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Basketball and Gravity

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Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-04-2012 1:30 PM
Every Science Fiction story I have seen or read address the gravity situation in space or on another world. In particular I am thinking of 2001 and Conquest of Space how the spinning of the 'The Wheel' or a segment of the spaceship revolving creates a gravity of sorts that seems to work on the story's humans. I was thinking of the gym used by David and his bicycle and basketball shooting(there may have been some weight equipment in the meeting scene) and how dependent they were on gravity being used. I don't recall any details given in the movie to explain how everyone was able to move around at will seemingly as on earth. My question is about technogy and science and how much time is needed to develop and anti gravity science that could allow for this condition. With our story set less than 100 years in the future are there currently experiments on this needed gravity for the crew to go about their business as if on earth? A gravity field that could be localized might work. Let's assume like our movie shows that there is something in place and in use on The Prometheus to overcome a lack of gravity wouldn't it also be use when on the moons surface? To the use of any practical gravity creation would be of great use on any space travel/terra-forming project that Weyland Corp would be doing in the known Universe and must have been included on this ship on this mission. The implication is that there is also an anti-gravity technology that could be used with great effect. To me seeing everybody being able to move actoss the moon not restricted by the effects of gravity would be a great visual and practical effect for our crew. Speaking of basketball is this sport universally well known in our world? It was a surprising choice to be displayed in our movie. Outside of the USA I would expect a soccer might be more of the universal sport than hoops. Heck a Hockey Rink might be a great addition to the Gym.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
8 Replies


MemberOvomorphDec-04-2012 1:59 PM
its a science fantasy, not science fiction. its like star wars, who cares how the technology works, its more about the story and the characters (even though Prometheus kind of falls flat there lol) its doesn't really matter how there is gravity on the ship.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-04-2012 2:09 PM
Nice pun there invaderzim42 OK I must start to live in the real world not worry about the details. What if I don't want to? I guess what I need is movie based on science fact
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-04-2012 2:31 PM
well, then the alien series is not for you lol its always been a very soft-core science fiction, not really a full on fantasy like star wars is, but not based in real science like star trek and 2001. it lies somewhere between the two.


MemberOvomorphDec-04-2012 5:15 PM
I'd have to say that if Peter Weyland is able to make artificial people, almost completely indistinguishable from humans; (With quite amazing 'personalities', abilities, and the fact that they are self-aware) ...then simply generating a 'localized magnetic field' seems relatively easy. Actually both of these things are being worked on now, and it's believable that we will have advanced considerably in another 100 years, given the rate of advancement over the last 30. 'Jules' is an amazing example of how close they are getting with AI, check it out! [url=]Robots/AI on YouTube[/url] *Link made clickable by Svanya


MemberOvomorphDec-04-2012 8:43 PM
yes to much of the above posts. ridley mentioned, in one of the blu ray docs, that the prometheus generates its own gravity. explaining how exactly such a thing could be a "reality" is outside of the purview of the film.


MemberOvomorphDec-05-2012 12:59 AM
For all practical purposes, [i]dark energy[/i] is antigravity, and the universe is full of it. The trouble is, we don't understand what it is, where it comes from, or how it works. There is much that is yet to be understood. Even when we know a lot more, it may be completely impractical to make an artificial gravity generator like we see in Prometheus. On the other hand, it is completely trivial to simulate gravity in space. Tether two identical ships with a long strong cable, and fire the thrusters for a while until they are orbiting each other at the right speed. Voila, as much gravity as you want. Actually, this relates to an interesting matter that was raised by Einstein. In an arrangement like that, where you experience a force due to acceleration (you get a similar effect when an elevator starts up), its effect is indistinguishable from gravity itself. It's called the Equivalence Principle, where gravitational and inertial mass are indistinguishable. Another mystery of science.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-05-2012 5:21 AM
Thanks to wiki I now have a bit more respect for rhe Equivalence Principle. When I came across the information that the time scale becomes stretched I thought of the Prometheus situation and the many threads about time. Due to my lack of competence in math I'll never grasp the finer details but the explanation I read was very interesting. Thanks zzplural Hmm tying two spaceships together by a 'string' is an interesting procedure to create gravity something I have not seen portrayed in movies I have seen or books I have read. When a destination is achieved and bioth ships could go their separate ways and conduct their business.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-07-2012 6:06 PM
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