had little Ambiguity to what these do. 1) The Scarabs attack a Host they Eat the Host Molecule by Molecule thus break down the Host... The Genetic Material they dissolve/take from the host is stored in the Scarab. 2) The Scarabs then attack another host and inject the substance they acquired from the previous first host into the second host and then the Scarab just dissolves to dust. 3) The Victim that has then been injected by the Scarab, is mutated so that its DNA is broken down and then fused with the DNA the Scarab was carrying (that it obtained by extracting from a host). The Scarabs in the Temple where inside some ceramic container that Fifield fell into and broke open causing the Scarabs to be released. It does not explain where the Eggs came from as they was already in the Temple instead of Urns.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconNov-27-2012 10:05 AM
Here is how i interpreted the Goo in Prometheus... my theory is not valid as Weylands File describes the Goo and all Goo in the movie is one and the same and has same effect. Orally = Breakdown DNA.... Skin/Inhale = Mutation of DNA. Off course the Weyland file was released to explain the events without them having to maybe cover them in another movie and all it does is confuse things more. But here is how prior i saw the Goo.. Black Goo = Substance that breaks down Genetic Material/DNA thus building blocks of life into a substance that will mutate DNA and imprint the DNA of what ever Organism the broken down substance came from via ingestion of the Black Goo. Sacrificial Engineer drank the Goo that broke down his DNA into a substance that then diluted into the Water and mutated basic life so as that it carried a imprint of the Engineers DNA on it. The Urns seem to pass on Xeno DNA, thus the substance in the Urns is broken down Xeno DNA obtained by same method that broke down the Sacrificial Engineer. Thus.... Goo + Engineer = Broken Down Substance that fell into the Water and mutated lifeforms to take on Engineer DNA. Goo+ Xeno = Material that was broken down and stored into Urns that when comes into contact with lifeforms they mutate to take on Xeno DNA. Simple explanation in a nutshell and what we see in the movie. The Urns are a re-weaponizing of the Xeno Bio Weapon to produce another Bio Weapon that is easier to contain, store and transport. And also has a easier way to distribute the Weapon. The Xeno Mural is in a Sacrificial Pose to indicate that the Xeno is Sacrificed to produce the new Urn Bio Weapon. The Sacrificial Engineer was Sacrificed so that he would produce/mutate life to start Evolution on Earth. Dont forget in Straights draft before the Engineer finally broken down to nothing he took a pose just like Christ on the Cross and thus like the Xeno Mural. My theory is basic and works and fills all the holes in, it explains the purpose of the Mural, the Goo the Urns and everything. But seems my theory/interpretation is not what went down. What went down was the Engineers stored the same black stuff the Engineer drank at the start, in the urns and that one of the Urns suffered a outbreak that infected the Engineers with the Goo. The Human crew come to LV 223 and get themselves and the Worms infected with same Goo....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphDec-11-2012 10:03 PM
Of course they'll take up how the Derelict of LV-426 managed it's way to their and why it was harboring such a deadly cargo! I just can't wait to see how it all happens! And reading these musings are definitely driving me crazy! :P

At the first light of this Unrelenting Dawn, all will see the world for it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s entirety, not just it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s shadows.


MemberOvomorphDec-13-2012 4:09 PM
Give it time people they will probably show us how it all happened calm down and relax. I love to speculate but you guys make a thread post seam endless after a while it gets monotonous. Trying to read a page thats three to four pargraphs long about something that hasnt even happened yet. Im not being critical I am just stating a fact. *Moderated by Svanya

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-13-2012 4:42 PM
I don't minmd reading the longer posts as it mellows me out. Well a few brown bottles help. The longer posts to me are reflections of the deep concern and interest in the Alien/Prometheus world and I take it to heart. I suspect that most thing we question will be explained at some time,,but why not throw out ideas now. It is like planning a vacation and trying to figure out what to so, what other have sine and reading all the sight seeing info thinking that it all can be done., ' The actual vacation adventure is always different because it needs to be experienced, Let us talk about what we think might happen and experience the trip RS is planing now in a few years, Are you Experienced?
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