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Engineer's Ethnicity

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MemberChestbursterNov-27-2012 9:29 PM
I was just on the predators sequel website in the scifi movie network and i thought to myself, did the engineers have certain races like we do? this porbably doesn't have much meaning in teh grand scheme of things, but i just can't help but wonder.

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11 Replies

Offworld seeder

MemberOvomorphNov-28-2012 12:08 AM
actually i tink they are a race from us just held under circumstances so they grow more then us and have no hair and total whit skin although it seems that their skin under sun seems a little pink like seen by the sacrificial engineer but thats just me


MemberDeaconNov-30-2012 4:40 PM
I guess we shall find out, but i think more than likely they would all appear to be very similar.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-01-2012 8:13 AM
As I recall the sacrificial Engineer was describes as having wide open eyes. Wwe have never seen an Enfineer in bright sunlight so that ells me they are light sensitive. The first Earth like setting and the moon's surface are both cloud enclosed.or at least not having bright light. The Engineers are depicted with a masks on while running which tells me that whatever is chasing them is from the surface of the moon. We only have a carbon dating time of 2000 years. Who is to say that this dating method is acurrate espectially in dating a Dead Engineer on a moon 30 light years from Earth? I think the running Enginners are much closer timewise than we realize. In fact they are running from either Earthlings sent before this Weyland Corp. (Industrial espionage) voyage or something realeased by the humans from another dome ..xeno perhaps. In reading this over, yea, even to me it seems farfetched.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-01-2012 10:27 AM
hmmh yeh no pigment at all i'd say, so used to no sunlight, evolved in space (nomadic) or like students and cityfolks just busy indoors alot lol

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphDec-01-2012 5:53 PM
They definitely have melanin just not as much. Their eyes are completely black, so we could imagine, their original home world being cold and quite dark [b](from the brief glimpse of their culture - their artwork/architecture is very monochrome. In the deleted final battle scene, where the Engineer approaches the screen with the violin girl he looks desaturated of colour)[/b] - they barely get any sunlight - hence the pale skin. The dark eye's could be its way of absorbing as much light as possible. Whether there are different shades/ethnicities of Engineers I don't think so, the planet they originated from may not be like ours. Their planet may not tilt on its axis like ours does, hence why we have so many various climates resulting in the different ethnicities of Earth. The hotter the climate the more melanin an individual has. Like Caenor said, they may be a nomadic space faring race, terraforming and or destroying one world after another. Never staying too long in one place - so they never adapt to their new surroundings and do not mutate, such as getting darker, shorter or hairier. Which is why they look so 'ancient' unchanged from when we first saw them on pre-dawn Earth (?) and when the Prometheus crew stumble on the Last Engineer - who looks facially identical to his ancestor. The only difference being his pressure suit, which I believe is an intentional mutation. To differentiate themselves from other factions, or to better suit their environment.


MemberOvomorphDec-01-2012 7:19 PM
ah the eyes doh! was focusing on the skin

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-02-2012 8:41 AM
All of the depictions of Engineers show what we assume to be a fully grownform. In all of their trips to earth were there only fully grown Engineer's on board?? If the Engineers are as skilled as we presume in creating DNA/ life could they have engineered a smaller version of themselves, closer to the height of the developing humans through the last 35,000 years or so? Having an active presense on earth and being able to communicate with the off Earth Engineers would be a tremedous advantage in monitoring the human progess. A 5 foot tall Engineer could be smart enough and creative enough to either limit his human contact on earth to report activities, or be a center stage of a human culture looking pale, a little wierd and be treated as God on earth. I can recall several American Indian cultures that refer to ghost like/pale skinned Gods in their drawings on upon meeting some of the early explorers . Lewis and Clark expedition comes to mind.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-02-2012 8:41 AM
All of the depictions of Engineers show what we assume to be a fully grownform. In all of their trips to earth were there only fully grown Engineer's on board?? If the Engineers are as skilled as we presume in creating DNA/ life could they have engineered a smaller version of themselves, closer to the height of the developing humans through the last 35,000 years or so? Having an active presense on earth and being able to communicate with the off Earth Engineers would be a tremedous advantage in monitoring the human progess. A 5 foot tall Engineer could be smart enough and creative enough to either limit his human contact on earth to report activities, or be a center stage of a human culture looking pale, a little wierd and be treated as God on earth. I can recall several American Indian cultures that refer to ghost like/pale skinned Gods in their drawings on upon meeting some of the early explorers . Lewis and Clark expedition comes to mind.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-02-2012 9:38 AM
i'm pale and a bit weird!..... worship me hahahaha XD


MemberOvomorphDec-02-2012 9:39 AM
but on a more serious note yeah look at the wandjina

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-02-2012 9:56 AM
wandjina.. It is interesting that they overpainted their cave drawings , some having 40 layers of repaintings. In our movie I don't recall any of the 'star' drawing as being overpainted or even copied by other civilizations. The question is why it took our two explores so long to connect the dots and go to Weyland? Perhaps they wanted to extend their Hawiian vacation as long as possible.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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