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The Ancient Astronaut question or thought.

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MemberOvomorphDec-08-2012 3:47 AM
Do you guys agree that we could be ET bred and maybe took our already evolving hominids a step further to eventually make man to use as slave labor? If you guys believe in the whole Anunnaki/Greekgods factor that Engineers play. After all they are pretty much exactly as the ancient Sumerians depict their "gods" as very tall with powder pale white skin and deep looking eyes. It is a fact that Sir Riddley Scott had planned this movie as mostly sci-fi horror but with mystery concerning human origins. There are images plain as effing day showing men with somekind of suit. I am a big proponent with the whole Ancient Astronaut theory but I take it with alot of salt and skepticism. But theres no other way to explain how man got from a hunter gatherer to farming here or there to full on civilization and then to space travel! What do you guys think of this?

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

21 Replies


MemberPraetorianDec-08-2012 7:54 AM
I agree with Georgio!!!


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberPraetorianDec-08-2012 7:55 AM


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Albert West

MemberOvomorphDec-08-2012 9:37 AM
I have read a lot of Erich Von Däniken's books, as well as Zecharia Sitchin's "12th Planet" series of books. Although both of these authors' work has areas that are flawed it is hard to ignore the truths that are within them. The acceleration of technology throughout the ancient world is mind-boggling. Even over the past sixty years human kind have advanced extremely fast. I did not think to make a comparison with the Ancient Astronaut theory and the Engineers in Prometheus until now. Very observant of you Anunnaki50. I believe in ETs out there in the universe. ETs with an agenda of creating a slave race I am skeptical about. In the realm of Prometheus on the other hand, the Engineers may have wanted to create some sort of slave race. Thank you for reminding me about the Ancient Astronaut theory Anunnaki50. Now there is another angle I can think about in regard to Prometheus.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-08-2012 9:59 AM
Why would the Engineers want anything to do with a slave race? I don't know if anyone has estimated just how old the the Engineer's race has had inter steller travel but it seems to be millions of years. And they still want slaves? Even in the human race there is a realization that dominating other ethnic groups can't be the way earthings will develop and still amintain a humanity about them. It makes more sense that the Engineers are the humans' future. THe endless cycle of birth groth death and rebirth is actually happening here in our storyline. I would believe that more than there is slave seeding Engineer culture.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphDec-08-2012 10:17 AM
If humans were to be a slave-race, then the old "masters" wouldn't have left! At some time in the past, there may have been a big visitation by aliens, who taught us many things about agriculture and architecture, but it's most likely that humans really did progress to achieve those things themselves. As pointed out, in the past sixty years alone, we have made astonishing progress. It is not as though we couldn't do that before, only that certain questions--the right questions--needed to be put before man, for him to make an answer and then like a chain reaction, open the door on innovation for his peers and his descendants. It's all about the questions we ask, because if we put our minds to it we can accomplish ANYTHING.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-08-2012 10:49 AM
The right questions will lead to right answers. And a right answer(or no answer) leads to more questions. Shaw is right in questioning what she is seeing and hearing and expeiencing. She now has the means to seek the right answers to her questions, As in the movie 'a few Good Men' (to paraphrase ) can she handle the truth?
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-09-2012 9:49 AM
I invoke Occam's Razor, prefer to believe that there's nothing particularly special about the place where we live, and think that it's good old-fashioned evolution that brought us about. Prometheus makes for a much more interesting story, though!
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-09-2012 10:15 AM
Occam's Razor, I have seen this name used before but I forget it's implications, I was raised on the Adam and Eve storyline. It seemed incomplete even ar t a preteen age. It would be of interest to do a camaoparive search of beliefs on why humans were here. Prometheus gives a storyline that we were created by Engineers and a DNA experiement. It is hard for humans to accept the we are just an accident and not Chosen beings. In that sense we are the 'Aliens' in the Engineer's world. WE are also have much more in common with David because humans were made because the 'Gods' could.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


Social LiasonMemberOvomorphDec-13-2012 5:33 PM
Im not so sure that 'aliens ' would want us for a slave race but.... they could be interested in our DNA.. a LOT of genetic material has been stored in our chromosomes and much of it may be useful for all kinds of purposes.... [img][/img]
\"My God, its full of stars\" David Bowman


MemberOvomorphDec-16-2012 11:23 PM
I'm new here. Just all a great read. My Thoughts.............. So...... Searching for wonders of greater universe. Existentially, speaking…… The Ancient Aliens series shows what is known and the goes on to connecting the dots hypothetically. What could be maybe closer then we think. Maybe throw in obfuscation and inveigle the facts too.... After all, the premise is set in the movie when Milburn asks why discount the human construct idea, Darwinism for the Engineer concept. El says, “I choose to believe”. Imagine that. Anyway, this is all about elements in making this Sci-Fi Horror franchise work going forward. ET’s do not need to be nice as I am thinking enlarging the thought to the Alien vs Predator realm. How about marrying those two with the Ancient Mayan Astronaut, our movie Engineer.


MemberOvomorphDec-19-2012 12:27 PM
If you can move between stars, then the kind of slaves you're looking for are not 6-foot tall hominids. As to there being no other way, apart from aliens, on how mankind got from h&g to agro to indu to space ... yeah, sure. None whatsoever. Except for what actually happened, which to the best available evidence did not involve aliens.
The whole point of this is lost if you keep it a secret.


MemberOvomorphDec-19-2012 11:59 PM
That's what the original Sumerian story says about mankind being made a slave regardless of your opinion of a technologically advance race would use them or not. Its the fact that ITS THERE you cant ignore it, believe me I know I have gone over mankind's achievements (if he did them or not) of course we built our world by ourselves. The problem I have with you is that you have to think outside the box and NOT be stuck inside it! Think about this for a moment: Lets say you are a far advanced alien race and you needed resources, do you go down and swing a pick-ax just to get at the ore? No, you use machines of course but there's another side to this as well. Some things have to be done manually no matter how far advanced you are! I get sick and tired of people talking mad CRAP about something they have NO CLUE about at all. I am NOT an idiot we humans built our world using stone. But I dare you to go to Africa and ask an archaeologist what they say and there are MINES that are about 150,000 years old. African legend speaks of mankind as being a SLAVE for mining minerals that these "star-beings" needed. We called them the Anunnaki and or Nephilim, Seraphim, Rephaim, and Malachim. YOU don't know what happened so stop making up an opinion that's not based in anything. Scientists use just as much conjecture as someone such as myself and others. They have evidence of higher radiation levels, pottery fused together, presence of Uranium 236, complete skeletons all laying on their stomachs holding hands as if a disaster had befallen them, no evidence of animal scavenging remains, stones that have been vitrified, and guess what.....the story speaks of very bright explosions that were brighter than the sun! So shut up about "no evidence", it makes you seem ignorant. Even nowadays there are plenty of people that take it with a grain of salt. But to say absolutely and with certainty that no one ever came here is just F@#$%*& stupid, I am sorry but that's the way I feel about it. You are a [u]BLANDCorporation[/u] all right you need some flavor.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-20-2012 1:07 AM
I needed to read up a bit on Anunnaki history and the various interpertations of the stories. Given all of the scientiv facts you mentuion and the varied stories I have read about creationb it seens to me that any story using varios facts are as right as any oither, I am open to all explanations of human development as who would really know the truth of the matter after so many years of human history. I am willing to understand the 'btoad strokes' of civilized development based on truths passed on through hum,an traditions...but thyat doesn't mean I hgave to believe them. In our movie we are seeing an version of human history based on one man's vision of the the truth, his truth perhaps, but the RS truth is what we paid our money to learn. As in life sometimes you observe what is being said and at other times how it is being said. I think that happens many times in reading the viewpoint of the various posters. Thye end result is nothing changes. Our lives go on and we wait for the next installment of the story.. If posters would refrain from using CAPs( that makes it seem like shouting) it would let their message be more easily understandable.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-20-2012 7:03 AM
irt. [b]Annunaki50[/b]: if you think that a species capable of bridging the gap between stars has need for manual labor, it's you who are inside a box. The energy scales required, the resources needed, are gigantic. Assuming they came here and needed resources, there wouldn't be mines 150000 years old. There'd be no Earth for those mines to be in. But no, they had to have slaves. Here's why, and it's very simple. Because we invented them (the Gods). "We", the rich powerful sumerians of old, had slaves. We needed to make it seem that this is the way of the universe by divine mandate. So the gods need slaves too. There's your box. All evidence you mention then has other, simpler explanations. No need to postulate star-faring aliens that, for all their power, behave like medieval lords. They behave like medieval lords because they only exist in (y)our limited imagination.
The whole point of this is lost if you keep it a secret.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-20-2012 7:33 AM
Religions have all been invented by humans for various reasons usually for power or control of the masses. I am kinda surprised that for all the star maps found that an Engineer's Religion was not established in an Earth's culture.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-20-2012 7:50 AM
irt. [b]Annunaki50[/b]: You know what, no, I'm involved in a shouting match already, so let me try and de-escalate from one here. Ok, you believe that humanity's history was shaped by extraterrestrial interference. That is [i]fine[/i]. As hair guy says, it's possible. Many other things are possible. It's possible that the Earth was made 7000 years ago by the Judeo-Christian God, and fossils and such were just put in to test our faith. It's possible we're all in a computer simulation that started five minutes ago and we only think we remember yesterday. Strange as it is, science's claim is not to tell, with [i]absolute[/i] certainty, what happened, because we cannot know with absolute certainty, not when things are so remote, the evidence so slim and corroded by time. What we do know, what seems to work, is not going for the far-fetched explanation before the data mandates it. There is no evidence yet found inconsistent with the idea that humanity lived and died alone on this rock called Earth. To ask, what evidence would make me reconsider that, is a legitimate question. I cannot speak for everyone, because different people will have different thresholds. Mine would be some kind of technological artefact, a length of carbon nanotube cord, say, that very clearly can be dated as ancient, and fairly clearly was intended for the purpose of going to space. Because going to space is hard. If we postulate that it happened in the ancient world (not necessarily because of human agents) then we need to find some recognizable remnants of the logistics to get there. If that exists, the barrier to plausibility is diminished. And one more thing, because honesty must be the game when searching for the truth. It is entirely possible that, for example, the dinosaurs eventually produced an intelligent civilization. If that happened, it would be nigh certain there'd be no technological evidence of it left that could be recognized as such. Absence of evidence does not mean it didn't happen. It does mean however that there's no reason to believe it. We can't know what happened. We can only guess at the simplest past that is consistent with present evidence. Smart money says that's the better bet.
The whole point of this is lost if you keep it a secret.


MemberDeaconDec-20-2012 9:44 AM
There is a possibility and yes many ancient cultures would tie in more to such a theory rather than point to the One God Abrahamic Theory. But there is not one concrete and divine Truth. 1. The Ancient Cultures depict strange beings and monsters/demonic entities, many which are so bizarre that are just maybe as mythical as many in Ancient Greek, such as Cyclops, Hydra, Chimera and Minotaurs for example. 2. The Abrahamic Religions are accepted and followed by many more people as the actual account of creation etc. Yet some of their stories are far more bizarre and flawed than even the Ancient Myth. And they also describe strange creatures especially the Bible but these are consider by many as merely ways to describe a Country/State or Order than a actual beast. 3. Then we have Science and that has a excuse that it can change its story all the time, it may consider one set of things as near fact and then latter if proven wrong or more is discovered well, its not that they was wrong just that Science evolves and replaces one theory/fact with a newer one. Even Evolution and the Big Bang theories have flaws. On Paper the Ancient Astronaut combines the Science and Religion, it makes some sense to some questions posed over Evolution and the Big Bang, it makes some sense of many Religions. But ultimately Aliens coming here to create and modify us is also a subject that like the others you can not 100% Prove or Disprove.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphDec-20-2012 7:19 PM
BLANDCorporatio› do you wanna debate ? [i]"All evidence you mention then has other, simpler explanations. No need to postulate star-faring aliens that, for all their power, behave like medieval lords. They behave like medieval lords because they only exist in (y)our limited imagination."-BLANDCorporatio [/i] Its all gotta be simpler explanation you wanna know how many times I have thought about that question, whether we did these or not. I can tell you arent very open about anything or even lost possibilities. *moderated by Svanya

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


AdminPraetorianDec-20-2012 7:33 PM
Boys. Keep it civil please. I will not ask again... When debating we ask that members refrain from personal attacks. [url=] forum rules[/url]


MemberOvomorphDec-20-2012 7:41 PM
Sorry about that. I got a little to passionate about my theories and I just dont like some punk kid talking to me like I dont know what I am talking about.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphDec-20-2012 7:43 PM
I will be forced to LOCK this thread if you guys can't be civil. This is a community and threats will not be tolerated.
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